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Posts posted by I.M.O.G.

  1. I think if you use the "prepopulate using previous submission" functionality the pictures are reused too, no?


    That is correct in my experience.


    tried the "search" -> "submissions" tool to find all my submissions but the result just shows wr, global, hw and cp points.



    but found it myself:

    after limiting the results to my username & Team Hardware Power Points set to <= 1 it shwos all results with hwtpp.




    Did you try the following? This is the easy way:


    1. Go to your user page: http://hwbot.org/user/oanvoanc/

    2. Next to Team Power Points at the top right of your page, click on GTPP or HTPP

    3. Look at the displayed team power points:



  2. you dont need to replace web browser for 100+ pages/sec, ie9 is more than capable of it


    Are you saying you've done it? I haven't seen any results or discussion anywhere about it.


    When you did 60, you said you were using a different browser:



    You didn't say anything when you did 110 on web page rendering a few days after that:



    Only one person doing 60+ on hwbot currently in web page rendering:



    Several people around 50+, which these tweak will do on Sandybridge:



    Not saying you are wrong, and not challenging you. Your comment was vague, looking to understand.

  3. On this topic, pro you had posted results on XS of replacing the browser. Scores of 60+ and 100+ on web page rendering. You never submitted to hwbot, as you knew it wasn't hwbot legal... but just out of curiousity, I tried to do browser replacement stuff to understand how you got those scores. I was never able to replace/rename iexplore.exe and get another browser to actually run the test. Any tips so others can understand how that was done?

  4. Slow for me currently. Was waiting for the homepage to load, came to the forums, found this thread, and I've posted this message now, and the homepage still hasn't loaded. 10:15 EST.


    EDIT2: Homepage has loaded finally. Just tried opening my profile and my team in separate tabs, they are thinking, but still don't appear to have started actually loading yet.

  5. My latest insulation application... About 30 minutes start to finish, ready to bench immediately. Ready for the worst, pretty much fool proof.




    If you want to clean it up regularly, this isn't for you. If you need to clean it up, cleans up easy at 200F in the oven, propping the board up so the vaseline runs off. If the oven isn't your thing, put the board in a box propped up to runoff with a hair dryer pointing in. Either way, most the vaseline comes off this way - a run through the dishwasher removes remaining trace amounts of residue to "like new".

  6. Can't say for sure, but I haven't noticed it in a couple days. I think its a daily issue really, but I'm not sure as I'm not always checking hwbot at consistent times. When I do see problems, usually I just check back later and I don't post about it. That was 10PM EST last night, I'll be streaming a session tonight, so I'll see if its accessible around that time again tonight and post back. Sounds like you guys have everything in place you need to track it down, so I'll try to be a bit better about reporting when I see problems.

  7. I don't have direct comparison with more than 4 cores with exact the same settings.

    Just found PCMark04 results with FX-4100 @ 6918 MHz and FX-8120 @ 6782 MHz:

    4-core: 49.3 web page rendering, 317 fps WMV - http://hwbot.org/submission/2231053_

    8-core: 55.2 web page rendering, 362 fps WMV - http://hwbot.org/submission/2240067_

    Don't look at Overall score, FX-4100 result was done with wrong Grammar Check.


    Windows was updated with AMD Bulldozer Performance Updates:






    Do you use WMV settings suggested in PCMark05 Tweaking Thread?

    I mean this: "Force NumThreads"=dword:00000002

    Try playing with other values ;)


    I replied back in the tweaking thread:


  8. I don't have direct comparison with more than 4 cores with exact the same settings.

    Just found PCMark04 results with FX-4100 @ 6918 MHz and FX-8120 @ 6782 MHz:

    4-core: 49.3 web page rendering, 317 fps WMV - http://hwbot.org/submission/2231053_

    8-core: 55.2 web page rendering, 362 fps WMV - http://hwbot.org/submission/2240067_

    Don't look at Overall score, FX-4100 result was done with wrong Grammar Check.


