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Everything posted by Dentlord

  1. Thanks guys, I'm gonna give this another try tonight and see if I can catch the Romulan for WR
  2. I will be very very shocked if this record falls anytime soon, great work brother!
  3. Rom you are the freaking man! ... I got close to you last session but not quite enough. Boy am I glad we are on the same team lol
  4. Siick speed 6112! Methinks this chip has WR around the corner? I got some quality time in with mine on the Classy, and I have some good stuff to post now too
  5. Thanks! Yes the chip is extremely picky about voltages and the IMC is at the brink, which tends to corrupt os. My RAM died right after this run, waiting on replacement set so I can finish maxing this thing out
  6. Nah, just my crappy F batch. 2v for 6.4 valid lolfail! I guess I keep buying until I get a good one eh
  7. Thanks guys, Fermi has been great to me in 03 so far
  8. NOW we're talking, great run brotha, keep pushing it!!
  9. Thanks Supes, that was a blast Fermi needs cold-slow fix to go much faster, -65c is very limiting. I might squeeze 1175 out of her though next time.
  10. Thanks Rev, squeezing the last bit out of this card lol
  11. But I 1337 cpu 4.7 should beat you!!!!! WAAAAHHHHH Great work Splave, keep pushing it !!
  12. Thanks everyone! @ Kriz funny you should say that, the cpu is the only thing holding me back right now lol (A batch retail)
  13. In XP I get high cpu score always, there is only a small difference between HT on or off. Its very close to the same every time I run it, unless there is a bug in XP with 480 or something, its not a one-time high cpu score. You are welcome to try and duplicate the cpu test @ same speeds and see what happens ... 31x185, 2:10 ram, 21x uncore, 6c6t
  14. 480's will own the top of the bot soon, I was lucky to jump on the bandwagon early
  15. I left memory at 1200 to test core max.
  16. No mods yet, I thought the point of the extra $100 for a lightning was the great power delivery and clockability unmodded?
  17. Good results there Massman, I hope my retail 980 will do as well What batch do you have if you don't mind me asking?
  18. Small squares all over and freeze, return to desktop with the "display driver stopped working and has recovered" message. I tried warmer, colder, more and less voltage. The card loses video signal around -155c and really runs like crap much colder than -120
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