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Everything posted by Strat

  1. Strat


    Did you instal Frameworks?
  2. No offense mister Gluvocio, you made a very good score. But IMHO it's getting ridiculous... We are all here for OVERCLOCKING, and I don't get the point to make such a score with stock frequencies... Once again, it's not against you or against anybody, just wanted to tell the paradox of doing huge score without huge frequencies on HWbot That's why I think the idea of Pro to stop submitting score like that is a really good idea. It's killing PCM05.
  3. Thanks guys @Gamer : if Aristidis does 1 run with his CPU, I'll fall to 2nd place. Same with Perica, I'm quite sure he's looking for a good CPU for MOA
  4. Haha mais le truc c'est que j'aurais plus jamais accès à la config. Donc mes backups seront vite limités...
  5. Wow, same as Splave's submission o_O really impressed by efficiency! Did you used a special tweak or just random run?
  6. Wow i'm really impressed! How could this be as efficient as that?
  7. Bah oui il m'a proposé de lancer un ou deux runs, je pouvais pas refuser
  8. Haha of course! But without my tweak, I would not have been first
  9. I didn't noticed that you run it with 4 core... Did you tried with 1 or 2? Should be promissing...
  10. Pas mal tout ça Y'a moyen d'avoir les 60k à l'aise avec un peu plus d'optys
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