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Everything posted by IanCutress

  1. Running at half threads if anyone is interested
  2. Ticket ID: 1761 Priority: High When you add a new benchmark to the database, and then change its name, the scores submitted for that benchmark all feature the old name.\r\n\r\nExample:\r\n\r\nI started a benchmark called \'3D Particle Movement-ST\'. I then changed the name to \'3DPM-ST\'. Here\'s submitted result for that benchmark:\r\n\r\nhttp://hwbot.org/submission/2407751\r\n\r\nIt states \' BORANDI`s 3D PARTICLE MOVEMENT - ST score \', and obviously the link that has in it goes to the wrong place.\r\n\r\nJust an FYI, looks like a string that is created on benchmark addition isn\'t changed when the owner updates it.
  3. Andre may retire, but his results will live on for a long time. Nice going man, good luck in the new life
  4. It can take a while HWbot is slow sometimes
  5. Force a recalculation on your whole profile if there are many scores mixed up. In your profile panel
  6. Here's a suggestion. Say I search for a CPU or GPU in the search box, and I press enter too quickly before the quick search comes up. It then takes me to a page with the results for that search. If there's only one result, perhaps it should take me just to that result automatically instead of me clicking around? Newegg does this method when searching for kit
  7. Pi worked fine today, Linpack did not; submitting direct from the PC that made the result. Is something wrong with the key generation? I had to download the latest version to get PI to work, but Linpack is a dodo atm for me
  8. Ticket ID: 1750 Priority: Low http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haswell_(microarchitecture)#Server_processors\r\n\r\nIntel HD P4600 (GT2) on Xeon processors... overclocking optional
  9. Ticket ID: 1746 Priority: Low These please \r\n\r\nhttp://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Xeon/TYPE-Xeon%20E3-1200%20v3.html\r\n\r\nIntel Xeon E3-1220 v3 - CM8064601467204 / BX80646E31220V3\r\nIntel Xeon E3-1225 v3 - CM8064601466507 / BX80646E31225V3\r\nIntel Xeon E3-1230 v3 - CM8064601467202 / BX80646E31230V3\r\nIntel Xeon E3-1230L v3 - CM8064601467601\r\nIntel Xeon E3-1240 v3 - CM8064601467102 / BX80646E31240V3\r\nIntel Xeon E3-1245 v3 - CM8064601466509 / BX80646E31245V3\r\nIntel Xeon E3-1265L v3 - CM8064601467406\r\nIntel Xeon E3-1268L v3 - CM8064601484200\r\nIntel Xeon E3-1270 v3 - CM8064601467101 / BX80646E31270V3\r\nIntel Xeon E3-1275 v3 - CM8064601466508 / BX80646E31275V3\r\nIntel Xeon E3-1280 v3 - CM8064601467001\r\nIntel Xeon E3-1285 v3 - CM8064601466703\r\nIntel Xeon E3-1285L v3 - CM8064601466804
  10. I've had this too. Also, I can submit a Pi result as a Linpack result and vice versa. Might want to have something in there to not do that
  11. Crazy, was this chip ever sold to the public? Can't find it anywhere
  12. Ticket ID: 1735 Priority: Low http://ark.intel.com/products/71073/\r\n\r\nDon\'t forget my Kabini APU GPUs (Ticket 1723 iirc)
  13. It's on all the boards, and in the A-Tuning OS software on the disk http://anandtech.com/show/6989/11
  14. Ticket ID: 1733 Priority: Low http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AMD_Accelerated_Processing_Unit_microprocessors#.22Kabini.22.2C_.22Temash.22_.282013.2C_28_nm.29\r\n\r\nA4-1200 2 Cores 1.0 GHz 1 MB 3.9 W AT1200IFJ23HM\r\nA4-1250 2 Cores 1.0 GHz 1 MB 8 W AT1250IDJ23HM\r\nA6-1450 4 Cores 1.4 GHz 2 MB 8 W May 2013 AT1450IDJ44HM\r\nE1-2100 2 Cores 1.0 GHz N/A 1 MB 9 W May 2013 EM2100ICJ23HM\r\nE1-2500 2 Cores 1.4 GHz 1MB 15 W May 2013 EM2500IBJ23HM\r\nE2-3000 2 Cores 1.65 GHz 1 MB 15 W May 2013 EM3000IBJ23HM\r\nA4-5000 4 Cores 1.5 GHz 2 MB 15 W May 2013 AM5000IBJ44HM\r\nA6-5200 4 Cores 2.0 GHz 2 MB 25 W May 2013 AM5200IAJ44HM\r\n\r\nAnd their corresponding IGPs:\r\n\r\nModel Config Freq. Turbo\r\nHD 8180 128:-:- 225 MHz\r\nHD 8210 128:-:- 300 MHz \r\nHD 8250 128:-:- 300 MHz \r\nHD 8240 128:-:- 400 MHz \r\nHD 8280 128:-:- 450 MHz \r\nHD 8330 128:-:- 500 MHz \r\nHD 8400 128:-:- 600 MHz\r\n\r\nEach of these has an E version as well (under on the wiki link)\r\n\r\nProof ! http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2854398
  15. I think you mean 80% of people are fine with it. This change has had over A YEAR from initial discussion to public discussion and people have always been free to state their opposition. If people are ONLY coming out of the woodwork now, then where the bunny have you all been? This is change that has been long overdue IMO.
