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Everything posted by icebob

  1. until someone beat your score...
  2. Frikkin awesome! congrats Knut and the whole team Pure!
  3. Keep on your good work Elmor, if we have it, we have it, if not we'll just have to deal with it.
  4. Thx Elmor, no more -5c benching!!!
  5. here we go, now we gonna have to pass a piss test to be able to submit!
  6. My point with the 7790 is 1500 is fairly easy, we don't have a cold slow bios so I don't see the point to hook up an epower to run the card at -2/-5c! so I think you're going a little overboard with that video thingy, I've never upload a video before, don't have a frikkin clue how to do it, and just getting the right screenshot already take all my little change... just saying...
  7. Was just trying to be funny, not complaining! for the 7790, 1500 is fairly easy with just simple vmod...
  8. Where do we send blood sample for DNA authentification?
  9. while scratching your nutsack!
  10. it's the 1st of july somewhere! where's the background!!!
  11. frikkin easy to know if epower is use, no need frikkin pics for that! if gpuz say 1800 my guess gpu not stock!!!
  12. happy that you changed your mind Vivi...cause i have\alot of respect for you...
  13. have to agree with Mr Scott on this one, even if I don't agree with the rule change.... openly asking/showing people to cheat should be considered as an action that should required consequence...
  14. Just to make it clear,class B is fine with me, hardware stay the same and as far as I'm aware nobody use an epower on their 7790 in first round! New benches is cool as it will make it more fun than just repeat scores from first round. Bulldozer/piledriver would have crush 3570 in wprime anyway.2600/2700 was allowed in first round anyway so, raiding the classies adds to try to find a good one right now... better than binning titans/780!!!I totally don't agree with rule change for class A... modding have been the root of oc, so to ban epower/ non msi vrm is a nonsense to me. I even don't understand the ban of 780 lightning... 780 are out, and a lightning is just another flavor... we can just feel lucky that a certain competitor already have his ticket to finals cause hwbot server would have not been able to stay on top of the whining...
  15. Don't know dude but benching at -8c is quite challenging! and 2 liters goes a frikkin long way!
  16. Mike you just closed the debate!
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