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Everything posted by MAXKING

  1. Hey Leeghoofd I've tried up to 1.8v for 3800 c12 .. but no stability. I think i'll push it a little further and see what happens. what's the avg max voltage for those b-die mem ?
  2. Hey GtiJason Thank you for help, Yes i've tried up to 1.8 volts at 3800 but no stability. I'm using Win10. I'm not using the latest bios of the MB tho ...Ill update to the latest and i'll try the settings you showed and i'll get back to ya. Thanks bro !
  3. Any news about the issue of the timer? When should it be fixed? Can't upload anything
  4. Ive been trying to get my TridentZ 3200C14Q-32GTZ @ 3800 and cant get it stable 12-12-12-28-1T. I do get it to boot at 1.65volts but cant get stable for XTU @ 3800 twr17-trfc220-RRD (7-5)- twtr (6-6) - trtp 8- tfaw 19 and tcwl 9 ...those are my settings right now with tRefi of 13600 and tcke 5. Still a noob at tweaking timings. Any help would be awesome btw ... Im using the Z170 OCF MB
  5. I'm still trying to figure it out lol ! noob here ... I've got stable blck at 102.9 but cant get my Trident Z DDR4 SDRAM up to 1,990MHz at CL12-12-12-28 1T. I have the TridentZ 3200C14Q-32GTZ Any help would be awesome !
  6. Amazing Job bro ! Ive been trying to OC my Trident Z DDR4 SDRAM to 1,990MHz with CL12-12-12-28 1T but can even get it stable at 1800 ... how did u got your mem stable ? volts ? ... noob question
  7. Muchas gracias, realmente es algo que aun no logro optimizar las RAM correctamente. También ando luchando por obtener los 742 marks en XTU con el procesador i3 6320. Un fuerte abrazo.
  8. Yeah I tried also to upload some scores, but it said submissions closed. Yeah I bet they are all crazy in computex lol
  9. Amazing Results OC Windforce, where u using a stock bios? in LN2 mode ?
  10. Hello Leeghoofd I made a terrible mistake, I make lots of submissions per day and I've just been clicking "prepopulate fields by previous submission", and forgot about changing the cooling method. And is not AIO its DICE cooling that I'm using. I will review my submissions and modify them. Only been cooling with DICE in 6600K, 4790K and 6700K. I apologize to you and my fellow competitors, won't happen again. Best Regards, Max -------- UPDATE Ive review all of them, and already changed the cooling method to DICE in all of the submissions, that were wrongly submitted.
  11. Same Here bro ! cant upload anything !
  12. Excelente trabajo ! y buenísimas memorias. Felicitaciones
  13. Hey amazing specs on the GTX 970, where you using a stock bios or modded?
  14. Thanks, just saw what I have to do ! Thumbs up
  15. Hey JOHNI5, why is it a wrong screen? I have the SUPERPI 32M screen, plus cpu-z and gpu-z ... am I missing something?
  16. Hello, Websmile. Thank you for the earlier help. Can you force recalculation again please? I know Im a pain in the A$$ lol !
  17. Hello buddy, yes my mistake. Later ill enter the competition with the correct processor. Thanks
  18. Hey thank you for the help, It actually helped. From 329 point, it Jumped to 384. So there was something going on ... lol
  19. Thank you for your time. It kinda weird how it works lol . Thank you
  20. I don't know, because my submissions are stuck in 88. And I've done plenty more. About scores, I've been scoring higher each time and no points. It's weird. I see the points in the submissions but no update in league points. Something is wrong in the past 3 days, I've done over 20 submissions, but the when I click the Recalculation Button at My Account, its stuck at 88. and before it was working just fine. I've just checked and also my Total Points are stuck in 399, and today it has lower to 398.5. Update: I've just checked the 5G Skylake competition and I've accomplished 3 points but in class Leaders in Rookie, there's a user with 1 point at TOP. And I should be in TOP, because I have 3. I think there's should be a major update or recalculation with my user. Btw, I've been doing submissions with 6 PCs with different configs, maybe thats the problem ?
  21. I have the same issue. I've made many submissions, but no points. And hey should have points, because, they are new best scores, and stuff like that. I can see the scores but they dont add at my League Point ... dont know why. Maybe Im doing something wrong. But Ive been having this issues from the last 2 days of submissions, maybe its because of the world tour that the engine has some lag UPDATE: When I click Recalculate Points and Achievements, its stuck in 88 submissions. And I've already posted like 10 more submissions. Something is wrong there.
  22. Yes, Because I got another blocked submission: Hello, An HWBOT moderator, "leeghoofd", has blocked one of your submitted scores. It has marked one of your submissions as 'insufficient verification'. This was the reason the user gave: Always include CPU-Z CPU and memory tab with 2D scores You can view your result here: http://hwbot.org/submission/3176172_maxking_hwbot_prime_core_i7_5960x_8392.87_pps They say I need to always include the CPU Z and Memory Tab, and if you enter the link you can see that in the 2nd picture everything is there. I dont know why they blocked it. Any help would be great
  23. Hello HWBOT I would like to know, why I got this message: Hello, An HWBOT moderator, "Christian Ney", has blocked one of your submitted scores. It has marked one of your submissions as 'insufficient verification'. This was the reason the user gave: invalid screenshot You can view your result here: http://hwbot.org/submission/3175032_maxking_aquamark_3x_geforce_gtx_980_399432_marks If you have questions, drop a message at the forums. Yours sincerely, the hwbot.org team I think the screenshot its properly been submited. Please let me know whats wrong with it. Im new at this. Thanks MAx.
  24. Just Amazing, I've been trying to reach your scores in graphics but it's just impossible hahahaha, my Titans just can't reach ! good job buddy !
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