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Everything posted by Gluvocio

  1. Ticket ID: 1326 Priority: Low I\'d like to submit this mainboard http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1937822
  2. http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1937822 for reference clock
  3. grateful and great... 44k score is amazing
  4. really pleased for thanksgiving. You reveal grateful
  5. nice for global points, but I think you can reach 375 000 with no problem. your cpu is able to run 5 ghz ?
  6. really good, but you have to make screenshot with cpu-z
  7. I like this thinking. Also S_A_V said interesting things. I believe that what he's wrote could be the new rules.
  8. thank you really much ! I've already flashed my vga, but on non reference 2gb 6970 are unlockable also shaders.. good. This business for me now is not still aviable. I have to work and not to bench for 1-2 week. I hope coming back more competitive with the right VGA
  9. @sweet : I've wrote bad. I'll try ssd for virus scan. For general usage I prefer using aCards
  10. my Video encoding = 4011.747 Kb/s pro ( world champion) video encoding = 3990.41 kb/s If i use powertoy I get over 8000, not 4000. there is a big difference, not 21 kb/s it's ridiculous what you said
  11. http://hwbot.org/submission/2192633_ as title
  12. Thank you SteveRo and Pro , I admire your pcMark since I have done my first global point on this benchmark. You, subzero, stelaras and many other champions. It's wonderful for me being near to your level. I understand I need a better VGA and a better virus scan, then I can get over 40k score. Thank you also for your comments. The mods told me in a private message that high web page rendering is OK , now I'm testing new settings, expecially for HDD . I'll get top 5 within or without page rendering configuration, but I've studied much it and I'd be sorry not using what I learned.
  13. I believe we use different settings to reach IE9 results. Perhaps soon we can see 40 pages/s of web page rendering.
  14. you've skill Thanks. I've found a good business for ati 6950 . I've read that its shaders are unlockable. It could be a nice solution. Have somebody done it ?
  15. install vista/seven and internet explorer 9, then play with the browser, it's really setting-sensitive. Install futuremark systeminfo 4.0.0 Install program to set lod , install program to override and disable vSync and enable triple buffering. You have to use a good ATI VGA and ramdisk hardware. I'm trying to use SSDs for general usage becouse today I learned changing letter of partition while pcmark is running. you like my answer ?
  16. It's true that sometimes you can't understood what are tweaks, but if you don't like how is PcMark 05 now, I should see you not do this benchmark. Instead I've seen you post a result a few days ago. After this you talk me about consistency. O_0 Are you sure you're not resentful because you can't still win ?
  17. I proved it with a video showing the program running. I proved it to gautam that deleted me the score first time. I believe it's enough.
  18. 1700-2000 without pixel shader tweaks 2500-2900 with pixel shader tweaks
  19. IE9 is a setting. If you read well I show a result of video encoding with a ***Tweak*** , but IE9 is an optimization. I've done it honestly and working hard. I don't like you say bad joudgements about me and you block my score. If you are not able to get over 30 pages/s like me and pro do , you have not to tell everybody I do illegal things and I do not understand Words honour and integrity. In this test ( page rendering ) setting conts a lot. Think only that if you use IE8 you lose half of pages. You can see results very different between similar system. How can you explain this ? S_A_V not honest person ? PRO not honest person ? Subzero ? I believe that we all made it in legal mode . My score is the best and I am new. I believe you have suspects for this reason, but it's a competition and everybody have right to win. You know well that you need better score to win and if you spend time to get a better setting to get better han others a result, perhaps you don't like to tell it to anybody losing your vantage. Before judge something, you should be sure. It's not nice what you've done with me. Finally I talked about my score with gautam, that deleted me the result the first time. He answered me a few time before I posted my last result Telling me I can use IE settings, but I can't use encoding powertoy. This way I done.
  20. I not use codec. I modify settings in internet explorer. Settings are allowed
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