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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. it's always like hunting down the golden batch Bill, the ones that got them crazy AO ES samples just got the edge over the rest... but there are some freaky retails out there too... you can't ban them too, as they have an edge over the other retails... it's a no win situation man... Imagine if you bought one or more ES samples and they were all crap... case is like always : if you have good contacts or enough cash to spare you can do a wide selection of hardware. Users like me have to have big luck as I can only afford one CPU and one motherboard, if it's crap I have to try to sell it asap, probably with a big loss... and hoping the next buy will be better... He with the most toys win Bill, nothing even you can do anything about it ( sadly )
  2. Next monday already ? I think that should be doable, Monday is spaghetti day at my place with some good wine
  3. Really weird that almost noone has it then besides Asus, Gigabyte and eVGA limted crew . And noone shares this public mod... Slow and the other 480 mods aren't as widely spread as you think Bill Nvidia figured this GTX480 mod out, gave it to a selected crowd and the happy few OC'ers that got it have to abide some NDA or such... and in case they don't have an NDA they comment with replies like this : "I don't want to share, because I don't want anyone to beat me" or I like SF3D in his nice video "GTX480 has no cold bug"...c'mon Wow now that's sportmanship in it's purest form !! sorry to go offtopic here...
  4. Nice one, I got a new sample board form Asus incoming, hope it fixes my LN2 issues...
  5. for gaming ? what res is of your preference... I can still run my games, have to miss out on directX11 ofc, but if you never seen it who cares ...
  6. No swearing nor cursing George, only Benchzowner got a waver for that Hardware overclocking has never been fair has it... some get samples straight from the manufacturer (don't need to pay for them), some get access to dozens of CPU, motherboards to preselect or bin, some find the golden sample straigth in a shop while you are already on eg ya 5th 980X... while others get cherry picked ones from Intel or AMD... Whatever you want to do by implementing rules or such, somebody will always have a backdoor open to get access to something new or better... it's human nature sadly... Take eg the slow mod for the GTX480, who's been sharing that publicly ? Don't you find that sad ? I really do... I never got that magic E8600 batch before , now I have one via tweakers.net and now it's my board that is FSB limited :nana: Life goes on
  7. nice one Hicookie, so I assume no Hipro5 death due to running 2 cores only
  8. Not 100% convinced it's only the IMC Kenny... think it might be hit and miss with the boards too... and efficiency is not that brilliant at high clocks...
  9. That's a secret tweak Bill, only works on MSI boards... Asus, nor eVGA ones don't boot then... Nice results PJ, I want one sample to compare with the REX III later on... new REX bios shows big improvements for older bloomfield CPU's...
  10. I can't get this CPU to finish 32m over 1960mhz ram speed,no matter what Alike Massman, only errors or freezes in test 5 when pretesting with memtest, all goes nicely with 1m, 32m doesn't even do one loop... swap cpu's and they do test 5 error free, no setting changed...
  11. Thx for the liters of LN2 we wasted on the IGP contest at least we took home the win and 2 other IGP WR's... Here's one for Michael :
  12. Nice Luc pentium 4 on X58; you rock !!!
  13. LN2 we want LN2, hope this board has at least the same temp bugs as on the UD7.... not what we experienced on AOCM with the REX III
  14. Thx lads, it was a team effort... big thx to Massman that kept on pushing me to go further ( I was happy with the 35K score we had at first ) We might try to get a better 06 and AM3 ( 88K ) On to the next event...
  15. !!! Final AOCM III bench run,hope to see you overclockers there again next year !!! Thanks to Massman, being his awesome self again, Neoforce for the magical blessing and Marc Beier for doing absolutely nothing... Thx to Rob Canta from ASrock for the board !! And to Tones for the support during all the years for the Madshrimps webbie....
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