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Everything posted by rbuass

  1. Old Epower has a huge drop. I never tested on GTX 560, but to Titan is huge. I can set 1.9V and go to 1.6 in full load. Zombie PWM from GTX 480 is much more stable.... you can set 1.6 and run 1.55~1.56.
  2. @ Mutt - There are no good RAMs at this card... just can scale a lit bit more @ Tolsty - VGPU 1.62 OVP the card at GTX480 Zombie PWM... drop is 1.62 to 1.58~1.59 It's a hard competition to Class B... hardest than A semi finals americas.
  3. I believe the score is correct. Also I don't see Schenckel accusing, but just asking about "why score is too high"... he is not a complaining, but just asking. @Schenckel try other drivers in >999 Mhz to check, because I believe Zoolio is right... Maybe your card shows 1200 on GPUZ, but running at 1000 Mhz.
  4. Maybe... If score is ok, we will see lots of Sandybagging with better scores, since I believe 1150 mhz is not enough. About the RAMS, I don't believe 50 Mhz more can provide 3000 GPU points, but I have no card to check or no scores to compare...further Calathea GPU is 70 Mhz lower. About 2nd and 3rd gen, intersting that 3rd can boost this way the CPU. Respect both opinions and scores, but still look forward other MOA scores to be sure. Good lucky to all.
  5. Hi Overclockers! I would like to share an event, made for gamers. We had 4 overclocking presentations, classes, explainations and debates. The event was a complete sucess... so... every single big event for Level Up, we will have the same. This event (Anime Friends), attended more than 150.000 people, in 8 days. (july 11 to 14, and 18 to 21). Thanks to: Corsair, Gigabyte, Level Up, EK SF3D... and all visitors. You can see nice pics here (I considered nice): https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.498350450240229.1073741856.290467317695211&type=1 http://goo.gl/kYyIv http://www.facebook.com/ronaldo.buassali.1/media_set?set=a.10201064072818953.1073741827.1082147841&type=1 http://goo.gl/V4QKf
  6. Have fun guys, and keep us updated. Photos and videos welcome.
  7. Lol... Yes buddy... Complaining this way about the competition, maybe will assure MOA 2013 will be the last So... is better to have the competition... even the rules is not "perfect"... than MSI give up for the next year.
  8. Hi Gigabyte Team! Why you consider as the best for Haswell Records... OC Force or simply OC?
  9. I don't know if you just compete MOA before, but is so far, the best overclocking event ever. Also I worked hard to win 1st stage... and I am sure Xtreme Addict, Cyclone and SniperOZ did the same. I went 2009 (Beijing), 2010 (Taipei), 2011 (Vegas), 2012 (Taipei), and now, I am going to 2013... and was happy MSI kept the event.... I hope will be 2014...2015 ... ever and ever I really don't know why some overclockers complained... and what this kind of comments will bring to the overclockers. Also don't want what sense of this... in a house of overclockers... maybe some overclockers don't want MSI keep this event. Then.... no more GOOC, no more MOA ...
  10. For long time and often tried to give suggestions HWBOT, but it were never accepted. It seems like I'm always wrong. I struggled to reach the top 3 in the Pro League, and it just disappeared ... and this time, also my opinion did not matter. So, I was forced to join Pro Cup... and now I can not compete because there are no single card stage in Pro Cup...(this is not your problem... just my problem... so... that's ok) I would prefer, of course, the time that could see great disputes (which I consider important, but it seems not important to HWBOT),... nice World Records, and scores I consider fantastic... from overclockers that inspired me to do my best. Perhaps this is why the number of fantastic submissions dropped down a lot (please understand that I consider important and are my focus, but are not too important for the league). I mean scores from guys like Nickshih, Andre, SF3D, Rsaninno, Smoke, Slamms, Mad222, Gyrock, Hicookie, Hazzan, ..., ..., ... and there are just few now....if compared to before. Looks for only Kingpin and few others remains... I was for a long time without post any more results ... not because I do not overclock, but because it seems to me, that is not important... The last effort I made, was to win the MOA qualifier ... because it matters to me, to be part of a great competition... so after, I prefer to bench by myself and don't mind about ranking. Looks for the interest of many overclockers that I consider important for league, dropped down...maybe I am wrong (I hope so) Thus, no matter my suggestion ... is better to let Hwbot take their way. Also will not keep discuss with you or other member... All I want to said... is just written in my posts. Best wishes
  11. What did you consider as "complaining"? If I said I disagree something... in your opinion... it mean to be complaining?
  12. I posted few posts ago "I just bring my opinion because is a democractic place.... so... if Hwbot agree I will believe its a very good step... if hwbot don't agree... also its ok for me."
  13. I am not talking about overclocking under LN2. I am talking about people that get easy points... with hardware that nobody has. Lots of obscure CPUs and even videocards ..... and NOT under LN2. Also I am not talking about Pro League where I am part... but XOC and also enthusiast. There are LOTS of obscure CPUs like Core i7 4700MQ, i3 3217U, A10 4600M..., LOTS, ..., giving easy points and cups. About global obscure hardware...Sergio posted this some time ago. http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=43389 And almost nobody agreed... regardless I did not consider an owner fault (for sure)... I consider a fail in the rules... So... this is my opinion, and I can not change because I really believe is the right way... If Hwbot will follow or no... is into Hwbot right, but is not my way of view.
  14. I don't matter if all my points and cups I got without no effort is removed... I know some people think like me... and some think different. Regardless the Hwbot decision... is impossible to me agree that people get points and cups easy... and still more when some overclockers got 120 Wprime points and 2 golden cups, running alone in stock frequencies... with no more competitors. I just bring my opinion because is a democractic place.... so... if Hwbot agree I will believe its a very good step... if hwbot don't agree... also its ok for me. Further this not affect to me.
  15. What hwbot did with people in Pro League? Also you have lots of cups and points, but not the most of that from obscure hardware that nobody benched. Maybe if the rules works this way... you will keep as the first... But many others, never worked hard like you, and got lots of cups and points easy... Also, you are talking ever about "top" ranking... What about the guys that don"t have lots of hardware... and squeezed to the max their hardware to climb... be surpassed by guys with the most of obscure hardware... even benching without overclock with no one mhz more.
  16. I did not said exotic stuff must be awarded... I mean that imo, only if there are enough number of competitors, shoud be awarded. I see no reason to give points and cups to people competing alone... or almost alone. I kept this point of view in all my posts. This includes multi cores servers competing almost alone... and getting 60 points To me, is non sense to award people only to click and compete alone... and lots even without to overlock the system. I dont know where did you see I said to award exotic hardware... p.s. very funny meme... ha ha ha ha ha ...
  17. You can not make a ranking for what does not exist...so, if it has no competitors enough, should not be awarded. It seems that some people wants to make me think that is worthy to compete alone and win.
  18. It is not about hardware masters, xoc league or enthusiast. It is thought that points, cups and medals, should not be distributed without reason ... and points, cups and medals should be conquered by merit.... and not because the overclocker bought something that no one more have. So, to me... is a huge flaw to work this way.
  19. As in any sport, there are people who take it seriously and people who practice only for hobby or fun. Be in tennis, motorcycling, chess, ..., or even overclocking. Regardless of which mode, the rankings are usually for those who take the sport seriously ... For example, there are many tennis players who play for fun, health, or even social ... but the ranking in tennis, looking up seriously. There is not something I would like to impose, but only the way I see the things. Just like I know that for many overclockers, the ranking no matter ... in my case ... I wish it was different ... If I did not think this way, I might never have posted any score here.
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