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Everything posted by IanCutress

  1. Beaten by someone on air(!) Lol only messing, envy your score
  2. You need the competition background image for it to be valid. Not to mention CPU-Z and GPU-Z windows
  3. Ticket ID: 1624 Priority: Low All these FM2 boards please:\r\n\r\nhttp://www.ecs.com.tw/ECSWebSite/Product/Product_Model.aspx?CategoryID=1&TypeID=110&MenuID=154&childid=M_7&LanID=9#Socket FM2\r\n\r\nA85F2-A DELUXE\r\nA85F2-A GOLDEN\r\nA75F2-A2\r\nA75F2-M2\r\nA55F2-M3
  4. When was the last CeBIT when something major was announced anyway?
  5. Ticket ID: 1621 Priority: Low http://www.evga.com/Products/Product.aspx?pn=111-IB-E692-KR
  6. Yes. It is set to daily notification. This has never been changed on my end since the day I set it up, and poof one day no more emails. I didn't get a response to this thread, I never get anything regarding PMs. Every time I comment on a thread I have it automatically put it in my subscribed list for instant notification, yet nothing. I haz a sad.
  7. Can be get some consensus between the competition pages as to when each stage actually ends?
  8. borandiuk
  9. Damn, I have one of these: :sadface:
  10. QFT. I think if you're going to implement a feature like this, 12 months is too short - especially when the best hardware could still be the old stuff. Especially on single core wP et al. We all know the basis behind this change was to drive people towards benching the stuff that interests the majority, but there's still just as much enthusiasm going for some of the old tough stuff as the newer stuff. If there is a benchmark, we will run it. So to speak.
  11. Ticket ID: 1614 Priority: Low I\'ve not recieved any emails from the forums for months (since 20th Aug). Not when I get a PM, not when I should be getting instant updates from the threads I\'m subscribed to. Is it just me? It\'s not a spam filter on my end either.
  12. Ahh I see, I've only tested the ASRock and ASUS so far. But the third PCIe is x4 via the chipset, making it slow compared to the others, rather than x8/x4/x4 direct with the CPU. Having it 3-way via the chipset shouldn't make much of a difference compared to regular 2-way unless you can get the CPU power behind it.
  13. As per my previous request, Output in XML or JSON is preferred. If enough people use the API badly, it could cause unnecessary strain. It might be worth setting an internal limit to only update the API data cache (on HWBot side) once per hour and only when requested. When a request is made, if it is past the hour it still shows the old cache but the request causes the system to update the system side cache. That saves a lot of headache from all sides. E.g. I request the api.xml?user=borandi from HWBot HWBot sends me the current contents in the HWBot cache if it has been an hour, an internal request is made so the HWBot cache is updated (or put in a queue to be updated) and my initial request gets an 'inqueue' response along with the older cache data I then need to re-request the data from the API to get the latest data. The system detects it has been less than an hour since the last request for latest data, and therefore doesn't put in a request for an update to the cache, and my request gets an 'up-to-date' response along with the latest cache data. Same goes for submissions or rankings.
  14. ProOC to differentiate between individuals and seeded teams of people more than likely.
  15. Don't they all? The ones I have tested so far all do 3-way CFX :thumb: None of them do SLI
  16. Sandy Bridge-E at 5 GHz would get you another 1000 pts overall (52k CPU score). What 4870x2 card did you have, a standard one?
  17. Submission doesn't have a yellow flag. The bit where it says 'NOT ACCORDING TO LEAGUE RULES' just means the score he has got will not count towards his position in the enthusiast league. The score is still valid in comparisons for that video card.
  18. AMD GPUs fair OK, but a big driver of single GPU perf is single core speed as everyone knows The Trinity A10-5800K CPUs are about 35% off an Ivy i3-3225 at stock, hence the big decrease. It just so happens that PCIe speed is all critical as well. PCIe 3 > PCIe 2, and as much BCLK as you can fire at it also seems to work. http://www.overclock.net/t/1329409/i-made-a-benchmark-systemcompute-v0-4/0_100#post_18651666 is where the main thread is
  19. Nice startup What's your config for Gen Usage and VS?
  20. Code is not public, same reason FM doesn't make its code public I suggest getting a book or two ofc. I get a portion of my computational code from back when I did my PhD, as such it's based on real life problems. As long as your buddy is proficient in C++, have a look at n-body simulations. Those are always interesting and taxing, or black-scholes for finance. It's a case of picking up an algorithm and having a go. A strong background in mathematics always helps, especially when writing optimised code :thumb:
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