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Everything posted by Don_Corleone-

  1. I have to say that this new chip not as good as old one. I have to try the old chip for second time
  2. Finally you got what you're looking for
  3. Mine clocks better than yours ) If you need ln2 or vmod feel free to call me
  4. AMD crowd getting bigger and bigger in the team // 4050 is so nice clock dear. it's max clock for 140/air cooling.
  5. So it would be better for this AMD guy to come back into his own business
  6. I've flashed chil8266 but voltage adjustment via afterburner disabled. Also i experienced some strange artifacts in 03 GT2. Any idea?
  7. Sempron 140 WR is a hard milestone but i'll try my best shot for. We could score about 5.8 for cpu-z test. NB voltage limitation in bios and cpu itself were limiting factors. I stabilized 450fsb on 620 with this mb before.
  8. It's not the same. this 4850B is not a good overclockabe cpu. I got serious headaches to rech 3000!!! 4850E http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103255 4850B http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883103186
  9. Ticket ID: 959 Priority: Medium http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1312308\r\nAthlon X2 4850B
  10. As always you did a nice job man ;;; Too bad that i can't give you any challenge in this competition
  11. As always you did a nice job man ;;; Too bad that i can't give you any challenge in this competition
  12. Aziz aval tabriki chizi migofti bad moamele mikardi;;; Tabrik migam babak jan
  13. Catalyst Installed due Radeon 5870 tests on previous run
  14. Nice result Dear - basi hal kardam
  15. So as everyone believes its normal to have artifact WHY just my friend get banned??? Who is responsible in HWBOT?? Why he got banned??
  16. The value of the die size is due to language settings (we use persian as language) and appear sometimes.that is not an artifact. another example http://img.hotoverclock.com/images/18908009956616076898.png edit : another example with a diffrent language http://hwbot.org/community/submission/750163_danmer_3dmark_2001_geforce_9600_gt_80096_marks
  17. It will be nice to meet you previously i met sahand but could not find what i was looking for; Join Forum plz; nasilsa tanistigimiza sevindim hemseri
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