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Posts posted by steponz

  1. The problem with gpupi is that nvidia isn't scoring high.


    Not Sure if it's the opencl version they use.. but it's a problem.


    4 core points for 3d would be definitely good. It would entice 3d quite a bit.


    I've also been thinking about oc sports lately.


    Off note. Why not do something with single/dual/quad 3d king there. Where it's listed with oc sports. Then someone can claim the title and be rewarded foe their effort. I also think it should be narrowed down to specific bemches.












    These are the true GPU Benchmarks.


    I'll start hammering out what the deal is with nvidia opencl.. this week I'll run 2100 plus on 980ti and see how it scores.

  2. LOL. You're joking right?

    I see 0 subs for GPUPi in your profile, and I know you have good cards and a lot of them. You're giving away global and WR points that you could have.


    And I enjoy 2D more, but you don't see me begging for more points.



    Whatever. GL in your quest.



    GPU PI is all amd.. nvidia doesn't score well.. its a pretty boring benchmark..

    I have a some scores.. just never submit.. I only put up stuff if I think its worth it.

    I get top 10 scores all the time... I barely choose to submit anymore.


    01/03/05/06/AM3 you can get top 10 with 980 and even dual.... not 1k card... Again... What do you not get about this?


    Im not saying discounting 2d... Im saying 3d points are very low for pretty much twice the work in some cases.. Just make them even at least..


    And Im not begging for points.. I could care less about points... All I want is 3d to get respect for what it deserves. People should do it.. Also not sure you noticed.. but I have stopped submitting here as I think points are bs in general... I don't care about them.. but most people do...

  3. Already turned out that way since people don't want to see anything happen with 3d.. and it's pretty funny that the people that are complaining about it don't do 3d. No matter why they dont.. I think it's bs. It's been proven they're complaining it's too expensive yet.. all ya need is a good 2d setup to run most of the 3d setups.. yet they till don't do it... sounds like they are a bit scared or lack of skill is why...

  4. Very well said and totally agree....



    I read your post this way: It is ok that someone can reach high ranks in his league without doing 3d. And you wouldn't be happy if someone has to start 3d to reach high ranks.


    Do I get this right?


    You discribe the current situation. An overclocker can reach a decent rank in his league without doing 3d. Now imagine an overclocker who doesn't care about 2d but loves 3d. Because of the current algorithm he is not able to reach a top spot in his league only with 3d. This individuum has to bench 2d - whether he likes it or not.


    Now compare this to your standpoint. You're saying that no one has to be forced to bench 3d to get a top spot in his league. But you're also saying that forcing someone to bench 2d for a top spot is ok. You see the problem?


    I don't want to have 3d awarded with higher points than 2d. All I want is that a global top spot in 3d is worth the same amount of points than a top spot in 2d. And that is not the case currently (at least it feels this way). And in additioin someone who wants to reach a top spot in any overclocking league has to be able to handle 2d- and 3d-benchmarks. If someone is not able (or willing) to bench 3d than he shouldn't be able to become number one in any overclocking leage - my opinion! Maybe that's the case anyway but you can reach higher ranks doing 2d without 3d than vice versa.




    Now I come back to the highlighted text again.


    You say that you need a very good 2d setup to compete in 3d. And because of this fact lots of 3d-benchmarkers also compete in 2d. In my opinion thats not the case. I think at least some do so because without points from 2d they are not be able to hold their position in ranking.


    As I said earlier in this thread: If you have a great 2d-setup than it is very easy to earn 3d-points. Just put in a 970 or 980 and you will get decent scores in AM3, 2k1, 2k5 and perhaps 2k6. For these benchmarks you don't need a 3-ghz-Titan X. Of course you won't reach a global first place or a wr - but you will be awarded with a decent amount of points. No zombi-modding and ln2-cooling needed. Just put in a stock relativly "cheap" air cooled card and you can achieve some good points in 3d.


    Now tell me in which 2d-benchmarks someone can compete with a 3-ghz-Titan X? There is none. On the other side I (and steponz) already gave examples where a 2d-overclocker can compete really easy in some specific 3d-benchmarks.


    You can compensate a mediocre cpu in 3d-benchmarks with a good vga and some skill up to a certain point. So a great cpu isn't mandatory in some benchmarks (unlike you stated). Now take this mediocre cpu for 2d-benchmarks - how much points will you be awarded with in 2d-benchmarks? I am sure that you won't get much points for this...




    To sum things up I think you're looking to the issue from a wrong perspective. No offense here, just my opinion.




    Lots of the "drama" here has to do with XTU. I just realized (never thought about it) that we talk about a benchmark awarded with points where only hardware of one single manufacturer can compete. All other awarded benchmarks can be used on AMD and Intel. That's not ideal (to say it frankly)... And as a side note the benchmark don't work on every Intel-cpu. I tried it on my Xeon E5-1680V2 (S2011, Ive-Bridge-E-Core) but all it said was that no supported hardware was found.


    To put it in simple words: Only Intel decides which hardware gets hwboints. Is that the right way?!

  5. See that's my biggest problem with 3D and why HWBOT is doing a piss pour job of representing it..


    Just think when pascal comes out .. your 10k system is useless.. might as well switch to 2d since that's all hwbot cares about. Based upon points.... 3d doesn't matter.... HWBOT turns you away from benching 3D....


    3D should be represented the same way as 2D if not more.... Because it takes a lot of skill.

    Overclocking is not just about 2D benching... Its not about keeping it cheap...

    It should be rewarded.......


    Also think about this.. right now you could use 980 to be competitive in 3D.... 01/03/05/Am3/06 you could be in the top 10 there... this excuse about being too expensive is BS...


    I'm all about lower value hardware being allowed a certain percentage... but it still should not be compared to 980ti...


    This binning talk is nonsense too.. its the same with cpus also... why is it any different.

    buying 2 6700ks is 1 980 ti or 1 1/2 by current prices.. so saying its cheaper and why 3d shouldn't get points in nonsense.


    How about we just make cpuz the only point benchmark as its the easiest one to run.. ya don't need mem.. no overclock on me.. a regular hardrive.. because its cheap.. that makes sense.. all other lose points....







    Since you ask the opinion of people benching with multiple cards.


    I have owned and benched GTX980 x 4 and TitanX x 4, all on X99.

    The whole system cost me 10.000$ ( Europe ).


    I have three months to bench anything with that.

    I just start it, update it with latest drivers and bios and shut it down.


    Now, I am strongly thinking of selling everything.


    Although I even have WR points with this system, cost is very high

    considering the reward.


    As a matter of fact, I do not care benching 3D anymore.

  6. 8800GTS will require more skill? Seriously.. I doubt that.. most can handle a pot on 8800gts... most can't on the 980ti.. Not many even now can run the 980ti.. and that's not because of money.


    Also even AMD, Since they are so cheap why don't we focus on that and give them more points. .that seems to fit the argument about being cheap...... Why does only intel get points.. why not amd... its a very similar situation as none of the real AMD clockers get represented in here either.


    I haven't even heard of anything about integrated GPU... Fastest Internal GPU could be something... But again... That's not offered in any solutions......

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