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Everything posted by BeepBeep2

  1. Accusing that you were rude? I said that some of the lab501 teammates (including you a little) were rude in this conversation. It is only an opinion. Am I not allowed to voice my opinion? Where did I say exactly that YOU were rude as a whole person, either? Where have I insinuated anything about anybody's personal life? I haven't changed the meaning of any of my words, meaning of words can be misinterpreted and/or interpreted differently as many of the lab501 members here have done... Also, you don't know me outside HWBOT plus a quick glance at my scores, that I only submit for fun, and you only know my age because I told you it, so don't tell me what I am or what I lack in general...it is ridiculous for you to tell me what I lack or what I am as a person with such a limited view... You admire my results on LN2? My LN2 results were crap, it was a first run and my BD CPU is a peice of sh*t...and most of my results are on air/water. I admire the results of people like nachtfalke and poparamiro that have proven how much effort, money and time is put into their results however the attitudes of some of the romanian overclockers here have been a bit unsettling. I don't know why people get so upset about a hobby...
  2. The issue about the bios was cleared up by you quickly and politely before, I don't see why we're still talking about it. The funny thing is that the discussion about the freq were started by those on lab501. (Iubitel, GENiEBEN and a little bit Monstru/DanutzuAC) I don't know if Monstru understands the word "Manipulate" either, it means "to edit"...I wanted to know why it read "Dell" and nachtfalke explained easily.
  3. @Monstru, you get no apology. I said you could have been right but the results looked suspicious, "because they were so damn good". You are very blunt in explanation but I also somewhat agree with this post: http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?p=170745#post170745 However there is a huge difference between "attack" and "discussing/asking based on premise". I've attacked nobody. I've said what I thought was suspicious, said what I thought it was, and waited for an explanation. I didn't come in here and say "nachtfalke and poparamiro are cheaters, proof is 4850/7970 result and changed vendor ID", but some people reacted as if I did. If I did that, it would be quite silly. Also, my questioning had nothing to do with questionable clocks reached (it seems a few people thought I was claiming they were fudging scores/clocks) OR score. It was a mix of the fact that both of them had super-cherry cards and exact same clocks. People like Iubitel/DanutzuAC/poparamiro at first replied, and contributed no explanation but many insults instead, only starting/fueling a fire. You, even played a part in the insults... nachtfalke cleared it up quickly and politely and apologized for the rudeness of his team members. So many people with huge e-penis and self worth here, also get extremely butthurt very easily, jesus christ... +1
  4. I thought I'd typed 210e O_O Thanks Turrican!
  5. @ Strategossan He said to us on XS 2.2v memory under LN2.
  6. Ticket ID: 1509 Priority: Medium http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/K10/AMD-Athlon%20II%20X2%20210e%20AD210EHDK22GI%20%28AD210EHDGIBOX%29.html\r\n\r\n2.6 GHz stock, 45w
  7. Look, I don't know how many times I've gone over this...nachtfalke understands and has apologized to me. This has absolutely nothing to do with the scores achieved by both of them, it had to do with the fact that both of their GPUs were running exactly the same clock speeds. nachtfalke confirmed to me very politely that it was simply a coincidence and nothing more. I brought it up to make sure it WAS a coincidence, not because I'm saying "Hey, you cheater". EDIT I am 16 years old and jobless. I overclock what I have, and as a student I don't have the money to buy parts, bin parts etc. The only way I could possibly bin was to buy / sell / buy / sell etc which is very impractical. I'm sure you read the things that Iubitel said to me, all of which were very rude and untrue... Some people like chew* and chispy, ASUS North America have been kind to me in the past with parts (I received Corsair H70 and Gigabyte 890GX from chew*, first 2GB DDR3 and fan from chispy, 890FX motherboard, Intel X25-V, 4870X2 etc from Gary Key (ASUS marketing employee)) I'm grateful to have opportunities to overclock and I'm not in this to be competitive to the point of aggression or to spend the whole time pointing fingers at others because they have done better with better / high bin parts and possible better knowledge. EDIT 2: I was unaware until nachtfalke posted here that he lived in Germany, his HWBOT location says "ROMANIA" and he kindly explained to me why in PM.
  8. nachtfalke has graciously apologized to me in PM for any of his teammate's words... Anything I need to remove?... Quotes of others? Why cover up what's already been said? I can handle a (small) vacation if that is what is needed...I don't really feel I've done wrong though. Regardless, any derogatory words I've used toward that one guy have been either turned into * or replaced with something a little nicer. He did make me laugh a little though upon return to this thread:
  9. Nice one Mafio Efficiency is a little off but impressive CPU clock.
  10. ...what rampage are you talking about? Are you talking about yourself? (Serious question)...as I am on no kind of rampage. I agree 100%...I was only curious. EDIT I like how he (Iubitel) accused me of "looking for cheats instead of thinking of improving your poor performance" too, my performances haven't been poor and the only time I've "looked for cheats" or results misplaced were when I was submitting into those rankings.
