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Everything posted by Mutant_Tractor

  1. Have been thinking of developing a 3D app, the same as this, but with only 3D specific functions and will only disable services & change reg keys that will allow 3D benches to work, Would anyone be interested in such an app and if so, name the features you would like to see in it and ill see what I can do! And if you haven't already, don't forget to download the Benchtec Toolbox Bug-fix V1.4.2 from my sig And thank you for all of you who have, Today the Toolbox broke through 750 downloads! Lets get to 1000!
  2. Bugfix version up on my site, check the OP for Download details RPC error on disabling services now working, Win32 version now under Dev by ARO, ill get to it as well when im back from holidays
  3. You can do that already voidn if the site supports the [ HWBOT] tags, much like how they work in threads
  4. Only one way to find out man... If based on .Net - which is how i work then about a 10MB footprint, CPU ~5% while working i recon
  5. Dont mean that I mean a form that is windows based, so when you take a screenshot the program will then ask you for the system specs and all the stuff from the online form and it will then pass the screenshot to the API, I think the API would also need a way to pull the data on the HW from the Bot's DB
  6. Abillity to pass values from a windows based program to the HWBot form to allow for automated uploading of results
  7. Ill get fixing them now Antinomy
  8. The program detects if you do this and prompts for a restart
  9. NP man, WPrime only sets priority to realtime on all WPrime threads, works in the same way as the AwardFabrik WPrime Tuner, You will need .Net 3.5 SP1 Redistributable to run this app, whether its worth it is up to you Pifast - sets priority and affintiy on the fly and minimises the PiFast window for you i believe - must check iv been through so many builds with Adrian -ARandomOWl who helped develop this Have a play around with it theres a LOT of stuff in there, And im very open to suggestions
  10. Hi guys, ARandomOWl and Myself had originally developed this little app for the BTUK HWBot Benching Team members but have now decided to release it to the public so here you go guys BenchTec Toolbox V1.5.1 You WILL NEED .Net 3.5 SP1 Redistributable installed from here: http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/0/e/20e90413-712f-438c-988e-fdaa79a8ac3d/dotnetfx35.exe If its worth it is up to you If you experience 0xc0000135 then you will need the above download Click to Enlarge Download here: http://mutant-tractor.com/2010/08/29/benchtec-toolbox-released-to-public/ Instructions on my site Please dont see this as some sort of advertising or anything just spreading the love, and would love to see some feedback Myles
  11. This is why i hate 3D >.> So many things to go wrong Nice scores that you gout though dude, powerful machine
  12. Thanks dude Mem timings seems to have no effect on WPrime at all, more MHz
  13. Chew whats the card wiht the DIP switches and the LED displays? It looks cool Great result by the way!
  14. Massman your at Campus Party too? One of the guys Kenny from BenchTec is there, he posted up pictures, looks awesome!
  15. Thanks dude Were both strong opinioned i guess, good talking with you lol
  16. Its all down to luck There WILL be a retail that can match ES in the future, look at the 975 D0 BZ sorry for being arrogant earlier, I get a little worked up sometimes *Shake hands?* Myles
  17. +1 on what Andre said, Why all of a sudden has it become a big deal for us to use ES CPUs? If the ES's were crap no one would care and in the next while when there is a new revision maybe retail will be better than ES we just dont know and until a chip stepping comes out that will beat A0 we are gonna have people crying over it then all of a sudden when that happens "sure ES 980Xs can be in the rankings cause we ca beat them and it gets us more boints" Myles
  18. Im not rich dude i cant even afford a 150 dewar service lol I just got lucky buying one early i had no idea of its potential
  19. Thank you for your contribution Andre Would you agree if you want the best or want to be the best sacrifices have to be made?
  20. Fair enough, thats a very well put together point BZ, The longevity of these CPUs at those kind of voltages may be doubtable, but thats the same with most i7s as well, if your in around the 1.95-2v mark then obviously any CPU designed to run at ~1.2v is gonna have issues and probably break, What voltage you choose to use is your own perogative, extreme overclocking is called that for a reason, two of which being its pretty darn cold and the other is that it is very risky. Ce la vie.
  21. And i said that im hitting 1.75v which is i think everyone in this thread would agree is pretty damn close to 1.85v and i wasnt using LN2, so surely my chip should be dead correct? This has gone WAY off topic anyway, the point is ES>Retail AT THE MOMENT An ES 980X is just like a GS GPU, you get lucky and you just happen to get one, and just like a GS GPU someone has one you want it so you pay for it, Its like sports as well, if you want to be the best you make sacrifices you must agree with that, this is no different, if you want the best you have to be prepared to make sacrifices, Ask any of the worlds top overclockers, Nick, Hipro, Andre the will all have made huge monitary and social sacrifices to get where they are. And FYI i am NOT pushing ES CPUs im just saying people who have them have every right to use them to their fullest potential.
  22. I love how you have resorted to personal attacks now BZ All very grown up of you, I hit 1.75V on that chip and it works perfect so dont go telling me that i dont know what im doing, I find it VERY insulting that you think because i dont have LN2 in my posession cause i need a dewar service that i know nothing about extreme overclocking.
  23. What has that got to do with my post? I know they dont go through QC thats why they are ES cpus dude.
  24. I dont overclock my CPU on DICE or LN2 because: a) I dont have an LN2 due to the safety regulations in my country with Dewars i have to pay £150 to get it serviced which i cannot afford at the moment, b) My pot is made for LN2 being 4.5Kg not DICE and as such cannot run properly on DICE. c) My ES is no longer with me and has been passed on. d) I DID overclock my ES to 5.3GHz on Water if you care to look and it is working PERFECTLY under 100% load at stock frequencies and volts as it should Thats just like buying a Retail CPU euklidis, you take the luck of the draw when buying one, you may get a good chip you may not. The more you test the more likely you are to get lucky. That goes for Retail and ES
  25. ES's are cheaper on eBay than the retail... Again, just look for them and they are there
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