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Everything posted by rbuass

  1. Your concept is popular different from mine. I believe that SR2 has been the only server motherboard with support for overclocking, and my country was as rare as a white elephant. Must be why we see no results in the World League with SR3. Compare the popularity of desktop hardware with server hardware, nor should it be the reason of the topic, as I did not post here to make controversy, but to think that the hwbot conduct a more disputed Pro Cup. If I say that with single card, or with hardware more popular, as well as ask to more competitive rules have to be more competitive, I do because I believe will be good to, the league. I did not ask to be in the Pro Cup, but was forced to do, and don't want to back to this theme, so therefore, I believe that if HWBOT acts this way, putting us to fight together full sponsorship teams, would make the competition harder for them (for example, not allowing ES chips, or Full Out) and easier for those who have fewer opportunities and support. It is clear that my opinions are not welcome, and I'm also not here to annoy. Since I will not buy 4 cards, ... I will not have a 4770K ES because I have "no contacts" ... I like maximum scores as I have benched since long time with High End hardware (so will not compete in IGP and mainstream), I will no more borrow you in the forum, it remains for me to leave the Pro Cup Q3, and wish you all competitors, fun and good luck. I hope I am wrong and you right. Best wishes...
  2. There are a BIG difference. Videocards like Titan or 7970.... CPUs like Sandy E or Ivy... are the usual overclocking tools... and can be used or can be selled if is needed. To gaming... to overclocking... Server CPUs is to professional use... and there are few chances to use or even to sell if is needed.
  3. Sure is more competitive... I have not even mentioned Gunslingernor anyone. There are many more overclockers that can compete single VGA than 4 Way... or you think is not? If only few guys hardmodded or zombiefied one Titan, is because the card is too expensive and there are risk to do it... and also need good soldering skill... So.. this become from the highest price from the Titan... change to 7970/680/780 and you will see people in.... but to remove single card is not the better way. @ Massman "He managed to beat KP for a while with the cards just on air." Massman... Nobody can "try" to be close KP with videocards in the air.... maybe in 3DMark06, where CPU is mandatory, but not FSE.... you know
  4. #2 is the team that could afford 4 Titans (just 2 teams could compete and afford with 4 Titans in 4way) and also could afford a monster obscure server CPU. I see no reason to be removed single VGA stage in this second round... and to me (please, is my opinion)... this is the more competitive and quality of overclocking in the CUP.
  5. Yes... there are. People that don't like me (like you)... also people that think like you. You could not see me disrespect you...and disrespect nobody... There are always the same guys... that wants to ironize... but the truth is that this guys (that includes you), have no good things about overclocking to show. Maybe brazilian guys should do the same, but they will not do it, because they have no this stupid behavior.. if we had same idiot ideas, was just call all members to bug here.... so... it proves that we don't need to be this ridiculous way.
  6. You hide behind a computer. Speech and ironic things about being apart, but would not be man enough to do such stupid comments in front of us. It is a cowardly attitude of one who has nothing good to talk. You disrespect my people again. You did again... even after your comment was removed. I hope Hwbot take action and you will be punished for disrespect others. Location: Brazil ftw lol @Moose83 - I never could offend and ironize your country like you are doing... The German people had no fault of people like you....
  7. We could manage a nice overclocking event in a Federal University in Brazil. Was the celebration of the centenary of the university, and very important companies participated with lectures and presentations (Intel, Corsair, Google, Oracle, Microsoft, Freescale, and many more). They gave us a special Highlights to overclocking, as one of the main presentations. The event was followed by lots of thousands of students, even published in the University and also Corsair Brasil fan page, that's huge. I would like to share some pics: We had this schedule: 06/04 and 06/05/2013 - 1:30 hours about overclocking Lecture + 1:30 hours preparation + overclocking presentation. We ran: Spi 1M 1st day Spi 32M and 3DMark06 (only to show also 3D) 2nd day (3Dmark 06 with a HD5850 in the air and no efficiency to Spi32... no Waza, Maxmem, or any tweak we only ran to show how the benchmark works) The better is that after event, that was loved by the most of the people, the Federal University of Itajubá agreed to join 5 more Universities to make a great overclocking event at november, where they intend to do an overclocking week, where we will teach about overclocking, do a overclocking competition (enthusiast) and also extreme overclocking presentations. There are just companies like Corsair, Intel, Vendors, Dists intersted to be there... and the event promise to be great. I hope you like. Tksssss
  8. Man... regardless to be or not to be allowed, I always will bench what I want. If I don't like or don't agreed Xeons Multi CPUs... simply, did not benched them.... and you can be sure the most of overclockers did not agreed the same. The Titans... How long did you not see any result of me with a Titan? The only complaining about Titan is about it highest price... The thing you told I am complaining, is because I don't understand why there are no single GPU stage (that is present in ALL competitions)...but Full Out Titans. The ES chip issue was not bring by me... and I do not open a thread complaining but as a pool... I told in the thread that I must be wrong... and would like to see how the most of overclockers are thinking. The way you expose, is shows a non real point of view that it's not whining, but talk about a fact that important overclockers are talking about... even before my post. I am leaving this topic.... this is no more my question... I bring what I thing is more fair and more competitive to all.... I don't mind... you can keep this way you think is better... and let the things keep the same (... the reason hwbot removed the Pro Overclockers ranking). Best wishes for all. @Mikecdm FYI, I don't ask to go to Pro League after they removed the ranking... I was forced to do it... I believe was been better to me, to keep in XOC League.
