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Posts posted by pro

  1. yes actually as a benchmark it seems good... very similar to vantage xtreme where when in 4 way CPU clocks have minimum impact on GT...


    i dont see hardly any scaling past 6 cores... i havnt done direct comparison, but cpu tests in amd/intel arnt that much different so it will totally depend how the GT looks between the platforms..

  2. i think its fair enough that we as a community pay futuremark if the bench in question meets the requirements we need it to meet,


    some of the key to me being,


    * flexing up to date hardware, dx11 - TICK

    * heavy on GPU when it first comes out - TICK

    * good level of security built in - this bench is a step backwards from 03,05,06,vantage which is a step backwards again from 3d01

    * subtests visually available - we really need to see some GT and CPU/combined FPS without going into the results.xml and digging them out..


    I think futuremark have delivered the hard parts of the deal, but left a couple of the minor parts out..


    Unfortunately in my personal opinion the security of this bench is a deal breaker, as far as i can see any score the user wants can be punched in and submitted to ORB with a ease unlike any other bench...

  3. i am not sure if anyone mentioned this,


    but the security on this benchmark is the worst i have seen, there might as well be no security,


    one can choose their score and submit whatever they please..


    as a benchmark to use as a community, this is not something that i think should be scored on HWBOT until valid security is in place...

  4. uh CMON guys, stay on topic here,


    Anyone that says either Jody or Nick have cheated in any way, and infact also Andre, you better have some proof..


    OKAY andre gave out a score to someone, he shouldnt have done that, but lets discuss what this topic is for, hwbot changes..

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