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Everything posted by skulstation

  1. yes i have see the update and i like it alot. have fun whit the beast
  2. evga mods rig http://www.evga.com/forums/tm.aspx?m=647656
  3. thx but ,che 'the small one' is not there yet. btw nice sr-2 hybrid
  4. idd maybe.but furst som baby stuf
  5. for the moment i don't have any cpu's
  6. sorry for the mistake. i have change to the raid processor kategory
  7. thx this is the cpu-z link http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=616312
  8. i know you ar al buzzy. but is it possibel to ad this cpu grtz
  9. Ticket ID: 442 Priority: Medium is it posibel to add the opteron 8346 HE to the data base.\r\n\r\nthx
  10. sorry did not se the helpcenter
  11. i change categogie to the 9250. so plees delete the scores in the 9250se. sorry for my mistakes to place the score in the wrong section
  12. halo to al off you i have 3 flaged scores 1. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=856111&popup=true 2. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=856109&popup=true 3. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=856107&popup=true gpu-z tels me its a 9250 secundary so i post al this score in the 9250 se section but now the ar flaged as no 9250 se what is the good caterogi for this 3 scores grtz
  13. when whil this cpu be added? i am reddy to make some extra points whit it
  14. Ticket ID: 325 Priority: High is it possibel to ad the xeon xeon 3.2 fsb 533 L3cash 1Mb\r\ni have two of those cpu\'s whaiting for a bench session \r\n\r\nhttp://img35.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cpuzxeon3200fsb533.jpg\r\n\r\nthx
  15. stil nobady whit the same problem i have found a other problem. i instaled 2 e5310 xeon cpu's, on my tyan i5000xl thos 2 cpu's run @ 2223 mhz max, but whit the D5400XS it tops @ 2052 mhz even when i set the bios @ 410 FSb whit 1.3Vcore
  16. i have a P4SC motherboatd,but i khan not find it on the asus site where khan i find drivers and bios for this bord this bord is used in a ASUS Terminator P4 PC Desktop the problems ar whit a Pentium 4 1800 Mhz the bord works but somtimes it reboot now and than whit a pentium 4 3066 Mhz the bord runs the cpu at 1600 Mhz max and it also reboot now and than and i have problems whit the onbord-sound
  17. thx all for the replay the system is instaling rite now windows 2000 whit the 2 cpu's @ 200 mhz.i playd a bit whit the dipswitches
  18. after boot i have 3 options F1 to continue F9 for rom-base diagnostics, ther is no options to select a fsb F10 for the system partition utilities if i hit F10 the system tels me,the system partition utilitiet ar not availebal on this system pres any key to continue
  19. on the singel cpu bord ther ar no dipswitshes but on the dual cpu bord ther is a switch block but no diskription. on the proliant 1500 is no option for entering the bios
  20. the same thing hapens when i switch the singel cpu bort to a dual cpu bord.but the pentium mmx 200 ar detectet as a 180 mmx the cpu's ar intel pentium mmx 200 fv80503200 SL27J / 2.3V
  21. i have a old compaq proliant server whit singel Processor Board whit a intel pentium mmx 200 instaled,but cpu-z tels me its a mmx 150 where shuld i post the resulds.
  22. did nobady elz have this problem exept me.
  23. thx i dint know thad. this tread ma be closed thx all for the help
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