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FtW 420

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Everything posted by FtW 420

  1. Should have updated right after you submitted a score, I posted in the pcmark 7 thread that it might be a bug with the system but it isn't getting fixed.
  2. I see that Crantana has submitted a socket 1155 score ( http://hwbot.org/submission/2232349_crantana_pcmark7_core_i7_2600k_6254_marks ) that isn't being included in the team total, I subbed an 1155 score to start off but have since replaced it with a better s1366 score, maybe a bug that the new 1155 score isn't included?
  3. I bench for fun, points or no points. Was just curious since some people were getting points in different stages, but I didn't. Agreed, more hours a day would be very handy!
  4. Just curious, but how do the competition points work? I see some people are getting 3 points for each submission in different stages, I got 3 points for my stage 5 sub, but subbed my first stage 3 score this morning & didn't get any competition points for it.
  5. Congrats to OCaholics on the win, cut it pretty close to the end!
  6. A teammate who is unable to get to the forums here asked me about getting this added. http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Xeon/Intel-Xeon%20E5-2665.html http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2122261
  7. Great score, but is it just me or did someone forget to U/L the screenie?
  8. badatgames is getting goodatbenches, keep it up bro!
  9. I was just overclocking 1 of the 2 enabled. I'm not sure about the red cross deal, haven't had one yet but only done a few AMD validations.
  10. vcore set at 1.8V in bios, was my first time with AMD on ln2, will shoot for higher on the next session, & have to get a pi 32m run finished...
  11. Awesome clocks bro, didn't think you'd let that rank changeup last long...
  12. Nice man, you're breathing down my neck with this one...
  13. Thanks guys, I did run it without HT as well but got a slightly lower score. Same with running at 5800Mhz, almost 100 points less. Pretty new to pcmark tweaking since I never had HDD/ssd that was any good for it, have to keep working it...
  14. Got this 59x one retail from a local store batch: 3104C368 sn 4167 http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1943212
  15. Grats Perica, nice job! Some incredible scores among a bunch of fantastic scores there!
  16. 8k video encoding? Media encoder powertoy isn't allowed man... I'm also trying to figure out TD's tweaks, but that isn't it.
  17. It's called Dragon Skin, a kind of silicone. Peels right off & leaves the board like new, no more painting the board with nail polish or liquid tape for me. Holds up to at least ~ -100° or so anyway, haven't really gone colder with my cold buggy chips yet. Haven't tried it on a GPU yet either, that comes next.
  18. I would like it entered into the country cup please, that was my intention. Thanks
  19. For Canada's scores mrtooshort entered a higher 570 score than the current 1306 this afternoon, but the scoreboard isn't updating with it. http://hwbot.org/listResults.do?contestBenchmarkId=145&limit=200&order=user.country.name&filterBlocked=true
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