  9. Because anyone can get Bioses, Afterburner Extreme and so on... and it's shared also in Hwbot.... also because it is free for all... nobody need to pay for a Bios, afterburner, precision and so on.
  10. Mate... I am not complaining... this issue was not bring by me (just read posts before mine). Also I've been working lots of times without ES parts... I am just talking that ES hardware is not available for all... also... is not allowed in competitions (for sure... AOOC, MOA, GOOC and so on have their reasons)... so.. I believe it shoud be not allowed. About this: "Then when you continue to post impressive results"... never used ES parts in that results. To be more clear and logic, if its not allowed to the main competitions, must be not in Pro Cup (in my point of view) I did not miss education or be rude with nobody.
  11. To compare EPower... that needs effort and risk to kill a videocard to a CPU that is only to put into the socket is totally non sense... Also to compare software with hardware. If is different, why its not allowed in MOA, AOOC, GOOC???.... is not about to be better or no... is about to not be available to all. If in the competitions: Not allowed: hardware sharing, engineering samples, Lucid Virtu MVP and hardware that is not commercially available at the beginning of the competition. Shoud be now allowed ... that's my opinion, and I did not disrespect nobody, only bring a question I believe is important and must be changed.
  12. No... only who don't get trays with 100 CPUs should be... cause they are not important enough to deserve it
  13. Different mate. You can see trays with 100 CPUs in some golden hands... instead to give the same conditions to all. Also.... if is the same, why its not allowed to MOA and the most important competitions. The reason is not "because is better", but "because the business is ilegal and also because is for few and it will not give the same chances for all".
  14. You can be sure... YES Perfect man... is that a correct way... you gave your opinion and I respect. The reason I want to the pool is not to force to ban ES, but look for what the most of overclockers are thinking. Maybe I am wrong... and need to accept ES must be allowed... But maybe... the most of overclockers can think like me. I bring back this discussion mate, because it was discuss also in Pro Cup topic... is not only a question that I bring, but there are other important overclockers that think the same. Hwbot just changed lots of times, looking for the best for the overclockers. The reason you gave: "How long have ES been allowed in Pro League / Pro Cup? Forever? (Since it existed, anyway)" Is not enough... not because Hwbot do it this way... that means need to keep always this way... Hwbot ALWAYS has Pro Overclockers ranking... and now... we are no more ranked (is only one example).
  15. Hi overclockers. I am bringing back this issue, because I believe is good time. Since Haswell ES cloks better than retail, only overclockers that can get free ES samples, will have the advantage. This is completely unfair in my point of view. This question was analysed before, and some guys told ES and Retail is the same. But IMHO, this give a huge advantage to people that have samples support with ES parts. Also the question is feed the ilegal business (ebay for example)... because ES samples can not be sold legally. To me, ALL overclockers need to use always ALL retail parts (that is available to all). So, I ask kindly to open a pool and vote for this (I am sure that the most of guys that agree to allow ES, must receive and use ES samples). So... let's do it fairly to all.... and also do not encourage ilegal business. I hope you understand me.
  16. 100000000% agreed SF3D. I still not understand why Hwbot can accept something that is not available to all... just is UNFAIR... We need to give same conditions to everybody... If ES is not allowed in MOA, GOOC, general competitions, need to be banned. This is a old discussion... so... let the privilege guys that get free ES samples compete and take advantage... And... let stupid ideas that ES is the same than Retail ... those kind of things let me wish to leave the league. http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?p=247632#post247632
  17. Dude ... if u do not like and do not want the benchmark, have to understand that the vast majority would prefer to have the benchmark included in the list. Good score
  18. According pool, overclockers agreed that Fire Strike (Performance, or even Extreme) must be earn points. Cinebench is just running... why Fire Strike, that is an oficial competition benchmark, still not. I remember massive difference to overclockers that wants and agree the bench, to overclockers that don't want.
  19. Now is cheaper mate.... and CPUz is not too important to me, cuz I like to run 3D (3DM11, 3DM06, Unigine and so on) People looking for Haswell.... and all 3770K scores must be beaten. If used to MOA, must have better score. I am selling CPU by USD 600 + shipping, still under Intel warranty - (is the normal price in Brazil)... if you need.
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