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Everything posted by rbuass

  1. 1340 na água é gold... se faz isso no Vantage,,,, certeza que aperta e vai mais no 11 porque é bem mais leve. Tá fazendo um excelente trabalho na entusiasta.
  2. Looks like I am not alone... lol That's real... impossible here... so, I decided to open CCC + AB... that's hard tan open only GPUz. Thks all
  3. ULPS just disable, for sure. If you not disable ULPS can not run 1250 Mhz... lol
  4. GPUZ bugged... freeze every time, so I opened CCC + AB. validated link just attached.
  5. Thanks Cyclone. Happy to heard it from a great overclocker like you. I did not show MB tab, but its a M5E.
  6. At strong overclocking... each process can take some lit effort from the computer. You can open CCC and Afterburner that's not freezing.... but you can not GPUz with 3 cards that's freezing immediatly. Is the same you run Spi with CPUz opened before. If you need really the max... and maybe you can lose a place because you got less than 1 point... is better to work this way. In case of UH, Hwbot have all information is needed in the file... in Futuremark benchmarks, you can see at 3Dr file. If you run to WR with GPUZ opened, you can be sure, it will be heavy enough to kill a lit bit of points. P.S. each run... even you run same frequencies... will give you a different score... Each temperature and run... will have differeent efficiency, because is impossible to keep temperature, voltage and efficiency exactly the same. So... is better to cut all useless process to get the SO more light is possible
  7. You can lose a lit bit of points running with GPUZ opened before... Maybe 1 point is enough to loose #1 to #2 ... lol Tks mate
  8. I don't want to be forced to compete... I want to be free to choose if I will join... or if I will not join each competition. I don't want to loose my points, my scores and see all my effort to be losed... "because I followed the Rev.4 and worked hard to keep in good ranking". I don't have fully support, and need to afford my own expensive hardware, LN2 and so on (Corsair, only gave me 2 x AX1200i, some SSDs, and the RAM kits and its not the most important to the benchmarks)... so, please, don't compare legends like Kingpin and Andre opinion, because they really will be always considered legends and maybe they don't need to show nothing for nobody. I agree to have competitions... but don't agree to change Pro League. I want to choose what hardware I want to buy... and if I don't want to buy Piledriver because I don't consider CPUZ a benchmark... and I don't like to bench Spi32 M moving the mouse to know if is alive... I don't agree limitations is score, because I always will bench to the max scores is possible. I can made a Team and join Pro competitions... but it don't mean to be forced. And last... I think Hwbot and some overclockers stop to consider the hardware vendors as enemy... that feed some Pro Overclockers and give full support... because they are always working to be more easy ... today you can see MB, RAM, CPU, VGA destined to Overclockers.... Is not cause I have no support that I will complain that Andre can have 200 CPUs and 200 VGAs and keep in the top... The only thing I can do is to work hard with the hardware I have... and I will always do it... in or out HWBOT... Last... I think each new revision... instead we grow up... we are losing people. The point to me is to make more simple to enthusiasts and new overclockers... this is the way... so... each overclocker will decide if they will bench only for fun... go to LN2, or even to find inspiration with the Pros to try to go there. That's my opinion.... Best wishes for all
