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Everything posted by icebob

  1. was that close Bart, but to use a known excuse, I ran out of nitro! will be better next time!
  2. I never ran that chip other than under the ss... trying to stretch it's lifespan!
  3. Diabolo, you're only as good as your sample!!!
  4. Thx man! took me all afternoon to get that, big thanks to Mark, G and Vince for their advice...
  5. Was just a click and wait, bloated os no tweak except LSC, will spend more time over the week end....
  6. sorry was late last night! board ud4-b3, 2x2g perfectstorm, 1.685vcore, anything else!
  7. card have more left, need to find hard mod for it, fun card to play with!
  8. thx guys! still a little nervous with the rig but i'm getting there!
  9. the man's on a mission! amazing Nick!
  10. Good job! nice to see a retail hitting 1500
  11. Hahaha! frikkin qawesome! what gpu pot did you use again?
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