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Everything posted by schub97

  1. http://hwbot.org/searchResults.do?direction=&applicationId=0&teamId=0&userName=&gpu=GeForce+9300+GE+%2820%29&numberOfVideocards=0&cpu=&chipset=&model=&manufacturer=&minScore=&maxScore=&gpuId=1473&cpuId=0&chipsetId=0&modelId=0&manufacturerId=0&offset=0&displayAdvanced=false&countryId=0&dateFrom=&dateUntil=&minGpuCoreFreq=&maxGpuCoreFreq=&minGpuMemFreq=&maxGpuMemFreq=&minCpuFreq=&maxCpuFreq=&system=&minTotalPoints= Sard´s sbmittted score with 2x geforce 9300 GE are wrong.It is an another card!You can see it on the screens. i have made a gpu-z-scrren for you.
  2. here is the right for you:http://hwbot.org/forum/helpcenter.php?
  3. Ticket ID: 287 Priority: Low The geforce 9300 GE is not list in the geforce 9-series!Please fix this!You can see this here!\r\n\r\nLink:http://hwbot.org/browseHardwareVideoCards.do?gpuFamilyId=172\r\n\r\nthanks,schub97
  4. Yes,thats i can think,but that isnt exist in memory-typs!And it can be delete,du you now?
  5. Please delete gddr3 and gddr4,because thats are graphics card memory types only! Ticket ID:276 Thanks,schub97
  6. when its are so much teams,then is that good for hwbot!WHY?Because for example so more members and more and more members.
  7. I show in my profile and i am scared about that!My join date ist 1.1.1970!No,no,no!Can you please fix this? thanks,schub97 Edit:I have seen that very much member´s join date is very old,so please fix this too!
  8. Happy Birthday!
  9. Yes or no? BY:http://www.futuremark.com/ edit: pease put this thread to the forum benhmark software!thanks!
  10. Happy Birthday

  11. they mean you haven´t got sumbit with physx driver(graphicscard nvidia).
  12. rich,we cant sumbit with link by 1.55!
  13. ypu must have direct x9.0c,also you installating directx9.0c over 10.
  14. I needed to provide longer than five minutes around thread,so the polll isnt there.the answers are in the fisrt post.
  15. how do you find the idea,to seperate the two? yes,thats a good idea(1) no,that isnt a good idea me all the same other
  16. oh sorry!i doesnt know that!and i am very impatient!
  17. up i have updated the first post!
  18. up.why doesn´t anyone try to help me?
  19. Please add nvidia geforce 9300 GE 256MB! Ticket ID:243 Prioty:low thanks,schub97
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