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Everything posted by Faster

  1. vlw mesmo Ronaldo os 4 blocks chegaram ontem, espero que no H2O consiga subir mais um "cadinho".....umas das 4 HD 7970 está animalesca mesmo, cheguei a rodar o 03 c/ @1360 no ar, ela tá bem melhor que as outras 3.....ah, parabéns pelos resultados, mandando bem demais!!! depois da Campus então a gente agiliza um "esquema ninja" p/ Olhar Digital.....abraços.
  2. stop Sweet, shame you're passing through here..... why do you think the colosso's screen is my screen? that way you put in doubt the honesty of two people.... http://forum.pcproject.com.br/wallpaper-do-campeonato/14647 I'm sponsoring a contest in Brazil, so the wallpaper has written "Faster Benchmarker Youtube" watch the promo championship: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgf8BxSLViw you could stop being so annoying and follow my example, encourages overclocking in Argentina!! "the worst blind is the one who does not want to see"
  3. the picture I see is this.... http://www.hwbot.org/image/701068.jpg Who cares a lot about the results of others does not improve their own
  4. yeah baby, but we need evidence, you must shall comply with the results of others, you is not more correct than anyone else.
  5. careful with the words man...I live in Japan, and Colosso live in Brazil....the wallpaper is a championship that I organize in Brazil ....All competitors are required to use the same wallpaper....careful..... http://forum.pcproject.com.br/3d-hwbot-unigine-heaven-xtreme-dx11/14663
  6. eita pega....ai sim hein, resultado pikas das galaxias.....auhauhauhuaa....parabéns cara!!!
  7. thx friend .....I'm Brazilian, but I live in Japan, now here is getting very cold....I love winter
  8. se o safado do gringo subir mais minha garganta vai explodir.....hauhauahuahuahuah
  9. http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/5483/capturarww.jpg
  10. congratulations....here is a Brazilian who lives in japan =D
  11. no, thanks....I'd rather stay right here with these ridiculous rules:D Luckily, another site of Rankings is about to emerge:D
  12. Please forget what country I am....Please forget what League I'm....Please forget the cooling I use... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FASTER'S UNIGINE HEAVEN - XTREME PRESET (DX11) SCORE - Enthusiast League 6343.35 DX11 Marks with 2x Radeon HD 6990 at 1055/1500MHz Unigine Heaven - Xtreme Preset (DX11) 4x GPU rank: 1st out of 55, good for: 6.5 points Unigine Heaven - Xtreme Preset (DX11) 2x Radeon HD 6990 rank: 1st out of 13, good for: 2 points TOTAL POINTS: 8.5 points -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Splave's Unigine Heaven - Xtreme Preset (DX11) score - Professional Overclockers League 6333.45 DX11 Marks with 2x Radeon HD 6990 at 995/1500MHz Worldrecord rank: 1st Unigine Heaven - Xtreme Preset (DX11), good for: 100 points Unigine Heaven - Xtreme Preset (DX11) 4x GPU rank: 2nd out of 55, good for: 6.5 points Unigine Heaven - Xtreme Preset (DX11) 2x Radeon HD 6990 rank: 2nd out of 13, good for: 2 points TOTAL POINTS: 108.5 points -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- this is not fair!!! I'm not asking you to change the rules now....at least reflect on the subject, open their minds
  13. it became a joke....only a blind man does not realize it...a man comes in here with a CPU @LN2 and VGAs Stock and earn 106 points...another man comes up with a CPU @H2O and VGAs @H20 and earn 6 points.....hahahahahaha...I say again, is a joke!
  14. is not a personal desire....even if I were in the Pro OC League, the rule would still be unfair to Enthusiasts....when we (Enthusiasts) get a WR, neither showed up on the first page (best results of the day)...and we are the majority here, we demand fairer rules!
  15. at least one person on the planet truly believe it :D
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