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Everything posted by rbuass

  1. Good job... I don't know what to do to PCMark05... Never got a good score... I don't know this benchmark tweaks to get good results (I think i have no a good SSD system... lol) Keep pushing
  2. Wow.... NB overclocker Master...that's a great idea I hope Allienware still alive
  3. Sure Sorry I did not know the thread Thanks;
  4. Hi friends! I got #3 global 3DMark 11 today, but still no WR points Please check to me. Thanks in advance
  5. I just exploded with fire 2 times... First time at first second when lauched a GTX 590... The last time, PCI ex burn in fire and need to be removed...lol It gave me a huge scare Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  6. OMG. We can not have good results here... All good results are similar and all shared... You got me
  7. Sure...you are pathetic Do not need not be very smart to noticed you are saying stupid things ... There is nothing more pathetic than looking for find errors in results, without any knowledge to distinguish right from wrong.
  8. C'mon the links are working and posted more than 1 time... Bl3sS result made from hiw own hands and hardware http://www.hardmob.com.br/threads/422409-Resultados-obtidos-na-%C3%BAltima-Jam-Session-de-Overclocking-matadores Guerreiro results at 9 min 10 seg with his own hands and hardware I posted 3 links from same tópic in 3 diferent fóruns to comprove. It was more than 1 year ago...and is just check and translate the topic to know that the hardware belong to Bl3sS. I am not worry man...but you, now, I do not know. I will tell you one thing... You can do accusations against me...and against Fabi, cause I am here...and I know what reply to you... But you can be sure man...when you tell about "brazilian" guys..you have to take care... I am sure you will not like to see 62 members from my team asking to hwbot staff to punish you about your comments against brazilian overclockers. take care. One more thing,...the guys from my OC Class knows hwbot rules better than you... Is a very grave error to make false accusations... laws anywhere in the world, say it is necessary to prove guilt, not the reverse, ie, is not the responsibility of the accused to prove innocence, but the accuser to prove guilt... I hope you recognize that bad things suggested and accepted that you did not have any proof and you make and erred in referring to Brazilian. Your assumptions are serious enough and this can cause riot.
  9. Wake up again man... You are making falsa accusations... Bl3ss posted benching with his CPU, and that's the thread http://adrenaline.uol.com.br/forum/c...m-session.html Guerreiro is doing his result in the video (look at 9 min 10 seg, the result reached by the I2I3 member). Whats your problem??? Why if this results was from Smolke and Slamms there are no problem...if the results is from Kingpin and Splave there are no problems...but if its from brazilian guys is not possible. Thats a kind of segregation to me...and i do not agree this kind of insinuation. P.S....hi man...I have no 2600K Result and unfortunately in my country...everybody looks for this crap CPU (I do not like Sandy Bridge, cause to me its killing the art of overclocking...but its only mine way of think) P.S.2 ... sure i5 650 scores from overheat is better than mine...his CPU was better than mine P.S.3 ... brazilian guys do not need to prove they are not guilty...but YOU HAVE TO PROOF THEY ARE GUILTY...then you can do accusations... But you will never prove cause they can really do it...and tell more...do it easy with this ¨%$#&%$ CPU
  10. Oh man... Again and again with Fabi. Do not be Hilarious. Fabi is my wife...he ALWAYS can do same settings by me, cause I teach Fabi how to bench. We ALWAYS can bench together at home. If we want, as I showed with our lots and lots of hardware...Fabi could have ten times more points than her 7 results posted here. Bl3ss result (second best), and Guerreiro (third best) is in the thread i posted and in the video. Question... Why this results are not from Fabi??? Why Overheat results is better than mine??? Why almost all 2600K results is better then mine??? (I have no the best 2600K and never got a 5700...5800+ chip) And the last ...hahaha I have a video from Zero BSB too...he is on the first video and in the third video at Impacta...(he is a big guy with red shirt). I modded his card...and I just mod Gnidaol and Joe90 videocards too...(includded to a MOA competition, and if you want to see, I can find the pictures) Just modded lots of videocards from my friends...and will keep modding, teaching how to mod, and helping the guys.. Waste 2 min from your time and see post below (see all pics..you will like) http://www.hd-tecnologia.com/2011/05/clinica-de-oc-con-rbuass/ Thats no forbidden... you have to inform yourself. Ýour charges have no validity because they are not true and you can waste your time you will not find anything against me or against my wife. Should waste your time helping the community grow up and helping and not waste your time making false accusations. Wake up man. P.S. mine HD5870 reaches 1461 Mhz highly modded, and let me win and classificate myself to MOA Vegas... http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?262557-30K-Vantage-let-me-go-to-Vegas P.S. 2 - to prevent "hilarious comments like yours, Fabi usually post pics from mine and her cards together.. you like to scrutinize the lives of others, surely you can search and find the pics.
