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Posts posted by I.M.O.G.

  1. Nice competition MSI. Should bring out some of the best of the best... Kind of interesting also with the timing, many people have sold off their high-clocking 2600K already to prepare for Ivy Bridge.


    As for costs for hardware, there will also be costs involved with travel - if you can't afford the hardware, you could also have a hard time doing the travel - tipping the maids, hotel, transportation, etc. Expenses add up... It sounds like winners get a plane ticket to Taiwan, not an all expense paid trip. Maybe past attendees can lend insight on travel expenses?


    I hope more of the community responds positively and supports MSI for holding cool competitions. In the end, its all just for fun... It's luck of the draw once you get to the competition if you end up with good hardware or dud hardware, and if the session goes well for you or if you blow out 5 seconds in. You have to be a solid overclocker to have a chance at a live competition but its equal parts, or more even, luck. :) Having access to and experience with expensive high end hardware is likely a big plus... Hard to cater to average or less experienced in a competition with stakes this large.


    If you can't afford the hardware, talk to your teams - maybe you can borrow something for the competition, and submit by "not participating in hwbot rankings"!

  2. Yep, just gotta get yourself similar systems, overclock a tiny bit & those points are yours. If dhenzjhen wants them back, he'll have to OC for it.



    Just gotta get yourself a similar job. Not like he's buying all these rigs to bench them. ;)


    FWIW, it doesn't bother me at all, and I think if the points are easy then people should go for them.

  3. I only get 0x7B when BIOS configuration for the sata port mismatches driver configuration in the OS. AHCI/RAID/IDE is set wrong for installed drivers -> BSOD when trying to load windows.


    I have not tried NF4 though, so there may be something weird about NF4 controllers that I don't know about.


    I wouldn't install my OS to the disks you are planning to run the storage benches on though either, if you can avoid it. So, your OS disk should preferably be AHCI/IDE.


    IOMeter can be intimidating at first, plenty of options - I figured it out and wrote a guide for our team.

  4. It worked for me on server 08 as well. You can use other options on that same property page, like 256 colors or something. ;)


    I found server 08 to be good for some things, but a trade off in some subtests. At the end of the day, it catered to some platforms better than others. Also depends on storage setup for me, which is best.

  5. slamms: what did you do to insulate on the back with the add-on card? It seems that could take some special consideration with all the frost that normally forms back there... Seems more complicated with that add-on card right where the frost mounds up typically.

  6. With a 265 XP startup, I would just throw a file copy at the drives. Different types of files work differently. For that in the past I would have usually grabbed a copy of a few program file folders, or some benching app/tool folders and just push them over. If it needs pulled down more, I'd grab more folders, if it needs less, I'd pull fewer. I'd just run XP startup until I was sure I had it timed right.


    Throwin a bunch of smaller files might work better than one large file - if you throw a large file at it, the xp startup may initialize but not actually run until the large file copy is done. You want the copy running at the same time as XP startup for a few seconds to pull it down just by 50MB or so.


    I just use IOMeter. It was a pain to figure out, but its the best solution. Stevero pointed me in the direction, and I put in some time getting it to work well - at first it was inconsistent and needed constant tweaking.

  7. Depends how strong the storage is you are using. I use iometer, which takes some tweaking, but once dialed in can be accurate within <10mb/s for XP startup... that's to pull down the areca which scores around 1000 or so uncrippled.


    On anything else, a file copy started just before pcmark starts did the trick for me. You could also use a copy wazaa app, or something like that.

  8. I've only gotten odd behavior on MTT2 on certain platforms with certain tweaks in place. Disabling visual themes or running in 256 colors on fmpad worked around that problem in MTT2. When the problem occurs, one of the bars in MTT2 progresses normally, while the other bar hangs until it completes, then the hung bar completes... You get a score as it doesn't report an error, but that subtest score is very low like between 0 and 2 or something. I'd be interested to hear if that fixes the problem for you.

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