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Everything posted by IanCutress

  1. Ticket ID: 1718 Priority: Low Please could we add the following CPUs to the Database:\r\n\r\nModel Cores / Threads Freq. Turbo freq. L2 cache Multi-processing TDP Features\r\n\r\nVIA Nano 2000 Series family, BGA400\r\n\r\n Nano U2300 1 / 1 1 GHz 1 MB 5 Watt \r\n Nano U2500 1 / 1 1.2 GHz 1 MB 6.8 Watt \r\n Nano U2225 1 / 1 1.3 GHz 1 MB 10 Watt \r\n Nano U2350 1 / 1 1.3 GHz 1 MB 8 Watt \r\n Nano U2400 1 / 1 1.3 GHz 1 MB 8 Watt TBT\r\n Nano U2250 1 / 1 1.3 GHz 1.6 GHz 1 MB 10 Watt TBT\r\n Nano L2007 1 / 1 1.6 GHz 1 MB 25 Watt \r\n Nano L2200 1 / 1 1.6 GHz 1 MB 17 Watt \r\n Nano L2207 1 / 1 1.6 GHz 1 MB 17 Watt \r\n Nano U2257 1 / 1 1.6 GHz 1 MB \r\n Nano L2100 1 / 1 1.8 GHz 1 MB 25 Watt \r\n Nano L2107 1 / 1 1.8 GHz 1 MB 25 Watt \r\nOther families, Isaiah micro-architecture, BGA400\r\n Nano U3200 1 / 1 1.4 GHz 1 MB 10 Watt SSE4, VT\r\n Nano U3100 1 / 1 1.3 GHz 1.6 GHz 1 MB 9 Watt SSE4, VT, TBT\r\n Nano L3025 1 / 1 1.6 GHz 1 MB SSE4, VT\r\n Nano L3050 1 / 1 1.8 GHz 1 MB 25 Watt SSE4, VT\r\n Nano L3100 1 / 1 2 GHz 1 MB 25 Watt SSE4, VT\r\n Nano L3600 1 / 1 2 GHz 1 MB SSE4, VT\r\n Nano X2 U4025 2 / 2 1.2 GHz 2 MB 2 VT\r\n Nano X2 U4300 2 / 2 1.2 GHz 1.46 GHz 2 MB 2 13 Watt VT, TBT\r\n Nano X2 L4050 2 / 2 1.4 GHz 2 MB 2 VT\r\n Nano X2 L4350 2 / 2 1.6 GHz 1.73 GHz 2 MB 2 VT, TBT\r\n\r\n\r\nFrom: \r\nhttp://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Nano/TYPE-Nano%202000%20Series.html\r\nhttp://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Nano/TYPE-Nano%203000%20Series.html\r\nhttp://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Nano_X2/index.html
  2. Would love to know what the feature is. It's great you have a fix for it, but what exactly is the issue? It sounds like there was an issue and AMD had to force a slow calculation path on certain instructions in order to correct. Anyone remember the Pentium FDIV bug?
  3. This is all PJ bought to the Gigabyte OC Event. He was 'well prepared'.
  4. Beier + Beer = BBeeieerrherpderp
  5. Even if it is DOA, get another one in as clearly DOA isn't the norm.
  6. Just like ES you mean, unless you have contacts or relationships with people who have access?
  7. A wild (sweaty) Massman appeared! Pro not looking too happy. "Not another reboot..."
  8. I'm in meetings all day monday, otherwise I would have signed up to compete. Good luck to the competitors - it's going to be fun to hear about 8-pack making a mad dash from an OCN event on Saturday night and still have the withall to get to the Corsair event on time. By my reckoning if there's one plane delay he won't be there - unless he's not actually going to the OCN event at all.
  9. Nitrous Oxide, because managing HWBot is a gas or to relieve the pain j/k
  10. Just a heads up all, I got a call from Singapore Airlines today. Apparently TPE is having some runway resurfacing done, and it's taking a couple of months. This means (I was told) that most flights up until 25th June going out of TPE have up to a 2 hour delay. So if you have any connections shorter than 2hrs to get home, then you might have to rebook onto an earlier flight. I how have to spend up to 5 hours in Singapore after a full day in Taipei, rather than a more casual 90 minute change.
  11. Ticket ID: 1703 Priority: Low Please can you add the following processors:\r\n\r\nhttp://ark.intel.com/products/series/64581\r\n\r\nIntel® Xeon® Processor E5-4650L \r\n(20M Cache, 2.60 GHz, 8.00 GT/s Intel® QPI)\r\n\r\nIntel® Xeon® Processor E5-4640 \r\n(20M Cache, 2.40 GHz, 8.00 GT/s Intel® QPI)\r\n\r\nIntel® Xeon® Processor E5-4620 \r\n(16M Cache, 2.20 GHz, 7.20 GT/s Intel® QPI)\r\n\r\nSelect Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-4617 \r\n(15M Cache, 2.90 GHz, 7.20 GT/s Intel® QPI)\r\n\r\nSelect Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-4610 \r\n(15M Cache, 2.40 GHz, 7.20 GT/s Intel® QPI)\r\n \r\nSelect Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-4607 \r\n(12M Cache, 2.20 GHz, 6.40 GT/s Intel® QPI)\r\n\r\nSelect Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-4603 \r\n(10M Cache, 2.00 GHz, 6.40 GT/s Intel® QPI)
  12. Is that the same Galaxy-sponsored HKEPC team that won the Galaxy OC event despite the T&Cs specifying that no Galaxy sponsored overclocker could compete?
  13. That's where the whole trust bit of the community comes in. For some situations, it is clear: the Hailea brand water chillers (for aquariums but can be rigged for OC) will work down to 4C and have a temperature readout. As long as it's water in the pipe, and not a blend is really the defining factor. The best chiller can't keep water liquid below zero (unless you're screwing around with pressures). Even in sub-zero ambient you could use a blend and get below zero, but that's going to some extreme lengths. I've seen HKEPC use a blend to get -40 in a loop, but they were also LN2ing other stuff, so it doesn't really apply.
  14. I'll be there for the GBT event, probably from early Saturday, but spectating mostly. I'll be interviewing a two or three people for it as part of my Computex coverage if anyone is interested. Video optional
  15. TEC/Peltier is definitely OC League category. If the thing touching the CPU is less than 0 when ambient is above 0, then it's OC League. So a water chiller at 4C is not OC League, it's competing against others with sub-zero ambients. Putting in a water/ethanol mix to drop the liquid below 0C is OC league. So 0C == OC.
  16. Bah humbug. Yeah, looks like the nearest is in Taiwan 330: http://karting.trk.com.tw/ 40 mins from Guang Hua, mostly along highway 1 though
  17. Plenty going on I'm all booked, 20 hours travel each way Anyone know where a decent go-kart track is in Taipei? I feel the need for speed.
  18. If you zoom out, the Model name definitely says Z87X-OC F... That's not another Formula, is it? Still, zoomed out you can tell: Bios F3b, CPU Core 34xx CPU Ratio 31 DDR3-2128 Memory 11-10-13-28 System Temp 30C PCH Temp 31 CPU: i7-4770, can't make out if it's K, R, T
  19. Nope, HT doesn't count for squat in the database. If you hadn't already noticed, the database system automatically assigns the number of cores for the submission. le sigh. Nice job DJ
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