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Posts posted by I.M.O.G.

  1. The Areca 1882IX is specced at 4700MB/s bandwidth. It also supports 4GB DDR3 1333MHz ram for cache. The onboard ram cache is what yields high general usage performance... With 3x maxiops or 5x maxiops, it yields 800-900MB/s Gen Usage if configured correctly. Gen Usage does not scale with number of SSDs between 3 and 5, in my experience. This can also be correlated with Stevero's 1880 using 15x hardware ramdrives, or mikecdm running an older areca with 2GB onboard cache (slower ddr) - these sorts of cards can push 600-900 gen usage due to caching, storage disks matter very little.


    What is housing the Fusion-MPT 2.0 IO Controller? Is this an LSI card? I would love to see some ATTO/Crystaldiskmark/ASSSD screens from this puppy.


    This is all I have handy for the Areca in 3x RAID0:


  2. Thats pretty much the problem I believe. A lot of people on hwbot use illegitimate keys.


    Without using a key, it is slower to find out your result - often times the benching machine does not have networking installed, so you transfer the result file off, and upload from another machine in order to see your result. If you have a key, it is much faster and easier to tweak and get runs in. For PCM05, it is critical to have a key to change the destination drive for storage tests in order to get top scores.


    I think its hard for hwbot, because they don't want the burden of enforcing the use of legitimate keys, and they don't want to make benchmarking less accessible.


    Futuremark makes a strong point though. Only one key need be purchased really, then anyone can submit as many things as possible, and everyone is already posting screenshots of their scores meaning they are using a key already.


    Dark side of overclocking and benchmarking - pirated keys and RMA abuse. :-/ Despite it, the industry has come around from disliking and discouraging overclocking, to promoting their products through it. Interesting to me the way things have changed over time.

  3. The CPU rankings are off by 1 rank as well in team rankings. This is the 5th score in the user global rankings, but the 6th score in the team rankings, however there are only 4 teams faster than me:





    I don't think it affects points, but it looks confusing.


    The world record stamps always are confusing as well. This score is 2nd now, but its still stamped with the #1:



    9th stamped #2:



    10th stamped #3:



    I never mentioned these because it isn't worth points, but these outdated stamps applied to many submissions could make the rankings confusing to look at. Global rank is accurate it seems, team rank appears wrong, and stamps are outdated.

  4. I agree, I think it might be something however that no one really knows what it takes - just on the right OS config, it screams. I had talked a lot with Sweet about his result before - he had multiple storage drives for his submission, so I had wanted to make sure the Revo was the one used on gen usage. I think hybridchiller made a solid effort to help me get the same sort of results too, but nothing he suggested actually worked on my setup. There's an X factor somewhere methinks. Just gotta find it. :)

  5. Thanks for chiming in - seems almost everyone with experience hasn't gotten the revo running real quick.


    I let someone borrow my 100GB revo a while back, in hopes they could do something right that I was missing... They found the same I did.


    I think there is a trick to making it scream in general usage. Unless Sweet's score wasn't repeatable, and just a one time exceptional score - I doubt that is the case though. I've never seen general usage bug high. Hybridchiller had used alternative drivers for the old revo he was on, which I tried as well, but it had no advantage on my rig. He gave me some pointers, but everything I tried didn't help to reproduce a good gen usage.


    I'm going to play around with different installs and pagefile settings.

  6. Nice web page score. I still haven't figured that out. Cool classic window border on PCM05 and aero on the others too. :D


    Transparent should have more, but the quality of that score all kinda depends on CPU speed so hard to judge your screen. Mine is a little better, but you are probably on stock or some crap. lol This was at 5.7, which helps transparent a bit, but there are little tweaks that give a bit extra, and others have done better yet: http://hwbot.org/image/747513.jpg

  7. I will update with more results and testing, probably tonight.


    I'll be trying to replicate the super high gen usage scores, or at least higher than 500MB/s in general usage.


    It sounds like everyone who has tried has never gotten higher than 200MB/s gen usage on the Revo, except a couple great submissions.


    I have some ideas to try however. Anyone have a tip on the best way to quickly "refresh" these drives? On the vertex3 maxiops I would use the bootable tools from OCZ to do a secure erase... Its a pain to do that however as it takes time. Any quicker way to do a secure erase on these and get back to original performance levels?

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