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skullbringer last won the day on August 1 2023

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  1. maybe I can place comment here... forum post deleted, can't edit or delete submission, so again: please remove this post from competition ranking.
  2. yes, leeghoofd just confirmed in discord. it does not matter when the bios was uploaded, there is no deadline. might as well make a secret new bios and only upload it 5 minute before competition end. mods don't see any issue with that.
  3. new AVX512-enabled bios for Z790 Apex, 0022: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Kt6JhLbDr6a_qDeC1hWV5NeZSx19LVjZ/view?usp=share_link
  4. how about ammending "each bios must have unique version number and date showing in cpu-z"? otherwise 000 bios files with no release date cannot be tracked at all. 000 uploaded here might not be the 000 used in stage
  5. manufacturer websites can change, hence we almost "have" to do it via this forum thread. but this then also implies, whatever bios is not posted here before stage start, is no go e.g. currently no Asrock or Gigabyte Board is legal to be used. @Leeghoofd please confirm
  6. Here are some bios files for Z690 Unify-X https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Kpmzriffr7l4qBjHyV5UHOxw0p7ubuF6/view?usp=share_link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ko9Aozkw1ZcFi4GtDoei5bDoBt00LDEX/view?usp=share_link
  7. Do all bios used in compo HAVE to be posted in THIS thread BEFORE stage start? cause if so, currently only Z790 Apex would be legal to use
  8. Good luck everybody, let's have a fair competition without rule changes midway through! ?
  9. works on x3i too, tested with dell and patriot modules with "locked" renesas pmic p8911
  10. which ucode do you have selected 0x9?
  11. k guess forums are not meant for discussions anymore then. besides, before today I always got the statement: your cpu is shit or your settings are wrong. never once was I told my board could be faulty. now you say it's obvious my board is faulty. thank you mr moderator for translating.
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