  9. Tks all friends. Yes is Ghz Edition, and GPUZ often freezes, so used Afterburner (and some times CCC).
  10. Brazilian Overclocking Championship 2013 The 10 finalists was the 10 better overclockers in the online competition, that started one month ago... http://www.hardwarebr.com/forum/showthread.php?6199-Dada-a-largada-Campeonato-Brasileiro-de-2013-T%F3pico-Oficial Attempt in the online stage above, we had about 80 CPUs and 35 videocards allowed, but not obscure hardware and people that got scores near World record from each category was the winners in each category (CPUZ, Spi 1M, Wprime 1024, 3DMark01, 3DMark03, 3DMark06, 3Dmark11, Unigine Heaven DX11, so, every overclocker were able to be part of the competition. Information about X5 Arena http://www.facebook.com/x5comp Location: X5 Computers Arena, located at Rua Monte Serrat 967, Tatuapé, São Paulo, SP, BR. The event will be closed to competitors, organizers and media but will be broadcast Live Stream by professional team of X5 Live Stream. Time: 10:00 to 21:00 Schedule: 10:00 a.m. to 10:29:59 - Presentation 10:30 a.m. to 10:59:59 - Home, preparation and testing of equipment 11:00 - 14:29:59 - First stage (race enthusiast) 14:30 - 15:29:59 Evaluation of results and definition of finalists 15:30 - 15:59:59 - Final Stage - preparation and testing 16:00 - 19:59:59 - Final Stage (extreme competition) 20:00 - 21:00:00 - Proclamation of champions and prize-giving party From 11:00 there will be snacks available for competitors. It will be optional for each one, pausing for food order that is convenient. Competition Rules: Once the competition begins, all contestants will have 30 minutes to prepare and test all components, with no back up components and exchanges, if any, shall be compulsorily required before the end of this term. Adjustments may be made ​​in the settings and before testing to optimize time during the testing period, but may not be valid results. They can also be set overclocking profiles. All equipment will be divided on a fully equal and impartial, and there will be a raffle for each computer with before installed operating system and all programs required for the competition. It will be forbidden to use memories, flashes or any component to "integrate" any extra software. Phase 1 - Enthusiast style (cooled by H100i) The whole stage is conducted with 10 identical machines. They all have exactly the same features, and SSDs will be formatted exactly the same. There will be a draw where each competitor will receive a number that will correspond to the machine being used. It is for each contestant to choose the parameters and tweaks deemed appropriate to achieve the best results. There will always be someone nearby the organization to meet any request that might be needed to competitors. Each competitor may choose the order you want to perform the benchmarks, but the results should be saved to updated immediately after each conquest. We choose this way to improve the dynamics of competition and also for all competitors have an incentive to get even better results. All results must be submitted with the official wallpaper competition and exchanges will not be accepted. We recommend that all competitors do first to capture screen in own SSD and only after saved copy in flash drive (for it will be present on the desktop software Zoomg, clicking on the same icon). Test 1 - Memory Clock To open the flaps of CPUZ (memory and processor frequency). We recommend saving the file "cvf" Original CPUZ (simply enter the tab "about"> "validation" and saving the file or simply by clicking on the screen frequency and pressing the F7). Thus the result can also be validated in the global league All results will be followed by judges and organizers and must be saved to flash memory (flash drive) immediately. Periodically, judges and organizers may request the flashes to update the rankings. Test 2 - Super Pi 1M To open the flaps of CPUZ (memory and processor frequency). Required that the benchmark submit your score altogether, with the checksum (number validation Spi) All results will be followed by judges and organizers and must be saved to flash memory (flash drive) immediately. Periodically, judges and organizers may request the flashes to update the rankings. Test 3 - 3Dmark11 To open the flaps of CPUZ (memory and processor frequency), GPUZ (showing the frequency of the video card). All results will be followed by judges and organizers and must be saved to flash memory (flash drive) immediately. Periodically, judges and organizers may request the flashes to update the rankings. Important: The first stage ends at the designated time without fail, and if any test run, this can not be validated. Ratings by benchmark 3Dmark11 1st place - 20 points 2nd place - 17 points 3rd place - 14 points 4th place - 11 points 5th place - 8 points 6th place - 5 points 7th place - 3 points 8th place - 2 points 9th place - 1 point 10th place - 0 points Spi 1M: 1st place - 18 points 2nd place - 15 points 3rd place - 13 points 4th place - 10 points 5th place - 7 points 6th place - 4 points 7th place - 3 points 8th place - 2 points 9th place - 1 point 