  11. I hope Joes90 error earn it punishment, but I think that comments like this El Gappo "Lets have some 2d fun shall we? Just looking at the team rankings is hilarious http://hwbot.org/team/i2i3_impacta_o...rdware_Library A lot of es i5 670's and 56 2600k's floating around in Brazil huh." Wumpus "I vote hondacity as main investigator in the brazillians gone bonanza investigation." Earn it punishment too, because comments like this, feed the dissension and disunity all comunitty overclocker. This would certainly be the proper posture of the staff hwbotI I hope some kind of retraction of any user who does this kind of insinuation. Punish the guilty for the big error, and punish those who are promoting fights and making false accusations against the entire Brazilian community. If I was Bl3sS, for sure have to report post made ​​by El Gappo and would require evidence and explanations of what he implied. As Gnidaol told, Honda found this error and its benefic to protect overclocking community. I explained and prove about Fabi, then we accepted the accusation, but another guys are victim But the other overclockers have been victims of false accusations (innuendo) and much much worse than that, calling the behavior of Brazilian hilarious. Excuse me if my English contain lots of errors, but I'm not fluent in your language.
  12. Hi guy... Take care and do not be so hilarious Just show 2 guys with his i7 670...one at video and Bl3ss (2nd place in your shared list) benching hard Bl3ss is the second place in your "hilarious list" and the another guy 3rd. That's for you...you can plus more the another guy in the video Suspected Bl3ss i7 670 result posted (Bl3ss in the middle of me and Nuccini) http://www.hardmob.com.br/threads/422409-Resultados-obtidos-na-%C3%BAltima-Jam-Session-de-Overclocking-matadores http://www.casemodbr.com/portal/overclock/jam-session-de-overclocking-matadores-19062010 http://adrenaline.uol.com.br/forum/cpu-s-placas-mae-e-memorias/307690-resultados-obtidos-na-ultima-jam-session.html Translated with Google Traductor (you can comprove with Traductor) I have several platforms at home, but as Leandro needed to "train" at P55, we elected to make his system the session (usually done with my equipment) ... Results killers ... The guys learn so fast and sending out very well. The results below reflect more than words ... I am very happy to collaborate with the growth of art in Brazil. Only in today's session (in which only three prioritized 2D benchmarks, CPUZ, and WPrime32 SPi 1M) were more than 75 points for Brazil (and therefore the Team) and ... well, almost 60 of them global (ie, points greater value and weight). Thats another good i7 670 "shared" result Luckly we have posted about this result...cause we are brazilian...and unfortunately some people from 1st world, still thing there are nobody here can do a good work in overclocking... But on the other hand, there is a lot of nice people here that encourages us to continue our work for overclocking
  13. We have already made at least overclocking events like this, to join friends, teach, and obviously a lot of fun. Also produced 2 or 3 times a month, jam sessions, which are smaller events with 4 or 5 participants and do in the party room of the building where I live. http://www.google.com.br/search?gcx=w&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=rbuass+overclocking+jam+sessions%5D#sclient=psy-ab&hl=pt-BR&source=hp&q=rbuass+overclocking+jam+sessions&pbx=1&oq=rbuass+overclocking+jam+sessions&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=3329l3329l0l3610l1l1l0l0l0l0l222l222l2-1l1l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=2235381cd8e67e42&biw=1040&bih=626 All events are free and costs shared among all participants. The appeal of "bring your computer and will overclock with us," means that each participant learns to set his machine and is introduced to the world of overclocking. The prize I got is only the gratitude of the growing number of friends, and of course proud to have created great talent, that inevitably one day will surpass me (I am no longer a kid who is cheating and delivering results. ... almost 48 years old, have family and very important things in life to do, do not be fighting and arguing in forums). I love to belong this community and this house (hwbot) is the home of the crazy that has the same affinity for crazy overclocking. Thanks for all I hope you can solve this trouble and follow best way is possible. About Joe... I have one thing to tell. Regardless he did or he didn't wrong thing to posting results, I hope Joe learn with his own error... to never more feel shame. He is one of the best students, he is a good person, and have good knowledge... I do not understant why he did it...but I am sure he will never more will do it again, because the worst feeling that a man can have is to feel ashamed of something wrong he has committed
