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Everything posted by nazzgul

  1. Consultation, the first PCI is not close to the chipset heatsink? Excellent work!!!
  2. Tks, I send a PM to Massman. Best Regards
  3. Sorry for the double post, but I see the captain of team options, but I can not rename the team. Why? Regards
  4. Tks Mass, but I not find the captain's management tools .... found them, thank you very much: D ps: I dont change name team?
  5. Hi: Before the revision 4, some of my team went to another team. Now we returned, but none has the captaincy, if you can fix that please. the team in questions is: Tecno G&A HDS OCR Team 2 Best regards
  6. nazzgul


    Esperemos poder hacer una Latam unida en el overclock!!!! Hopefully we can make a united overclocking Latam!!! Abrazos jajajjaja is true, was the emotion of the moment!! Regards
  7. nazzgul


    On Saturday 9, specifically in Argentina Gigabyte offices, the first session of the group. This group is sponsored by the giant Gigabyte so hopefully you do much. This session was cooled for DICE and LN2. Some pictures... [/center] Thanks to Gigabyte Argentina, Vegeton (Gaston), Intel, AMD are making this possible. Regards
  8. I don't touch the options in Physx and in Vantage. But I will run it again and download this result. Regards pd: Sorry my bad english
  9. A marvel, my friend !!!!! As the first of many, excellent result.... Regards
  10. Gracias Lea... si, la puedo repetir, cuando ponga hielo jajajaja. En cuanto a lo de taparla, si, la verdad no me di cuenta, pero esta todo en default y se ven los FPS de cada uno de los bench. Igual, la repito, no problem. Abrazo
  11. Concuerdo con Sweet... jajajaja excelente Nacho!!!!!!
  12. Yes, but not in the ranking of my country. The team appears in the world rankings, but not in Argentina. Best Regards
  13. Massman, friend, I still can change my team's country. This is not a matter of life or death, but we represent Best regards pd: sorry again for my bad English
  14. There any way to change this? Regards
  15. My team set out in the world rankings, but I can not make it the Argentine ranking. thks
  16. I can not change the country of my team. Options are recorded, but not within the ranking. Regards
  17. I understand that join the top 20 points of hardware, but the overall score and give the "real " HWBoints. The question is, because I do not understand that relationship with UP points to the "real " ranking? Regards and excuse my bad English
  18. Hi: Do not know if it's a bug to report and if this is the thread above, but my hardware points and points of some of my team of hardware, do not agree with the sum of the punctuation of the bench uploaded. There is no way to update it? Regards and excuse my bad english.
  19. Hi: Do not know if it's a bug to report and if this is the thread above, but my hardware points and points of some of my team of hardware, do not agree with the sum of the punctuation of the bench uploaded. There is no way to update it? Regards and excuse my bad english.
  20. nazzgul

    My Sunday

    Saturday night, roast ..... I lie down and put the alarm clock at 9:30 on Sunday. Never mind that the day was ugly, it was decided to try the 2600K with DICE. The alarm goes off, but last night there had been beer, some fernet ... The complex was built ... question, I turn off the alarm and say: -5 minutes longer. I wake up at 10:30 am and swiftly, with the poker face he had, I devote myself to get dressed, brush my teeth, face and head towards the ice maker. I arrive at the factory and was closed .... whore, but hey, things happen ... I go to another, and found it open, but the nice manager told me: "Nooo tiny, Sunday has to come earlier. They took about 15 kilos at 10AM ... I can only 1.5Kg .... With my poker face, I say, "I take them! I get home (had armed every Saturday, after roasting), say: "Well, to find the point-(lie, with 1.5kg of ice, had no time to test and try ...) so I used the multi at 55, some adjustments of voltage and voila .... http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1844003 But of course, and had only 1 kilo ..... between one thing and another, 0.5 k consumed me .... What do I do?? I venture to raise and spend all the ice so bench?? Ma' siiiii, bench like this: http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2174133_nazzgul_wprime_1024m_core_i7_2600k_2min_19sec_62ms Cutting nails, bench ends the long and the short order .. I have 0.5K of ice (as consumed when this high frequency.) But, because if these results, do not draw nearly points, do not try to add a little with the 580 that fall short with WC?? Keep it up: http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2174138_nazzgul_aquamark_geforce_gtx_580_403018_marks And some more .. but I'm running on 05 ice-free ..... I can think of nothing better than getting two cubes of Frize jajajajajjjajaajja: Incredible, but I could finish .... bench. Regards pd: Sorry my bad english and the Google traductor
  21. Ok. Then, at nigth I will try. Now, had they all experiment the same VDROOP? Regards
  22. For a best OC, what's BIOS it's recomendable for GA-P67-UD7 B3? I tried F4a and I didn't found "load calibration" and I have 0.037 VDROOP. regards pd: Sorry my English
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