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About Stone_age

  • Birthday 09/24/1958


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  • Interests
    Racing cars and benching computers


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Stone_age's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. A 2 hour ride for me, so unless something out of my control happens, I'll be there. I plan on loading up a couple totes full of parts just in case.
  2. Time to throw down a challenge to the motherboard manufacturers themselves. The biggest names in the business also have the slowest servers on the web. It's time to replace those old socket 8, Slot 2, socket 370, socket A servers your running and prove to the world what your products are really capable of!
  3. Dang Bifocal glasses Thank you!
  4. Ticket ID: 712 Priority: High Please add the Mobile Pentium 4 3.2GHz model 538\r\n\r\nhttp://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Pentium_4/Intel-Mobile%20Pentium%204%20538%203.2%20GHz%20-%20RK80546HE0881M.html\r\n\r\nhttp://www.chiplist.com/ChipList2/chiplist_display_subsection.php?id=2189&page_number=&chiplist_version_major=&chiplist_version_minor=&chiplist_version_revision=&chiplist_version_extension=&chiplist_version_release_date=&chapter_number=13&section_number=3&subsection_number=4&paragraph_number=0&view_mode=tree2a&expansion=1\r\n\r\nhttp://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=849208
  5. I have no idea. It works fine on my AN7. There are several programs that will change the clockspeed through windows on a Nforce, including CBID, Speedfan and Nvidia's Ntune. As far as that bios, I went through my whole archive and I do not have D10 beta
  6. The standard version of clockgen should work, thats what I use. It should recognize your board without loading the PLL. There is also a older version just for Nforce2 called CGNF2. Somewhere in my collection I should have that bios, as I have most of tictac's, Merlin's, Trats, etc,etc. If i find it I'll upload it and post a link.
  7. This is probably not the correct place to suggest this...... Would it be possible to make up a team signature? I mean with just the teams points and standings in both country and overall? This would be a great addition to a teams homepage or forum IMO.
  8. A Phenom II is not a Athlon XP-M 1600+ http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=848115 Nor is a Celeron E1400 a Amd Athlon XP-M 1400+ http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=848116 Is this the new way of getting points?
  9. There are Athlon XP-M scores in the Athlon XP 2500+ Barton section. I don't like to make noise, but there are rules here for a reason. http://www.hwbot.org/quickSearch.do?hardwareId=CPU_231
  10. Okay, Now I understand. They need a better explanation in the FAQ on how this all works. I may never get a global, I may never get much farther than I am right now, but I sure had a blast beating on my old junk.
  11. The global score system is what I don't understand....... Not that I will ever score a global Lol. I know I have to be wrong in the way I understand it. There are only 18 benchmarks total. In order to get a global award you have to run any particular benchmark the fastest ever in the world... Am I correct? the next person that goes faster, takes your global away? So how the heck does anyone score more than 300 total points, because if you don't own a global it just becomes another hardware point. Note that I'm not complaining. I just don't understand and have not found a FAQ, or anything else that explains it in depth. If there is such a thing, could someone link it.
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