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Everything posted by nacho_arroyo

  1. Great work Mtech, Amazing score and strong PSU SS u have there Congratulations!
  2. Amazing!!! u still pinked!! great work and nice CPU
  3. Sick chip Draco! EDIT: let the gril show off and put that CPU under cold!
  4. Crazy, really Crazy Tosly, u deserved a vacations in the end of the world, for at less 6 months!!!!!!!! U rock 3D under LN2!!!!!!!!
  5. I dont care about your felling (:I), Vince care ()? please some good action, u have 2 cards, 2 vga pot´s, crazy CPU and.. u have u, so please.. move forward :-) and show us some rocks !
  6. Dam catalyst haha, ok Allen, i got it, now, push some cold on that VGA´s and stop kidding me ok?
  7. Gracias Luque!!!! y a ver si nos vemos el año que viene, extraño a PEDAZO y su banda! :-)
  8. Thanks mate, that soft dont have any effect before windows showing desktop, so i dont think is a soft issue that u have, add me on skype if u want and we can talk about that. my skype is nacho-arroyo
  9. Hi all, after make some test last week with MSI N680GTX under LN2, now i put the CPU under LN2 on X79 and make some runs again, and with SLI too. Hardware used: 1GPU: Msi N680GTX Lightning @ LN2 SeaSonic 860W Platinum Gskill 2000MHz c6 (2x4GB) Corsair SSD Neutron GTX 240GB Asus Rampage 4 Extreme I7 3930K @ LN2 2GPU´s (SLI): 2 x Msi N680GTX Lightning @ LN2 SeaSonic 860W Platinum (placa base + 1 VGA) SeaSonic 1050W Gold (1VGA) Gskill 2000MHz c6 (2x4GB) Corsair SSD Neutron GTX 240GB Asus Rampage 4 Extreme I7 3930K @ LN2 1GPU: 3Dmark Vantage 2nd with NVIDIA GTX680 3Dmark 2011 4th with NVIDIA GTX680 26th on global 1 GPU 2GPUs: 3Dmark Vantage WR with NVIDIA GTX680 2 GPU´s WR with 2 GPU´s global 3Dmark 2011 2nd with NVIDIA GTX680 2 GPU´s 2nd with 2 GPU´s global PICS: I am happy with this scores, i have to say this cards are amazing, and i really enjoy benching multi GPU system, i don´t have to much experience with mutli GPU under cold, but i was lucky with this runs. Best Regards and thanks for reading! Nacho
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