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TeamAU last won the day on June 5 2023

TeamAU had the most liked content!

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Enthusiast (6/14)

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  1. let me guess, you post today that 3090 ti is close to WR, then sometime in the next two weeks, you find the magic missing piece and you take the world record, then everyone else tries and cant get close to your efficiency, this story seems familiar
  2. I've never seen someone work as hard as you did to achieve this, from the board, bios, testing modules and achieving your goal, well deserved
  3. great performance mate, cant wait to see the all out runs
  4. nice one bro, you are developing into one of the top 3d legacy guys
  5. GB isnt recognizing the CPU so wont let you submit a link, but 3.4.4 should be used yeah
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