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Everything posted by euklidis

  1. The problem with the "only top 5 give points to the team" destroys the meaning of team. it's top 5-6 of each team and all the others are alone no matter if they sign in a team. i agree in rev 4 in general but i strongly disagree with that rule.
  2. the funny part is that manufacturers advertise their products through our work and money. We pay them, we bench and break records and they get free advertisement. Now they want to interfere on the site. the point is that hwbot hasn't understand that this is the place for their ads and that they should be licking our butts...
  3. I am friend with most If the guys In my team, and we are having fun together benching or going out for q coffee. The feeling that I contribute to somethint made me trying to become better. Competing with others makes it funnier and more interesting. New If you wannna offer something to your team you have to buy toner of hw and become the best. That leaves enthusiasm out of the game.
  4. So we first must remove the motivation from the new members to see If this is going to work.
  5. I personally disagree with the "only best submission count toward team". Most of us starting ocing cause we felt like we were contributing to something bigger, even with the 2 points we could offer to our teams. That made as try to get better and better. Now we will not have this kind of feeling offered to the new members. this fume is killing OC. Do you want this community ti get bigger and stronger or you just want to destroy it. Give reason to newbies to keep Overclocking... let them have the feeling of contribution to a team.
  6. good work chan... now get the 1st place hehehe
  7. good work chan... now get the 1st place hehehe
  8. nice score man... keep pushing... i bet you can do better
  9. Α week ago shamino and kingpin got a retail 980X. They did 6.100 on 3D. They knew the mobo, they knew the cpu (not the first 980X they tried) but the couldn't hit 6.600 in 3D, why is that? 2 top class overclockers (i believe shamino is an OC god) were 500Mhz lower then ES cpus. In live events people go with already OS anf they know the mods they will do. MSI gave contestants the vga before to weeks for the MSi MOA so they will have enough time to mod them and test them before the event. So those things you say are wrong. They do not participate cause they do not use their own cpus and vgas. i heard that some participate at GOOC, won the 1500 price (they played with their own HW) and said that they will not go to finals, passing their ticket to the finals to the next one. Maybe they do not wanna prove that they are sponsored or working for companies? maybe;)
  10. what? dude is a bad word? if it is i am sorry but i do not think it is it means friend which is good in a community... unless you want us to write in full formal style...
  11. Dude pros will have to say who are their sponsors... First we have to talk with the companies...
  12. Companies already sponsor overclockers here... Wanna go to the pro league? You have to go with sponsors. I believe companies would like that too. They already pay for most of the hw. It is like F1. compete with the best hw, becomes huge advertisments that costs them nothing but HW which is not a great loss for them. So companies will give hw for competing at the pro league which is better advertisment than the amatures league... I believe this idea is really promising...
  13. what is better if you are a pro... be the best among amatures or be the first among pros? pros can compete with each other and amateurs can compete together. If amateurs get really good they will propably find sponsors to go to the pro league... as it is in every other proffesional leagues system...
  14. That's why seperate leagues are good... get good scores in the amatures league may propably get you the ticket for the sponsored league
  15. spliting in 2 categories is a good idea... one with sponsors and one without. At the first companies will advertise themserlves in public and in the second sponsors are not allowed... either ES cpus and ES gpus or ES mobos
  16. + i believe that a week from now is a decent period of time to try some cpus and post the 6.7+ score you said you can achive... maybe you can stream it too right andre?
  17. So you agree that companies and 10-20 guys here destroyed the oc league and the chance for equal competition...
  18. 6.7 was an example, btw andre said that he can bench with retail @ 6.7+
  19. yeah but i guess if there are doubts you can prove it with a video if you had an ES would you risk getting banned?
  20. ooow with the post, and cause there is no way to prove that the cpus is retail we would like a video with a close up to the cpuz @ 6.7 and the benchmark...
  21. If you can post a 3dmark 05 for example with a retail @6.7+ why you keep fighting with a crappy 980X ES who can only overclock to 6.6 on 3dmark05?
  22. if you remove ES only companies who actually paid for the golden ES would be sad it's not a secret, cherry ES cpus where bought by companies among thousands of ES... send the best to some people and the rest are returned or on ebay. The only way to stop manufacturers interference is removing the ES advantage they have, cause me and you cannot buy ES directly from intel. Sure they can buy thousands of retail cpus and find good cpus but so do the rest of us. Who knows. I might be lucky the next time i buy a cpu luckier than companies...
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