10th place - 0 points Memory Clock: 1st place - 16 points 2nd place - 14 points 3rd place - 12 points 4th place - 9 points 5th place - 6 points 6th place - 4 points 7th place - 3 points 8th place - 2 points 9th place - 1 point 10th place - 0 points The four competitors who obtain the highest score (sum of the results of the 3 benchmarks), and will be finalists for the finals. In the event of a tied result, prevail the competitor with the highest score at the benchmark of greater validity, namely, in this order: 3Dmark11> Spi 1M> Memory Clock. Phase 2 - Extreme (final - cooled by LN2) The extreme phase is performed with four identical machines. They all have exactly the same features, and formatted SSDs are identical (including be cloned). There will be a raffle where each competitor will receive a number that will correspond to the machine being used. It is for each contestant to choose the parameters and tweaks deemed appropriate to achieve the best results. There will always be someone nearby the organization to meet any request that might be needed to competitors. Each competitor may choose the order you want to perform the benchmarks, but the results should be saved to updated immediately after each conquest. All results must be submitted with the bottom screen official competition and exchanges will not be accepted. The extreme phase follows the same observations of phase enthusiast. Super Pi 32M To open the flaps of CPUZ (memory and processor frequency). Required that the benchmark submit your score altogether, with the checksum (number validation Spi) All results will be followed by judges and organizers and must be saved to flash memory (flash drive) immediately. Periodically, judges and organizers may request the flashes to update the rankings. 3Dmark 01 To open the flaps of CPUZ (memory and processor frequency), GPUZ (showing the frequency of the video card). In the case of 3DMark01 is required to open the Details tab on the screen and show the results of the sub-tests required. All results will be followed by judges and organizers and must be saved to flash memory (flash drive) immediately. Periodically, judges and organizers may request the flashes to update the rankings. For confirmation of all the tests are used the same rules and regulations used in league posting world (which was obeyed by all for the ratings for the finals). So these are known to all and will not be allowed any results outside the rules. In both phases, the results should be constantly updated by the organization, so they can be accompanied by competitors and the public. Test 3 - 3Dmark11 To open the flaps of CPUZ (memory and processor frequency), GPUZ (showing the frequency of the video card). All results will be followed by judges and organizers and must be saved to flash memory (flash drive) immediately. Periodically, judges and organizers may request the flashes to update the rankings. Important: As the first phase, the deadline for results without fail ends at the designated time, and if any test run, this can not be validated. Note: The organization of the league reserves the right to refuse any outcome that deems suspect for any reason it deems sufficient. Scoring rules of extreme phase: The Brazilian Champion will be the competitor with the most points in the sum of all benchmarks. In the event of a tie, the competitor will prevail with the highest score at the benchmark of greater validity, namely, in this order: 3Dmark11> 3DMark01> 32 Spi Ratings by benchmark 3Dmark11: 1st place - 20 points 2nd place - 17 points 3rd place - 14 points 4th place - 11 points 5th place - 8 points 6th place - 5 points 7th place - 3 points 8th place - 2 points 9th place - 1 point 10th place - 0 points 3DMark01: 1st place - 18 points 2nd place - 16 points 3rd place - 13 points 4th place - 10 points 5th place - 7 points 6th place - 4 points 7th place - 3 points 8th place - 2 points 9th place - 1 point 10th place - 0 points Spi 32: 1st place - 17 points 2nd place - 15 points 3rd place - 12 points 4th place - 9 points 5th place - 6 points 6th place - 4 points 7th place - 3 points 8th place - 2 points 9th place - 1 point 10th place - 0 points Awards: The awards will be held as follows: 1st Place - $ 3500; Entering the main presentation Overclocking Campus Party 2012, Brazilian Champion Trophy Overclocking 2013. 2nd Place - $ 1500; Entering the main presentation Overclocking Campus Party 2012, Brazilian Champion Trophy Vice Overclocking 2013. Other participants: All competitors will receive the official competition shirt and all participants of the third to tenth place, a medal for merit of having qualified for the finals. There will be prizes "surprise" that will be distributed at the end of the competition, but only time will be announced to keep its features. The equipment will be further defined at the beginning of next week, but we can say that the platform will be used Motherboard Intel/Z77 CPU Intel 3770K RAM Dominator Platinum 2400 Mhz 4 x 4GB VGA Nvidia Series 6XX PSU Corsair Series AXi SSD Corsair Sata 3 More definitions in a couple of days...waiting confirmation Sorry the bad english Good luck for all.
