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Everything posted by overclock1366

  1. You didn't tried smaller htt off or a smaller multi? sorry for my english.
  2. Sorry , but WTF is that ? http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=737147 280 bclk at i7 870 with ~3400mhz dram ? sorry but is very sad .
  3. Why TiN does not participate in the HWBOT rankings ?
  4. What load temp's you have's with your criminal pot ? sorry for my bad english
  5. Aproape 2v , nu scaleaza nimic peste 1.85v pe dice , e bug ?
  6. WOW . Cg .asteptam 7 ghz )) , epic fail , puneti odata adevaratele rezultate !
  7. Very good score for not a champion cpu . sorry for my english
  8. WTF ! 5814 mhz whit HTT ! GG bro
  9. This guy is a big cheater , i want to see he with a hammer is face ,sorry for english
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