  14. Very strange way of thinking ... Because it is in Brazil, we can not have good results and processors? Look at yourself. Luckily I have the video of one of the 66xx i670 with its own hands (look at 9 min 10 seg, the result reached by the I2I3 member). . Another thing, Why Overheat results with i5 650 is better than mine??? Do you think if I were giving results, i was give a better result than mine??? They also knows ebay and very god overclockers to buy good ES chip, and there are no law to forbidden to buy used chip (I just selled lots and lots of good chips). I did create lots of events to teach extreme overclocking, and you can see lots of students with their own hardware overclocking hard in the videos. I feel proud to have helped my country to grow in our art, and we now have a veritable legion of overclockers. What disappoints me most here is to see who question the quality of the members of our team and our country, but when we see countries such giants as Russia, USA, Europe, etc., with similar results, without having to accept anything to comment, because for some people, it is normal to have hardware and tops results in those countries. I do still overclocking and spreading overclocking here. You can look for the events and posts in our forum (http://www.hardwarebr.com), and I am sure you will find lots of good works from my friends. Spreading OC in my country http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qliAkh1PmXw&feature=related Best regards p.s. I hope that after watching these videos, stop with these suggestions p.s 2 "Originally Posted by El Gappo Lets have some 2d fun shall we? Just looking at the team rankings is hilarious http://hwbot.org/team/i2i3_impacta_o...rdware_Library" OMG .. Why hilarious.... Completely diferent AMOUNT of TIMINGS??..... there are no the same and "NO SIMILAR" results...further Overheat's result beat me at i5 650 "
  15. Remova imediatamente este resultado para não ser banido. Please remove imediatly this result
  16. Like I said, I only know the results of my e Fabi because we live together. I have a forum and post there too many results. All my results are obtained in a proper way and all have validation link. The decision Joe90 earn from Hwbot will be complied by the Team, but said I did not have proof and do not know how the results were posted, and even if the results are real or not (I have never seen these results and also never examined the results of others). Joe90 is one of the few Brazilians who use LN2, and has competed out of our country, so it's up to him to explain the results. From what I know, he can do his results alone, but if ever used photoshop, paint, or used overall result of other people or my own, I do not know. My results can I ensure that I do with my work, and I can guarantee that Fabi makes it. I can guarantee that is non sense to distribute results to people, just can cause trouble. Best regards
  17. I'll also want to know Honda. We have 62 members on the team, and I never needed to investigate the results of my team members. I hope you understood what I explained about the outcome of Fabi, and that if we really wanted to share results, it would be very easy to do because we live together and have a lot of hardware. Then Fabi was not have only 7 simple results, but could have done many better results with her key validation and pink desktop area, with pictures and everything else that was necessary, but we do not do this, and she would be very angry if I think it does not is able to obtainher own results. About the results of Joe90, I can not answer and I am very grateful to have informed it. I'll try to contact him and to hear their explanations, and I will talk to explain it publicly here. Hwbot is sovereign is to solve such problems and his decision should be accepted
  18. You agree that Fabi could have many points, and she almost have no points? Just watch, she was benching home with me yesterday (she feel shamed in the pictures, but you can see her hands...lol) You Will not find any results of Fabi in SLI, and will also verify that it has posted poor results at hwbot. Is easy to understand that if we were sharing results...we have lots of hardware...and Fabi haves only 7 results posted in HWBot (and not amazing results, but normal results). If we were sharing results you can be sure Fabi coud have many more points and results posted. It would be easy bench with me and easy to has many points. Also matches the results of other Brazilians, better than Fabi's results (why?). The only thing is that I share with her knowledge and after the birth of our daughter she has had very little time for Overclocking (unfortunately she can not always bench with me) Benching together
  19. The Fabi's I can explain, cause we live together and use same notebooks and PCs to validate scores... I do not know why lots and lots of times we logout and keep same user... You can look for my threads and you will find my report asking about this problem. http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=30133 Sure we used the same SSDs... and sure we benched together... Is possible Fabi leave HWBot to cause no more problem,...further she have only a lit bit of time to bench. But Joe90 I can not explain. Sure is mine result and I do not know how the result are there... please contact Joe90 and ask him the question. Please let me know how can I proceed to solve this problem. Best regards P.S. if I wanted to give results for Fabi, could give better results. It could also put on pink screen time as she likes to do. This should prove that we do not need it lol....now i noticed Fabi didn t show Details...she have no experience to 01
  20. Hi friends... I got #5 Global but i did not gain the points http://hwbot.org/submission/2207493_ The 5 place earn 40 Global points and its not added to me. Please check to me. Thanks in advance
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