  11. Maybe I did not understand completely the Rev 5 idea... because limited english maybe bring me some new doubts. So... I will contribute as always contributed before... with more focus to High End... and also, sometimes, joking with things I think is nice to overclock and old parts. @ Splave - tks mate... you always be a great team member, regardless what team you belong... (good skill, good guy and good point of view).
  12. Looks for will be hard to find a Team...since almost all countries has only 1 member in Pro Team.
  13. So an important question. Suppose I am benching home... trying for example a good score 3DMark11 with a 3770K + HD7970.... So... in this moment, there are no 3DMark11 competition with that platfform (3770K + HD7970)... Looks for I can not post the score... or .... I can post result That's the most important data base... and I hope we can still checking the World Records and posting....regardless to be inside or out the competitions... One more thing that looks strange.... is that everybody from extreme League still have their points... and ranking.... but the Pro League overclockers all go to Zero points? I don't know if is the best idea.... and remove all work from Pro League Overclockers... So of if this way, I think I will prefer to go to Extreme League. I really don't want to be forced to go to competitions... I like competitions... and is a pleasure to be part of the competitions (I did travel to 4 x MOA and 2 x GOOC and liked so much)...but is not a pleasure to fe forced to go to competitions to be in Hwbot. Also... even Hwbot make a competition... and It will be stages... I am sure more overclockers like me don't want to look for hardware that is not available. Regardless you can put 775, semprons and celerons... old cards and so on... not all overclockers will look for celerons to be part of some stages... Worst if the competition includes PCMark (OMG... I really don't like, but is only my personal opinion....let the guys play PCMark05) In my case, I only will be part in the competitions that allows the hardware I consider like and important to have... IMHO my celeron time just finished... also old cards I just benched. I just killed my monster epic HD 5870...and if is this card is needed, I will no more be looking for other... More sense to me to bench GTX650 ....at least is new technology... and here, we need to consider that people are looking for new things (more easy to buy... more easy to sell)... I think hwbot have to take care.... because to try to grow up and do more competitive don't means to force people to compete to can be in the league. I hope Hwbot send me to Extreme League... I don't want to be Pro League....and will keep overclocking that I can and is available to me. Best wishes....
  14. Sure... Easy.... Is just to give a 3770K and 680 or 7970 and booom. Thats created a new Andre Yang. OMG... easy way Please.... why thousands and thousands have money and never get amazing scores? Sure thats important to have golden samples, but belittle the skill of Pro Overclockers and say it is easier is completely non sense. P.S. Even soppose that if you got great scores with 7970 and 3770K, you just got with E6600... E8600... 5870 before.
  15. All data I posted I got from: "2012 HWBOT Round-up: Most Viewed Results, Users, Competitions and more!" That's not my information and I did not create them.... only posted he Hwbot informations. I also told to keep competitions, but it don't mean to change the pro league. How to believe and fight to something that change and change... and to fight to grow up, knowing that when Rev 6 arrives, can lose all that work again. Ex. First... GTX 295 that was the most important to climb...so, modded, killed and worked with a GTX295 So after... single GPU... changed and we look for the 5870 ... So after... create a Pro League and only the 15 Global scores and WR,,,, Now... all the effort from the Pro League guys (Talking about me that NEVER got a VGAs, CPUs, and MBs that's not from my own purchase both expensive LN2)... can "vanish". I give up... I really told all what I think... that's your decision. Regardless I don't like you change the Pro League, Hwbot is free to change (change, or remove) the league, and I am free to keep or leave. Tks P.S. Maybe hwbot loss intersteed people because input lots of rules to enthusiast league...and new overclockers prefer to overclock for fun instead follow lots of rules...(hardware sharing is only one... that's impossible to prove and still boring)
  16. They don't speak... because maybe it will not affect them... the same if you tell why Elmor, Shamino, and others don't mind about this kind of issues. Andre, Nick, Hicookie, Kingpin... don't need to complain nothing... In my case... I really worked to be in Pro League... and really worked to spread and teach about overclocking. We will do a competition at january 19...where will be 2 different categories in the same competition (Enthusiast + Extreme), and it will be covered by lots of thousands of people (yes...you can follow the live stream)... and all this guys thats starting to overclock... will follow the enthusiast to someday can go to extreme. I really believe in what I am talking friends.... and I am not worry... to me is easier to leave and keep overclocking to the max... I benched GTX8800...E8600....Celeron....HD5870...GTX480...HD7970...but I am always looking for the next...as always I do. I really think is nice people overclocking old stuff... sempron....celeron...E8600...9800GTX...and so on... but I really do not understand why don't encourage people to do it...more than before... but keep the F1 to "THE MAX SCORES". If the Pro League is 77 guys amount 35K..... keep they working and work hard to spread and grow up in other categories... Instead... if they are not important... I don't know why they were the most viewed... why the high end hardware was the most important items...why the highest score was the most viewed.
