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Everything posted by SteveRo

  1. Job well done my friend. I knew you would be back on top in short order!
  2. Much thanks but WR wont happen with this mobo, onboard softraid cant compete with an areca 1231 with 4GB cache.
  3. i have a big mess also, everthing is spread out so i can find it!
  4. Planning on trying my hand at lga 775 next - thinking about Gigabyte GA-EP45T-USB3P as the platform - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128433 Any thoughts?
  5. one acard as boot drive. three acards in windows stripped softraid as the pcm05 target drive. pcm05 does not award fast storage as much as pcmv. pcm05 awards fast vga more than pcmv
  6. Yes, Sir, I will post a few pics in a moment - back on the main page
  7. I'm using the wrong mobo here. The Gigabyte H55N-USB3 is a great little mobo but I'm one pci slot short! Storage is 4 acards (2 arrays) but all on the onboard controller as I'm using the one (and only) pci slot for the 5870.
  8. Good morning, This run was - 980x @ 5472, uncore @ 4608, Mem @ 2016, 7-7-6-20-1T . 12xR0 Acard 9010s (two arrays) all on an Areca 1231ML-4G. I used a full, up to date W7x64 install with IE9 beta. NO registry tweaks. Cooling via an sdumper provided cascade.
  9. Thanks guys! I still need to work on my HDD scores - Mr Youngpro is beating me handily in those subtests.
  10. Concur with Cpt.Planet - In the past year, I have run pcmv over 300x and have invested in six acard 9010s, an areca 1231ml-4GB and a new cascade 2stage primarily for this benchmark.
  11. Very nice and well done! Congrats to a master!
  12. Thanks Mr Trans am!, Yes Dinos said I should wait and give some other folks a chance. Those that are picking up the new areca 1880 - the models with ability to install large cache (4GB) on the controller - will see a very nice improvment in their pcmv scores! I will go back to pcmv probably late this month or early next, maybe pcm05 first since I can get points for that.
  13. wrong screen shot, please fix.
  14. Does w7 give better score for wprime 32m?
  15. Thanks guys, I was hoping I could be the 1st to pcmv 40k but that won't happen at current ambients and setup. Mike should be able to do 40k on ln2, I am on cascade - yet to make the journey to ln2.
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