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Everything posted by DanGilmore

  1. Looks pretty good! Any plans going colder than -40°C?
  2. Now that's some real OC ;) Great work!
  3. Please use the template as shown in the rules https://hwbot.org/news/13722_application_198_rules/
  4. Wanted to remind you of the rule changes. CPU-Z 1.89 is quite old though ...
  5. Impressive result. Did you try other ram? Or was it already maxed out? Greets
  6. Great result! Gotta love that setup :D
  7. Awesome work! I like to see these old records beeing broken ;)
  8. Thx mate! Wasn't easy but i had a blast squeezing the last bit out of the card ;)
  9. Bitte die aktuellen Regeln beachten https://hwbot.org/newsflash/5140_updated_rules_for_verification_screenshots_2020_from_08012020/ --- Wenn du Fragen zu Sockel 1366 kannst du mir gerne eine Nachricht im HWLuxx schreiben (DanGilmore) ;)
  10. Great result! That CPU is really strong. But please attach a screenshot like shown in the rules https://hwbot.org/news/13722_application_198_rules/ Otherwise your score is not valid.
  11. Please check your submission, there is a lot off. Greets
  12. nice result! but is 8.1 allowed ?
  13. Thanks Waiting for a better Board and a Benchsession.
  14. I hope this is the right Thread. I was hoping that somebody could change my current name to "Dr. Tesla". Thank you.
  15. http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2365868
  16. I was going to upload some Benches with this Mainboard but it is not in the list. Please Upadte your data Thanks
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