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Everything posted by DanGilmore

  1. Pls uploard scores according to the rules -general rules can be found here https://hwbot.org/generalRules and benchmark specific ones here https://hwbot.org/benchmarks/processor and for Cinebench R20 you would want to do it like this https://hwbot.org/rules?referenceId=5163
  2. Pls uploard scores according to the rules -general rules can be found here https://hwbot.org/generalRules and benchmark specific ones here https://hwbot.org/benchmarks/processor and for Cinebench R20 you would want to do it like this https://hwbot.org/rules?referenceId=5163
  3. Please remember to open a CPU tab. I know that you used benchmate but the rules are a little different for the normal (without bm) categories.
  4. Please upload screenshots according to the rules - https://hwbot.org/rules?referenceId=5273
  5. Both verification links are set to "hidden", please add a working link
  6. Please add a screenshot of your run as shown in the rules: https://hwbot.org/rules?referenceId=5277
  7. Thx for the advice but I only had cfr sticks (2x4gb) here and that was a nightmare. Will try different ICs soon ;)
  8. Please read the rules fo each of the Benchmarks - otherwise the results are invalid! https://hwbot.org/news/10034_application_93_rules/
  9. Please change the submission to 2x GPU as this is fpr 1x GPUs
  10. Mate I'm sorry to say it but the benchmark resolution is wrong. It's supposed to be 1280x1024 but in your screenshot it's only 1280x768. Same problem with your 7950gx2 result :(
  11. Interesting ... will test that soon. I didn't think it would have such an impact. But thanks for sharing!
  12. Great result but the score seems really high for the clocks. I would have expected something like 2500-2600 points at most. Is there something different about this card compared to the other results? (Memory ICs and the timings or so?) cheers
  13. Never said that! Just take a look at the scores uploaded by luumi, wizerty and sniperoz for comparison. This runs subtests 1-5 are war off but 6-9 are plausible...
  14. That run has to be buggy. No way that the CPU makes up for the low GPU clocks
  15. Please don't crop your screenshots as it is not allowed anymore.
  16. Great result! And those Cellshocks are looking really good ;)
  17. Please make sure to use Benchmate when benching Ryzen on Windows 8 or newer. https://hwbot.org/news/9635_application_48_rules/
  18. Please make sure to use Benchmate when benching Ryzen on Windows 8 or newer. https://hwbot.org/news/9635_application_48_rules/
  19. Please attach a screenshot as shown in the rules here: https://hwbot.org/news/13722_application_198_rules/ Otherwise the result is invalid!
  20. Please attached a screenshot as shown in the rules here: https://hwbot.org/news/9946_application_94_rules/ Otherwise the result is invalid.
  21. Please attach a screenshot according to the rules as shown here: https://hwbot.org/news/13722_application_198_rules/
  22. Sorry for the late response. @CornerJack i didn't experience any Problem but the ICs were also running quite hot so DICE is no problem. @shar00750 tried afterburner but couldn't find a working version so i just modded the card :D too bad your card broke :(
  23. Great result for Watercooling! Would you share you voltage for the GPU? (I was thinking about benching one myself :D) Greets
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