  17. According what i see... great mistakes. Please... attempt: http://hwbot.org/news/8877_2012_hwbot_round_up_most_viewed_results_users_competitions_and_more/ Most viewed benchmark result All from Pro League 1. k|ngp|n`s 3DMark11 – Performance: 15327 marks with GeForce GTX 680 at 1900/1850MHz (22 Mar 2012) 2. AndreYang’s CPU Frequency: 8709MHz with FX-8150 at 8709MHz (21 Jun 2012) 3. AndreYang’s CPU Frequency: 8585MHz with FX-8150 at 8585MHz (14 Nov 2011) 4. Christian Ney’s Memory Clock: 1868.3 MHz with DDR3 SDRAM (28 Feb 2012) 5. AndreYang’s 3DMark11 – Performance: 15063 marks with Radeon HD 7970 at 1700/2000MHz (09 Jan 2012) 6. T0lsty’s 3DMark11 – Performance: 18103 marks with Radeon HD 7970 at 1760/2000MHz (30 Oct 2012) 7. k|ngp|n`s 3DMark11 – Performance: 16472 marks with GeForce GTX 680 at 2002/3703MHz (20 Jun 2012) 8. ksin`s CPU Frequency: 8805MHz with FX-8150 at 8805MHz (28 May 2012) – BLOCKED 9. Hazzan`s 3DMark11 – Performance: 33190 marks with 4x GeForce GTX 680 at 1706/1800MHz (29 Jun 2012) 10. k|ngp|n`s 3DMark11 – Performance: 15731 marks with GeForce GTX 680 at 1957/1870MHz (06 Apr 2012) Most viewed Overclocker Most of the Pro League... + master overclocker Aristidis that always benching hard 1. AndreYang: #2 out of 77 in Pro OC league 2. NickShih: #11 out of 77 in Pro OC league 3. Rbuass: #6 out of 77 in Pro OC league 4. Hicookie: #28 out of 77 in Pro OC league 5. Turrican: n/a 6. Aristidis: #3 out of 2561 in Xtreme OC league 7. CherV: #247 out of 2561 in Xtreme OC league 8. K|ngp|n: #4 out of 77 in Pro OC league 9. Blackbolt: #156 out of 2561 in Xtreme OC league 10. I.M.O.G: #44 out of 2561 in Xtreme OC league Most Viewed Benchmark Ranking 1. 3DMark11 – Performance 1x GPU: lead by mtech with 18177 marks 2. 3DMark Vantage – Performance 1x GPU: lead by 8 Pack with 59711 marks 3. Unigine Heaven – Xtreme Preset (DX11) 1x GPU: lead by mtech with 4082.98 DX11 Marks 4. 3DMark2001 SE 1x GPU: lead by AndreYang with 164589 marks 5. 3DMark06 1x GPU: lead by K|ngp|n with 51589 marks 6. 3DMark11 – Performance 4x GPU: lead by Hazzan with 33190 marks 7. 3DMark03 1x GPU: lead by OCLab.ru with 217728 marks 8. 3DMark11 – Performance 2x GPU: lead by Rbuass with 25506 marks 9. 3DMark05 1x GPU: lead by OCLab.ru with 67206 marks 10. Aquamark 1x GPU: lead by OCLab.ru with 556303 marks Most Viewed Hardware Ranking 1. 3DMark11 – Performance Radeon HD 7970 1x GPU: lead by mtech with 18177 marks 2. CPU Frequency Core i7 3770K: lead by OCLab.ru with 7184.32 mhz 3. Memory Clock DDR3 SDRAM: lead by Christian Ney with 1950.3 MHz 4. 3DMark11 – Performance score with a GeForce GTX 680 1xGPU: lead by K|ngp|n with 17047 marks 5. SuperPi Core i7 3770K: lead by OCLab.ru with 5sec 94ms 6. SuperPi Core i5 3570K: lead by Kaidtor with 5sec 250ms 7. 3DMark03 Radeon HD 7970 1x GPU: lead by OCLab.ru with 217728 marks 8. Unigine Heaven – Xtreme Preset (DX11) Radeon HD 7970 1x GPU: lead by mtech with 4082.98 DX11 Marks 9. 