  11. ...why so worked up? At least nachtfalke was reasonable in his explanation. I didn't know. I simply saw the results in the ranking and both of you had similar clocks (completely unachievable on my only 4850, or many others, even if I put 1.7v) and I was curious. Shut up. I am looking for cheats instead of thinking of improving my poor performance? I am an idiot and mediocre bencher because I don't get lucky or have lots of money? I am a douchebag? You have absolutely no place to talk (look at your own ranking) and I was only wondering...and I got an answer, and for the most part it was polite (on nachtfalke's part)... So **** off. I'm bothered by their skill? Hell no? When did I say or hint at that? I think their results are nothing short of amazing! ...I am an amateur, I don't get all worked up about shit like this. I just wanted to know as both 4850's had similar clocks (and amazing at that!) and both of them were listed as "ROMANIA"... Work more and accuse less? Please, I just wanted to know what was going on...don't throw a fit... How do I become annoying? I made one post about 1-2 things, and my questions were answered nicely by nachtfalke. No harm done! Yes I would put the time and money in to get good CPUs/GPUs, better cooling and voltmods (I already have voltmodded my only 4850 to 1.5v, it is not a good GPU)...however I am rather poor, young, and have a social life. What do I need to learn? What tweaks/skill am I missing? Overclocking is not rocket science, and those that know the right people or have the most money end up on top in this "sport". This has nothing to do about what they have accomplished and what I can't accomplish due to "lack of skill" *cough* "lack of $$$/time" or are jealous of. For example I have one 955 BE now that does 5 GHz+ validations on air cooling (I can probably take air cooling AMD K10 record with this chip) however my old 965 BE only did 4.49 GHz. Nothing has changed in my overclocking, just luck. Those weren't facts, they were assumptions.
  12. Thanks a bunch. I try my best to be friendly, some results just look suspicious when there is so much grey area. You cleared all of that up.
  13. Thanks for clarification. EDIT: Now that I'm on a desktop and not a smartphone I can load results...
  14. It is super easy to change the device ID of a card. However why the f*** change it to "Dell"? Unless he happened to use a card pulled from a Dell machine why would it say Dell? Why the hell are you insulting me?
  15. ...really, you didn't know that vendor ID is read out by GPU-Z? With 7970's, of course, exactly why I said "may be completely different" "may be coincidence" Uhh, and I think it's safe to say that about half of poparamiro's results don't have setup pics...and are missing almost all component info but CPU and maybe ram speed, usually only in screenshot. As far as the 4850 results, both of their cards do exactly the same clocks, and those clocks are ridiculous? (Most 4850 hit ~850-900 on air even with vmod) They're also using same CPU/motherboard models, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything on its own.
  16. So I hate to bring this up again, but I still feel poparamiro and nachtfalke are sharing hardware... Exact same clocks, and same CPU model...but they claim one is on "Air" and the other is on "Water"...both cards being alien cards, outstanding for either class, both hold #1 for ambient cooling. http://hwbot.org/submission/2251554_poparamiro_3dmark06_radeon_hd_4850_gddr3_21213_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/2275402_nachtfalke_3dmark06_radeon_hd_4850_gddr3_21282_marks Also, nachtfalke's 4850 has had the vendor ID manipulated to read "Dell"...really? Monstru can claim whatever he wants but those are super cherry picked-card type results, if they sold the card to each other I'm sorry but it's kind of suspicious. Also 10 days ago they both submitted 7970 results both with ASUS bios cards (may be completely different...)...which may be a coincidence but how many coincidences can you have? Also 2 weeks ago poparamiro submitted a bunch of 2x 4850 results and 6 days ago nachtfalke followed up. On vantage submission, nachtfalke labeled his card "XFX 7970 Core Edition" but it is flashed with ASUS bios just like poparamiro (left info blank, does that a lot) Also, if poparamiro is going to compete in the Enthusiast league, why do very many of his submissions not have photos of his setup? ...not just that but others are obscure and he often leaves out what board he uses both in HWBOT info and screenshots. I see a lot of the same parts doing very similar clocks but the difference is that nachtfalke's results are always on cascade or phase for CPU and GPUs on water at same/slightly higher clocks.
  17. I think HT Ref. is really limited to the individual motherboard/chip and there isn't much to do for it. You can try to put HTT and CPU_NB voltage through the roof but I don't know if that will help. I really like the board though, I had one of those, back in 2010 and sold it to Gautam...is that the one I had?
  18. Stock cooler? You're crazy D: What was GPU core voltage?
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