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Everything posted by TeamAU

  1. wow hazzan thats a sick score, i know you have worked hard mate, you really deserve this result
  2. see, if we quit whining, and work to find tweak we will find it... easy
  3. oh my bad, your using 2500k haha, crazy result dude
  4. wooot bench mother, nice score, but i am still not convinced 275 days are over
  5. time to change sig from extreme middle of the road to extreme somewhere fairly close to the top of the road.. well done mate, thats killer
  6. misplaced my raid controller, so thought i should give it a go with ICH and some old school i-rams.. fancy that, i can in 2nd place to myself, holy moly, i thought raid controller was worth 3.5k?, seems i had no idea what i was doing...
  7. i just wanted to clear something up that almost everyone has a misconception about, in the past there was alot of hoo-hay about browser changing... yes i changed browser, and i changed it BACK to IE 5.5, it gave a boost, these days IE 9 is the best, if you want to use opera or firefox its POSSIBLE but its alot of work and the yield is worse than IE 9.. so as far as i know, of course there could be 100 other browsers that are better, IE 9 is the best and thats what everyone is using.. also the video/audio encoding, YES its possible to change codec, but it only makes your score go backwards, i was never changing codecs, it was always simple registry based changes, i hope we all understand this, pcmark is a simple benchmark, focussed on storage, but with alot of fine tuning available, things like os choice, driver choice, driver configuration and level of microsoft updates are all very important.. lets just get rid of the bickering and get back to the benching in this genuinely FUN hdd based bench!
  8. you didn't say i cheated, but you implied i am doing something wrong and not "normal", what is normal? subzero's score? or is my score normal? what even is normal? yes there is something for transparent windows, its not even a tweak though, its just ridiculous, im not going to be bullied into giving out every tweak because someone says "there is something wrong with your transparent windows", i will SHOW what im doing to prove it, but if you want me to show, then someone else needs a consequence for calling me out, do you understand? you can't just keep calling me out every time i do something you don't understand and expect me to hand it over with a smile on my face..
  9. ill make you a deal stelaras, im a very fair and honest guy i will make a video, and post it on youtube for all to see of my transparent windows.. if hwbot staff think im cheating or doing anything wrong.. ill leave hwbot and xs forever, youll never hear from me again.. but if they think i am doing nothing wrong, YOU will leave hwbot and xs forever, and ill leave hear from you again? what do you say? should i get the video camera out? do we have a deal?
  10. Just because you havnt worked it out doesn't mean there is "something wrong" it just means you need to work harder Btw futuremark already said other codecs are not allowed
  11. Yeah you just havnt worked it out yet, keep at it
  12. great result, really impressive, a great use for the 6900 series GPU, that pixel shader is HEAVY!
  13. haha gunslinger showed the way that your PT will be low without cpu clocks but you smashed it with the nice gpu clocks, excellent run man, keep at it
  14. wow thats smoking , very nice dude, nice cpu frequency, killer hypers humming along, good efficiency, this run has it all
  15. actually Vinbo i used to think the same thing about 05 as you, it certainly has a large "whoever tests the most cpus wins" type element to it, but it also has alot of room to move in tweaking, each to their own, but for me, for a benchmark to be worth running, i need to get some benefit if i invest my time into tweaking it, with both heaven and 11 there isnt much there, sure heaven has a few little quirks we can use to get a few points.. but 11 is fairly tight like vantage.. both have a few things, but nothing in the realms of 3d01, 03, 05, etc.. that being said, im not a big heaven fan and would like to see 11 being benched, but why not pick 11 x, that way we have a benchmark that at least for a while is going to be predominantly GPU power.. then we have a genuine benchmark that you need some 4-way handling skills and requires heavy GPU power.. lets face it 4-way vantage is totally driven by CPU power now, you can have 4 average GPU's and a great CPU and take WR..
  16. haha that looks better, using the right GPU now! clocks look good here too
  17. theres no way xp is faster than w7/vista in transparent windows.. its only if you dont enable Aero or are usign a GPU that doesnt support it, xp has always been faster in a bunch of those system based tests, so that doesnt surprise.. the only thing that pops up at me in the face when i look at this score is the audio encoder being out of line with other people on the same setup... my only though it perhaps a recent futuremark patch has enabled something that helps audio encoder in xp? like it did bringing video encoding up.. i always hate to speculate without testing though.. other than audio, score looks good though..
  18. i think you dont need hard mods on this card though, bios flash can increase the volts as needed
  19. eeek my bad, its a ASUS Maximus 4 Extreme of course.. not the Giga P67 UD4
  20. HUH? have you eaten some beetle nuts or something Vince? 32m?
  21. disgusting dragos, laughable lobbies, nonsense nature, crazy run dude..
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