3DMark06 Radeon HD 7970: 1x GPU: lead by Futto-kun with 49036 marks 10. CPU Frequency FX-8350: lead by AndreYang with 8670 mhz All from Pro League ********Most Viewed Hardware Ranking******* 1. 3DMark11 – Performance Radeon HD 7970 1x GPU: lead by mtech with 18177 marks 2. CPU Frequency Core i7 3770K: lead by OCLab.ru with 7184.32 mhz 3. Memory Clock DDR3 SDRAM: lead by Christian Ney with 1950.3 MHz 4. 3DMark11 – Performance score with a GeForce GTX 680 1xGPU: lead by K|ngp|n with 17047 marks 5. SuperPi Core i7 3770K: lead by OCLab.ru with 5sec 94ms 6. SuperPi Core i5 3570K: lead by Kaidtor with 5sec 250ms 7. 3DMark03 Radeon HD 7970 1x GPU: lead by OCLab.ru with 217728 marks 8. Unigine Heaven – Xtreme Preset (DX11) Radeon HD 7970 1x GPU: lead by mtech with 4082.98 DX11 Marks 9. 3DMark06 Radeon HD 7970: 1x GPU: lead by Futto-kun with 49036 marks 10. CPU Frequency FX-8350: lead by AndreYang with 8670 mhz ******Most viewed hardware Item******* Most Viewed Hardware Item Without any doubt, combining a Core i7 3770K and Radeon HD 7970 was a must for HWBOT top contenders this year. All around, that setup has the highest potential for generating global points as well as the biggest exposure to the HWBOT audience. It’s quite clear from the list that the crowd here at the bot still loves the high-end, high-performance hardware. By the way, it could very well be that the FX-8150 has the highest viewers per submission ratio: few play, many watch! 1. AMD Radeon HD 7970: 92/100 (hardware index based on 9,142 submissions) 2. Intel Core i7 3770K: 85/100 (hardware index based on 11,850 submissions) 3. Intel Core i7 3930K: 81/100 (hardware index based on 7,563 submissions) 4. Nvidia GeForce GTX 680: 89/100 (hardware index based on 3,715 submissions) 5. Intel Core i5 2500K: 65/100 (hardware index based on 16,644 submissions) 6. Intel Core i7 2600K: 72/100 (hardware index based on 51,039 submissions) 7. Nvidia GeForce GTX 580: 79/100 (hardware index based on 17,161 submissions) 8. Intel Core i5 3570K: 74/100 (hardware index based on 2,303 submissions) 9. Intel Core i7 3960X: 79/100 (hardware index based on 3,522 submissions) 10. AMD FX-8150: 50/100 (hardware index based on 949 submissions) Are you sure.... Pro League is not intersted????...and the High End hardware is not too important???? I am sure thats a really big mistake to end the Pro league... Regardless I completely agreed new competitions, agreed to encourage enthusiasts to keep overclocking... I do not agreed to chenge the league that was my inspiration...and is the inspiration of thousands in Brazil. I believe all the Pro League guys thinking like me....and also many people from Enthusiasts and Extreme.... at least in my country I am sure what I am talking. Best wishes
  18. OhOh... great score Aristidis.... I noticed your CPU must be crazy... lol.... great job
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