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Everything posted by Barton

  1. What's the rule on entries run with previous benchmark versions? Say an entry run with an old version of Super Pi that dropped the fractional seconds? Is that allowed? Do those entries remain in the lists for points?
  2. Would you add a new class for the "AMD Mobile K8 Athlon XP-M 3100+ Dublin". It's not shown at CPUWorld, but it is listed at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AMD_Athlon_XP_microprocessors#Athlon_XP-M_.22Dublin.22_.28K8-based.2C_Socket_754.29 I've got one I'd like to bench and post up here.
  3. Screen shot contains errors can is not displayed at this time.
  4. Hey, thanks for the reply, RB. I understand what you said as a concept. On my specific WPrime 1024M linked above, did I mistakenly submit that as a 4-core? It was a single core chip in a single core class so I didn't even notice the number of cores in the submission. Must have just assumed it would automatically fall into the single core classification. Let me know if you would. If I made a mistake in that submission I need to correct that in the future. Thanks.
  5. Edit: Several hours later I notice the WPrime 1024 submission points are up, but the question remains: Why are points sometimes awarded immediately and other times delayed - occasionally delayed for quite a long period - several hours in some cases? This is not a complaint. Merely a curious question. :>)
  6. Curious, what's the reason for the delay on some scores being posted? Sometimes a submission gets new points right away, other times they don't. Here's one that has no points shown at the moment. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1025972_barton_wprime_1024m_pentium_4_mobile_2.4ghz_1h_36min_10sec_906ms When my companion WPrime 32M bench was submitted it got points immediately. Points are up now, see following comment in next post.
  7. If its a "Dual Athlon MP 1900+, shouldn't it be ranked in the 2X processor class?
  8. Would you please create a new class for the Mobile Athlon 64 2800+ Odessa processor (S754)? Here's a link to the CPUWorld.com page for that processor. AMD2800BQX4AX (S754) http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/K8/AMD-Mobile%20Athlon%2064%202800+%20-%20AMD2800BQX4AX.html Thanks. Here's a representative screenie:
  9. There appears to be no verification for this entry.
  10. There appears to be no verification for this entry.
  11. The image shows a 47.17 seconds for Pi Fast, but the entry says 33.59 seconds. The two don't match up. There must be some mistake?
  12. Would you please add a new class for the AMD Mobile Athlon 64 3700+ (Clawhammer) Socket 754 processor? OPN is AMA3700BEX5AR Specs are exactly as shown this CPUWorld.com web page: http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/K8/AMD-Mobile%20Athlon%2064%203700+%20-%20AMA3700BEX5AR.html I have one of those and would like to bench it to add to the HWBot database. Thanks. 05-02-2010 (May 2, 2010)
  13. Will do. The verification link on the "More" tab of this page will take you to th image you must have originally submitted. It looks to be all in order.
  14. Is it permitted to run 2D benchmarks using a software ram drive?
  15. Is that the correct image? Maybe it is. I don't see the usual Pi Fast results displayed. Note that the correct image is shown in a link on the More tab.
  16. NM, it's showing up now.
  17. This time does not appear to have been run with the required version 1.55 of WPrime.
  18. Not run with Wprime version 1.55? Looks like 1.53.
  19. The correct full time on this Pi Fast run appears to be 49.73, Not 46.73.
  20. The correct full time on this run appears to be 46.91. Not, 46.nothing.
  21. Please check out this Super Pi 32M time and rank for the Sempron 64 3000+ Palermo core (Socket 754) The time shown in the image does not appear to match the time in the ranks. http://hwbot.org/signature.img?iid=78192&thumb=false&iehack=.jpg http://hwbot.org/community/submission/690232_powertotheusers_superpi_32m_sempron_64_3000_s754_palermo_28min_35sec_280ms
  22. How about bringing back that feature on the member's points page that showed "recent changes to your points" or words to that effect? When our scores change, many of us what like to see in which processor and on what benchmarks the point changes occurred. ..
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