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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. thx will let Tim check, might be a typo that slipped in
  2. https://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/b650i_lightning_wifi/?edit=true
  3. Link me plz, so we can check them subs
  4. Submitting works again, fixing the custom achievements showcase page for some members/ teams
  5. I don't see anything worng with your sub Falken 1, your 2nd score is slower so it doesn't get any points
  6. Coz we all have day time jobs and submission were not tested as it was already reaching midnite. We took the decision to put the bot back online, so you can compare scores when benching as it would take another 2 -3 days full offline to fix it all at once. Most reported stuff has already been mentioned a few posts above ( broken profile links, missing cups, ... The submission woes is new. Tim is working on it. Just bench, have fun, standby to submit... or live on the edge
  7. K Bot is back online for score comparison/ search funcitonality. Some links can still be broken: I already found these, if you have more chime in plz https://hwbot.org/user/vinster777/ https://hwbot.org/team/extremehw/ https://hwbot.org/team/hellas_overclocking_team/ Team achievements tab is not properly loading (see image) Cups of the team are not loading (see same image)
  8. Missing verification screenshot, check out the rules at https://hwbot.org/benchmarkRules
  9. It might , it might not, we wil propose some possibilities on how this CPU can be used or abused at HWBot.
  10. maybe single core too... but first wait till everyone gets hand on these new toys
  11. The FX (4P) categories were a test to see how popular one core per computing unit would be, now as you can see from the previous highlighted numbers, it is far from. It has several reasons I guess: Performance of this gen of AMD CPUs was a turndown When they were released HWBOT didn't support any core disabling at all No clue what the addition of these would cause any "imbalance", what take 3 core globals from another AMD CPU? We just don't prefer to create new categories and spot that their hardware pages stay nearly empty...
  12. FX-8120(4P) : 14 subs FX-8320(4P) : 28 subs FX-8350(4P) : 26 subs FX-9590(4p) : 31 subs and this even after including them in a competition.
  13. We will see how it turns out on a setup iso a pdf or PowerPoint
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