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Everything posted by SteveRo

  1. Thanks guys, trying to stay on the cascade for now. I plan on transitioning to ln2 after I retire in early 2012. I want to get my $ worth from the cascade until then.
  2. Thanks. Yes, high end pcmark definately getting expensive for me. This is about all I can do until 990 arrives. edit - when it powers up - lo - all the flashing lights! - its an acard Christmas Tree!
  3. how about adding a pcmark stage - either 05 or pcmv?
  4. Nice run Mr. Chew! Yep, looks like heaven dx11 is all bottlenecked at the vcard. Does this change with 2x, 3x, 4x 580s?
  5. Much thanks guys - I might try my hand at a GTX 580 next month.
  6. Looks like you ran 3Dmark Vantage not pcmv. You need to delete this entry and submit as "3DMark Vantage".
  7. So I understand that PhysX is not allowed on hwbot - understood. For my own education - please - how is it that PhysX is not allowed but hyperthreading is allowed? - isn't both "features" of the respective h/w?
  8. Thanks guys - so much to learn re 3D benching.
  9. Much congrats Mr. Pro - 1st over 45K - excellent work! This one might stick for a while - we'll see.
  10. Congrats on your 2nd world record. No one deserved it more - job well done!!!
  11. Much congrats to both of you on your new WR's!!! Nice to see your hardwork rewarded - much congrats!!!
  12. This is also new 4x World Record - much congrats!!!
  13. Excellent run and with only 5xR0? I could never get these kind of scores with only 5 SSDs. Hats off to tremendous skill!
  14. Much thanks but stay tuned there is still time yet.
  15. impressive! what size revo? - 50, 120 or 240? i think those are the sizes.
  16. Most impressive! What are you using for storage?
  17. nice clock, nice score! what are you using for storage?
  18. Entry edited - Mobo was a GIGABYTE GA-P55A-UD3
  19. Mr. Topdog - Very nice oc for this bench!
  20. Mr. CT - Excellent work sir, looks like you are beginning to get warmed up. You're still on impulse power, yet to go to warp speed.
  21. Given what you have to put up with sometimes, i can understand how you might feel you are 70.
  22. sometimes yu can wait it out sometimes it never changes, i haven't figured it out either.
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