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Everything posted by euklidis

  1. hahahahaah that's really funny... benzowner change the names... make it: disallow ranking while posting disallow taking part in normal ranks
  2. Go ahead. post a 3dmark05 for example with 6.7+ with a retail...
  3. yeah but still it would be fair competition. I do not think that top 10 can't find a good retail, but average joe would still have the same chances to find one and compete them... Or you can change the logo to HWBOT Worldwide sponsors and hw companies league. Trully this was your dreams when you started this site or a league that will have to do with overclocking ONLY;
  4. 22 oct 2009... by that time 980X was not able at hwbot for posting good scores btw and fully acceptable from everyone in hwbot. AY is a great OCer, he doesn't need ES to reach top 10, So i do not see the reason playing with ES
  5. just did... couldn't find w3570 though or another retail cpu http://hwbot.org/community/submission/987842_andreyang_superpi_32m_core_i7_980x_5min_37sec_234ms'>http://hwbot.org/community/submission/987842_andreyang_superpi_32m_core_i7_980x_5min_37sec_234ms http://hwbot.org/community/submission/987842_andreyang_superpi_32m_core_i7_980x_5min_37sec_234ms http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1011592_andreyang_3dmark_2005_geforce_gtx_480_55493_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1012457_andreyang_3dmark_2006_geforce_gtx_480_42891_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1011590_andreyang_3dmark_2003_geforce_gtx_480_140885_marks'>http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1011590_andreyang_3dmark_2003_geforce_gtx_480_140885_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1011590_andreyang_3dmark_2003_geforce_gtx_480_140885_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1010715_andreyang_3dmark_2006_4x_radeon_hd_5870_47240_marks
  6. Have you consider that ES sold on ebay are already tested an do not overclock as good as their competitors in here?
  7. any WR with W3570 retail? i don't think so... Make a WR with a retail w3570 or 980X to prove us wrong but i guess that is no possible...
  8. one out of hundreds and still 900+ points behind the ES owners...
  9. i have to go with the third... they can post them but with no points... I've said it before... you can't buy ES so easy, and if you find one it will already be tested
  10. Everything i say is only my believes and they have nothing to do with HOT. I believe that Andre IS elite. He is one of the best and worked hard to achive this goal. I just disagree with the absence of specific rules about the hardware. Andre, kingpin, hipro and shamino were the people who made me start OCing as they made other people too. So i respect these guys. I just believe that ES parts should not be in the game due to the limited number and that it's not easy to find one good part and be the first one to test it. If the retail edition was similar to the ES that wouldn't be a problem but the gap is huge. That's all. I never questioned andre about his abilities or his place at the ranks. He is a high class overclocker and he proved it before many times.
  11. come on mate. Do not act like you do ton know that ES parts do not pas a QC like the retail editions...
  12. +1 mate. 100% correct
  13. Are there enough for anyone to buy? Or only the crappy ones that they didn't fit the expectations of the seller on OC? ES cpus are not enough for everyone to buy like the retail edition. Some people bought many ES parts. tested them, kept the best for themselves and their team and sell the crappy on ebay. ES are really limited in number and hard to be the first who tests them So we all must find people who are responsible for the leaks and test them first so we can keep the good cpus. And you call that fair competition... lol
  14. cause it is not the legal way... and here we play with HW that you can find at a shop. shelling ES cpuz is not legal mate, and buying them is illegal too. encouraging users to obtain illegal hardware is not the best thing for a site like this and most important for the OC community...
  15. so hwbot encourages users to be illegal if they want a WR or even a place at the top 40. As far as i see it, there is no fair play here and no rules. If you can find and buy an ES cpu and you don't mind risking getting caught, then you will be at the top of the rankings, or else if you wanna be legal and play nice, you will not have a chance (the 300hw points limit makes it even harder )
  16. And because some have illegal software we all must buy illegal hw, maybe steal some cars and houses why not kill someone... And in sports we should give drugs to the athletes so they will get better scores
  17. look at this... http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/pifast/rankings top 20 all with 980X ES and 670 ES. is this fair?
  18. receiving "stolen" goods IS illigal mate... Almost everyware... and allowing this attitudes you force people to be illegal in order to compete with the ones who own illegal HW.
  19. These CPUs are not legally obtained mate... Intel will agree with me... They are made for testing only, not for selling them on ebay. If i buy a watch from a thief that makes me legal? Of course not... AY made a WR with an ES these days with the cpu at 6518. Can you find a retail cpu on hwbot that ocerclockes that high or even close...?
  20. Good score but i believe submissions with 980X ES should not be allowed. This is a piece of hardware different from the retail version which is not available on market. It is known that it overclockes much higher than the retail parts. In this case we all have to get friends in Intel, AMD, Dell in order to be competitive with the ones they have people from inside to get ΕS CPUs which according to the manifacturers are illegally obtained...
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