  16. ^^ This There is always opportunity to get 'easy points' up to a certain extent - a pair of 4870x2s on air with a strong CPU for example can rack up a nice number of hardware points, just because those cards are mostly benched on air. Multi-CPU categories were another place, but the poignant issue here is global points. People have no qualms on 2 HW points on a multicore setup, but the 60 globals is the issue when you have zero competition (let alone the overclockability). As I noted, Dead Things drops out of the top 20 with this change, I lose some points too. If you spend money to 'exploit' easy points, then you do it for the moment. The minute you drive around the Nurburgring without insurance is the time you side-swipe into a tree The only guaranteed way to get points and move up the rankings is to prove your worth in difficult categories, where scores have longevity.
  17. Interesting that Dead Things disappears from the EL top 20 completely, no?
  18. Ticket ID: 1727 Priority: Low http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AMD_Accelerated_Processing_Unit_microprocessors#.22Kabini.22_.282013.2C_28_nm.29\r\n\r\nGX-420CA 4 Cores 2.0 GHz 25 W June 1, 2013 GE420CIAJ44HM\r\nGX-416RA 4 Cores 1.6 GHz 15 W June 1, 2013 GE416RIBJ44HM\r\nGX-415GA 4 Cores 1.5 GHz 15 W June 1, 2013 GE415GIBJ44HM\r\nGX-217GA 2 Cores 1.65 GHz 15 W June 1, 2013 GE217GIBJ23HM\r\nGX-210HA 2 Cores 1.0 GHz 9 W June 1, 2013
  19. Ticket ID: 1726 Priority: Low ECS VX900-I:\r\nhttp://www.ecs.com.tw/ECSWebSite/Product/Product_Detail.aspx?DetailID=1374&MenuID=155&LanID=0\r\n\r\nECS NM70-I2:\r\nhttp://www.ecs.com.tw/ECSWebSite/Product/Product_Detail.aspx?DetailID=1445&CategoryID=1&MenuID=17&LanID=0\r\n\r\nASRock IMB-A180-H:\r\nhttp://www.asrock.com/ipc/overview.asp?Model=IMB-A180-H
  20. Ticket ID: 1725 Priority: Low As per the following list:\r\n\r\nhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haswell_(microarchitecture)#Mobile_processors\r\n\r\n4930MX 2013-05-27[51] $1096\r\n4950HQ Q3 2013[53] $657\r\n4900MQ 2013-05-27[51] $570\r\n4850HQ Q3 2013[53] $468\r\n4800MQ 2013-05-27[51] $380\r\n4750HQ Q3 2013[53] OEM \r\n4702MQ 2013-05-27[51] OEM \r\n4702HQ 2013-05-27[51] OEM \r\n4700MQ\r\n4700HQ\r\n\r\nThere\'s some more in the wiki link still to be released. Some has been tested of course:\r\n\r\nhttp://anandtech.com/show/6993/intel-iris-pro-5200-graphics-review-core-i74950hq-tested
  21. Well I'll have access to the i7-4950HQ as per that image you posted PJ, not the 4770R. So it's technically a laptop CPU/GPU...
  22. What about Crystalwell / GT3e?
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