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Posts posted by Achill3uS

  1. Dear all,

    i let my DFI NF4 Infinity go along with a kit of 2x512 OCZ PC3200 2-2-2-5 Rev2 Platinum, known tccd/tcc5 kit. it was able to boot nearly 600 cl3, did not checked deeply, i prefer my bh5 kit instead. the board can provide 1.85vcore, 1.7vnb, 3.2vdimm max, what should be enough for some fun :) board is not insulated, since i benched it only 2 times, papertowel did all the job fine.
    my results with it: http://hwbot.org/submission/3942715_ , http://hwbot.org/submission/3941988_



    Edit. I decided to make it more interesting, i add to the bundle my golden Opteron 146, it does 3ghz aircooled 32M at vid (1.392v)!!!! Screenshot below.
    The sad part is, like most such chips has coldbug about 0 celsius. I did not maxed it out, 3400mhz was bootable, i leave the fun for the new owner.



    everything tested to be working, this is a private sale no returns or warranty.
    asking 110 EUR shipped as bundle.

  2. this one is the very best venice ive ever tested, both around -70C, it has a funny story i bought it on 2nd hand forum just for mobo testing (dead or alive) about a week ago for appx 3 euros, best oc invest ever made :] just need to work on the efficiency now... its weirdly slow even with waza, im thinking about to blame the chipset... will revisit in lanparty for sure...

  3. Dear all,
    i decided to let my little yellow board go along with a nice bdie kit, a G.Skill F4-4266C19-16GTZA. Both coming with original box and invoice if needed for warranty!!! This is a bundle sale only from now, take it until i dont change my mind :)





    Board is modded for coffee lake support, it has in bios sw B the latest final (7.60) but sw A contains latest coffee lake supported bios. I used 8600k with the necessary pads covered so no burned pins in the socket! Board never seen subzero temps!

    asking 500 EUR shipped within EU.

    this is a private sale, everything is tested working condition, no returns, payment via paypal (buyer pays the fee).

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  4. [edit - thanks for the help with the DFI, now lets hunt for something else...]

    Dear all,

    Im looking for a good 7700k now, in terms of subzero clocking, i expect something capable of near 7ghz.

    Thanks, Bala

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  5. Sam i guess its bcoz of ryba's bad reputation, ppl dont want to bench with his pots. he was a friend of mine and also screw me over few yrs ago, paid for a pot what never arrived. sorry for the offtopic. 

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