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Everything posted by zoro

  1. my condolences. RIP
  2. The "active" members will vote anyway, it is for their best interest. Whatever the outcome i believe the new bot will be beautiful
  3. I agree! If we post a specific ID with a CPU/GPU result then this CPU/GPU cannot be used from anyone alse in BOT, thus it cannot be sold for OC purposes! (i don't consider this as hardware sharing, although it is!) From my point of view it is different to take the same CPU/GPU and sweat to achieve a great score than take the score already from someone else
  4. Thank you! very useful and simple for novice OCers
  5. +1 I calculate the results so far. (i left the 5000 out of equation for obvious reasons) 18x5 = 90e 38x10 = 380e 32x25 = 800e 17x50 = 850e 6x100 = 600e result = 2450e What was last years donation? 500e!? What is so far the donation rate? I get the impression that some people loved to be forced in order to do something than out of free will and that scared me
  6. But anyway guys, we are benchmarking high technology products made by some great companies. How can you leave them out of it? They also get very possitive feadback in order to implement higher efficiency products and we are all pleased by that. I wish more companies to get involved with the good meaning of course Here in my country we all believe in the "olympic spirit". The "olympic" athletes compete only to win glory, to get in the first place playing fair and square!
  7. so you prefer to kick out all the "small" members and keep the BOT with only the elit? I thought this was the case with the different leagues proposal!
  8. whoever wants to "pay", he/she donates anyway. not everyone has a decent job, some of us no job at all. 10$ here, 15$ there, 20$ somewhere else... you understand the meaning. I personally prefer to donate these money here: http://www.msf.org/ thus i vote for sponsors all the way!
  9. i prefer donations (good word) , not payments (bad word)
  10. Sponsorship is a reality nowdays. It keeps the internet "free" with the drawback of advertisement. But it's fine by me. i really don't like for this site to lost it's "free" sense the side team ranking with HM is great idea!
  11. the economics of the server/site should not be the concern of the OC community, leave it to administrators. Let them decide the best way to keep alive all this hard effort! Donate if you want of course We have to concentrate to the best and easiest way to submit our results and get our points, meaning to have fun
  12. i suspect that this (team point system) will encourage for smaller teams to be at first place. it won't matter how many individuals the team has but how many different category results has and of course how many great overclockers. For example think of AY to be a team on his own (when and if he returns) Another thing about HW sharing. There is no way to even reduce it, it is up to the good will of the participants. For some, the personal score is even more important than the team score
  13. it won't let me upload the "Saved benchmark run" file
  14. George, plz don't loose your sleep over this
  15. Can you please add this VGA? see attached jpg thanks
  16. Hi, i cannot find this GF4 VGA in the database. (attached GPU-z) can you please add it? thanks
  17. can you please add ASUS P5L-MX to database? http://usa.asus.com/product.aspx?P_ID=X70d3NCzH2DE9vWH i would like to upload reference clock and 3D marks thanks
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