    Windows was updated with AMD Bulldozer Performance Updates:






    Do you use WMV settings suggested in PCMark05 Tweaking Thread?

    I mean this: "Force NumThreads"=dword:00000002

    Try playing with other values ;)




    I did set the registry value for the number of threads on fx-8120.


    This was hard set to 8 threads (just look at audio/video):



    This was hard set to 4 threads (just look at audio/video):



    The 8 threaded score was better, but I believe that was the result of Vista over Win7 and I was running higher clocks on the 8 threaded submission (I spent more time on it, and higher clocks were easier on that motherboard). That isn't a good comparison because many settings as well as the OS was different.


    I don't personally have any direct comparisons with similar settings either, but from running the bench a few dozen times on the fx-8120, it seemed to me that scaling stopped more or less at 4 cores.


    That said, I don't believe the encoder actually supports splitting out more than 4 threads (reference here: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/howto/articles/codecadvancedsettings.aspx - that isn't talking about wmencoder9, but even a newer version). Seeing as how it is doing a video and audio encode at the same time though, I suppose the video encode should be able to use 4 threads itself, and perhaps the audio can use several of its own... I don't know.


    Looking at scores however, the best 2600k scores are done with only 4 cores active and no HT. This tells me that its likely scaling stops at beyond 4 cores again.


    Not sure, just my inferences from my own benching and looking around.

  9. I think the whole leveling it up idea on hwbot is dumb tho. It is a contest not intended to be level. Some dominate, others are dominated.


    I think your idea is better red, but it again caters to the extreme and more skilled. The other idea could be won by anyone and sounds like a good just for fun comp. If it is down to efficiency, memory clocks and the knowledgeable tweakers will have a big advantage.

  10. The 8120 I used in the comp is the only 8120 I've owned, and the 1st of 2 Bulldozer's I've owned - I also had an FX-6100, but I sold that so I could buy other processors. I currently have no Bulldozer CPUs since the 8120 died in this competition. That is kind of a bummer. The 8120 was bought retail at microcenter.


    The 555 BE I used is the only 555 BE I have ever owned. Bought used via ebay. I also have a 970 BE which could beat my pifast score, and probably beat my pcmark score as well, but I'm not sure I want to run it because that means another 20L of LN2 at least. The only reason I still have the 970 BE is that I haven't been able to sell it, though I've been trying to so I can put that money back into the hardware fund as well.


    I have never bought more than 1 of the same model of AMD CPU though. Binning on AMD is less effective in my experience than just getting the most out of what you have. My air scores were competitive with top air scores, and my LN2 scores are competitive with top LN2 scores... I've never binned AMD.

  11. SAV: That is good proof of scaling. Do you have any proof of scaling beyond 4 cores? I haven't seen any scaling beyond 4 cores in any subtest.


    This is a mostly noob comment, but for the Video encoding test, once it is made multi-threaded, how many threads can it use?


    I haven't seen scaling past 4 threads testing on FX-8120 in this subtest. I haven't tested results much with other subtests and more than 4 cores.

  12. Maybe I'm being stupid...but don't contests like these only award those that already have the best hardware?


    I mean - nobody is going to win with a UD3 board...so what's the point? The guys with the best stuff will win. The guys that could actually use a nice new board get left out...


    Totally agree!!


    I don't own a Gigabyte motherboard. I had to borrow one from a friend on my team in order to take part.


    Still though, even if I win I still won't have a Gigabyte motherboard - I'm taking part to win the board for my team. Since my team helped me compete for it (taught me how to use LN2 and gave me the board I need), if I would win I'll have a giveaway to reward someone who needs a 990FX board.


    As for the board, if I had been given a UD3 I would have ran that... I think I would have been able to do about the same scores on it. I don't know that much about the UD7 vs UD3, however it looks like they both have 8+2 phase power, so thats all that really matters for raw benchmark performance in a contest like this.


    Do you know of any other features on the UD7 that make it advantageous? Multi-GPU support is better, but that doesn't benefit any of these stages.

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