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Everything posted by rbuass

  1. Fix the error please... 2 diferent infos... and lose points The system leave me 1st to second place, but still in 1st place (with less points to 2nd place). Thanks in advance
  2. Just waiting some way to disable Tesselation to see 17K... #1 for sure P.S. is nice to see Kingpin + Tin in the racing again.
  3. Andre Thats just explained, and I am sure you can do and more...you can beat your own result. Thats not about the order, but about to have all infos inside the file.
  4. To me: "Have a valid screenshot: clearly show benchmark score, processor and memory information in CPU-Z, videocard in GPU-Z" Valid screenshot MUST BE PROVIDE from file....and not from a capture screen
  5. Is not the same friend...I understand your POV. The reason of topic is that the "official validation file" must be complete....and not to be completed after. All infos must be INSIDE the validation file. That's not the same. You can submit result AFTER and when you are online...you just saved and just got all information was needed.
  6. Not open x, open y, open z.... The rules tell "open all BEFORE to make screenshot"....so...all screens will be inside hwbot file (.hwbot). When the 2 results was submited by file (mandatory to hwbot), this shows ONLY the main score and not shows CPUZ and GPUZ. The result from file MUST contains the information...and not the capture screen must to contain the infos.
  7. Yes... you are right Unfortunately not all people can be valid keys, and just for top scores 3dr files is needed. This time we are talking about top scores, so, equal is needed validation file, IMHO is needed to follow. We are talking about WR specific case... regardless I think every Unigine score posted need to follow this...because Unigine is for free and don't need valid key.
  8. I know the 3dr file from 3DM11 can be opened and completed after, but i think 03, 05, 06, and Vantage can not. AM3 now needs the same... the last AM3 revision you need to open screens before. Thats a good question about this thread. But if follow exactly the rules...you need first open all the screens and after save file. If HWbot will do or no....will accept or no... I don't know. How can you prove, for exemple, if I got a bugged result with Unigine, take a capture.exe screen, and after complete??? I think we follow exactly the way in the rules will be more reliable.
  9. What the problem.... because Brazilians are united, or because we do not speak your perfect English? Here is a language school or overclockers league? To me, the worst is to enter in this thread to do comments like your, totally offtopic. Why don't you only tell abut to agree or disagree the topic reason,
  10. So...lets go Looks like some guys do not understand what is the problem...or what is the diference... 1- save file without any screen (unigine file .hwbot) 2- use capture.exe, print key or similar and get immediatly flash screenshot 3- OMG....system freeze and death before to open CPUZ and GPUZ... 4- no problem I can use capture.exe + saved file, and complete the screen the way I want. I hope you understand now. This way, can be that the screen do not prove exactly what happened. You can simply to have a bug and get amazing score....and after complete your screen When you get the hwbot file, MAKE SCREENSHOT, SAVE RESULT and SUBMIT ONLINE, no more highlighted. It proves if the file is just completed with the screens or no P.S. or the overclockers never haves problem and freezing when open CPUZ and GPUZ... or paintbrush, cause system in strong overclocked usually do it
  11. Lets compare So...the 2 scores will need to be removed, and rsaninno hold #1 with his real result. I am sure that's the HWBot rules...but if we don't need to follow...please change for all
  12. No Thats the original .hwbot file Andre It have no one information more. The another infos is not in oficial file. It can not prevent bugs and real infos. And to rsaninno That's his original file The same...there are no information... The screenshots opened after can use any information overclocker needs. But there are the official information. To me... rsaninno earn #1 with this result. You can see rsaninno post REAL result. P.S. as told the friend sergiorb, I can not understand why rsaninno got only 1400 Mhz with 2 cards but 1500 Mhz 3 cards...it can show is a possible bug. So the correct is to remove rsaninno and andre scores to follow the rules, because all information was added after (after freeze...or after bug...or after I don't know why) P.S.2 the another screens was EDITED after.
  13. I can not understand people with discuss to agree MVP. Let's get off all good results...that people worked hard...and change the world records by MVP power... Just need a simple and cheap hardware and you can beat all scores... Or... lets change all the league and add Battlefield 3, Call of Duty, Crysis... I just claim for changes that I thing can be good for the overclocking community, but if now software replace the effort and skill to the overclockers, I am sure, will understand... Only thing I am sure that if MVP is allowed, benching here will not more fun and competitive TO ME, and almost sure I will not more post scores and compete at bot. Only bench at home for fun.
  14. Following your polite point of view, bugged scores can be valid too.... I will post all my results without screenshot...and I want to see if it will be removed? (one size fits all) That's huge diference between open screenshots and save file....and ... save only .hwbot and after freeze, complete your screenshot
  15. Andre Yang do not open any screen to make his validation... All CPUZ and GPUz was opened after save validation file .... so... he forgot (lol) or system has not stability enough to open. Attempt the "validation file" (.hwbot) must have all infos... If is not this way, any overclocker can only save the file (.hwbot), then, complete all information after. That is not the correct way and that is not hwbot rules, regardless hwbot and all know Andre have skill enough to beat the World Record.
  16. No. The validation file (file .hwbot) NEED to be complete with CPUZ CPU, CPUZ RAM and GPUZ. If the overclocker make the complete screen AFTER .... there is not following the rules. I can edit and choose vga and cpu clocks the way I want after validation, but is outside rules like sergiorb told. There are no 2 ways... Or follow the rules...or do not follow the rules... Or need to open CPUZ and GPUZ for all, or, IMHO, change all the rules. Lots of times I do not post results cause i could not complete the screen.
  17. I always follow the rules to post result, and all overclockers just losed results when trying to save files (complete). So, if the results are not follow the rules, sure need to be removed. + 1 to remove the 2 incomplete results. @CJBA very old result - 2007 the rules was not the same.
  18. Again friend. I submited new WR and lose my 100 points (I did have 1164 and now I have 1083... Global points ok, but 100 points for WR is not ok) http://hwbot.org/submission/2267220_rbuass_3dmark03_3x_radeon_hd_7970_238808_marks Sorry for the extra work and thanks again
  19. Lucis is for gamers an not for overclockers - it will kill the fun
  20. Valeu... Ainda tem muito chão...e as novas plataformas estão chegando aí. Thanks friend
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