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Everything posted by daimons

  1. It would be very nice and right if you took all your incorrectly designed screenshots yourself, since they themselves revealed it. After all, you are a person, to whom all are equal and to whose opinion they are listened. You should be ashamed to take screenshots that do not comply with the rules that are not even in the news column, but by a direct link to the description of the test. by the way. It repeatedly sounded that once again making a test is also a trivial matter. if you want everything to be by the rules, and not according to the opinion of the moderators or your own
  2. therefore, it is necessary to highlight exactly those areas that must be on the screenshot necessarily. and all will be good and simple. it does not give different interpretations of the same "violations"
  3. Yes. I wrote about this two pages. and common sense? if there are rules and there is time to make a screenshot of the rules? you need to either change the rules for everyone by specifying the required mandatory red field or demanding from all its compliance as it is now. that's the only common sense.
  4. Thank you all for your opinion. You are all adults and you can open the rules yourself and see the requirements for the design of screenshots. Due to the fact that the official rules for creating screenshots for submitting the result now do not have any force, but are interpreted by the moderators "this is right" or "it's wrong" our team will not take part in the HWBOT Team Cup 2018.
  5. in the rules, the example of the screenshot is highlighted in red, always free. if not free - the screenshot is incorrect. this will remove all issues in the future.
  6. fasten it on the rules page. or ask everyone to observe what is fixed there. and in the news on the change and on the actual rules page. We do not have crystal balls to understand the views of the moderators. there are rules on the page. and we believe that they work for everyone alike. I repeat - I have long had similar situations. the results were deleted. I checked with a screenshot of the rules and did not protest. apparently in vain.
  7. you confirm the possibility of placing the windows on the highlighted red area for graphic tests, while the digital and information data will be readable? or is this only relevant for this screenshot?
  8. here a certain result is discussed. the screenshot does not comply with the rules. this for laughing is not visible?
  9. I want to understand - what did Mr.Scott lack to make a screenshot of the rules and why this result is special ???
  10. TerraRaptor, your prejudiced attitude to the opinion of participants from the former USSR has long been clear to me. you initially do not believe what we say and definitely support the other side. this is unpleasant and incomprehensible. it is precisely because of this attitude towards us that this dispute arose. if there are rules for the design of the screenshot with the highlighted mandatory free areas - there are individuals who do not? because there is nothing easier than re-shoot the screenshot according to the rules? is this position of the moderators?
  11. and are you special? not like everyone else? compliance with the rules for the design of screenshots is not for you? in my team, such screenshots were deleted without explanation. just for inconsistency. are all equal in the community?
  12. The screenshot does not comply with the rules. The part highlighted in red is closed, which is obligatory by the rules.
  13. I want to express my gratitude to Gregor for his work and regret for this decision. I wish more confidence in my actions and do not take so much to heart claims from users. Antinomy, дружище, imho ты путаешь теплое с мягким. Сообщество сейчас не то. Сравнивать его с зарождением движения - в корне неверно. Равно как и говорить, что здесь всё будет только так как скажут модераторы. Популярность нашей дисциплины падает, здесь остались только те кто бенчит всё что движется и те кто на этом зарабатывает. последние своим давлением грозят остаться одни на этом форуме... Жаль...
  14. ok, so let's reconsider all the results in regard to the compliance with the rules up-to-date. The availability of screenshots, photos of stands, references??? Is the law going to be applied to everybody and everywhere? This is your great radical sense so far? Is there any sense in these actions right now?
  15. Unfortunately, in our country it is sometimes difficult to find even 1 set for the submission, well 3, and the more different members of the team - it is simply unrealistic. We will be a lot to think about our participation.
  16. vielleicht die falsche Phase der OC e Sports gewählt? Offizielle Team- Cup 2015 Hintergrundpflicht.
  17. it is the competition N 11 . http://oc-esports.io/#!/round/team_cup_2015_sc2/2365/cloud_gate_target:_250'>http://oc-esports.io/#!/round/team_cup_2015_sc2/2365/cloud_gate_target:_250 but not for the team points http://oc-esports.io/#!/round/team_cup_2015_sc2
  18. why my submission did not bring my team points http://oc-esports.io/#!/round/team_cup_2015_sc2/2365/cloud_gate_target:_250
  19. unfortunately on other operating systems do not run tests. important here full load of processor cores
  20. we really liked . but the small number of overclockers and lack of top-end hardware is not allowed to rise above. secret stage - a very good idea. do not need to do it longer than 24 hours. so chances are equalized . we had despite the fact that there was a working day.
  21. here will not be posted winning motherboards? we have to wait on an email from Gigabyte?
  22. QuantumX, won the friendship! )))))
  23. Thanks Gigabyte for an interesting contest.
  24. you can have it for Catzilla?
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