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Everything posted by johnamd

  1. my frieds cpuz 110.47 is failed,you have must cpuz 109.47
  2. The member oc Genie is out of rules again. because he doesnt clear mos. we can see this on first boot, the frequency on the system is 4.180ghz and he don't ghange the controler IDE=> AHCI. im sorry for all this!!!! Thank you!
  3. my frieds use intiliti (controlcenter)look it please massman (two reboot don t yellow oc genie .look) I tried with 875k
  4. use untiliti my friends is failed.
  5. The member oc genie is out of rules because he use utilities (control center by MSI). if use 875k the bios unlock selection super unlock technology. and lock the multiplier 25 and bclk 155. the member with control center upgrade bclk 155=>178. and restart the system. after we can't see the yellow worlds oc genie. Thank you!!!
  6. φιλε μου oc genie οταν εχεις πολαπλασιαστη 25 τοτε χρισημοποιεις τη λειτουργια στο bios super unlock technology ,τοτε αυτη η λειτουργια κλειδωνει το bclk σε 155 και το mult σε 25 . εσυ χρισειμοποιεις το utilitis (control center) μεσα απο τα windows , αυτο ειναι παραβιαση τον κανονων . επισης οταν κανεις reboot δεν εμφανιζεται στην οθονει η λειτουργια oc genie μρ κιτρινα γραματα. ειναι εκτος κανονων. ευχαριστω
  7. my friend oc genie when you have got multipler 25 you can use bios (super unlock technology)Then lock bclk 155 and multipler 25 .you use untiliti (msi control center)in from windows .be out Specific Rules look at this http://hwbot.org/article/news/rules_competition_59 too you have got wrong video look at this .i 'm sorry .too when you do reboot at black monitor under left there isn't yellow oc genie. please delete submission it.
  8. my friend when you have got multipler 25 you can use bios (super unlock technology)Then lock bclk 155 and multipler 25 .you use untiliti (msi control center)in from windows .be out Specific Rules look at this http://hwbot.org/article/news/rules_competition_59 too you have got wrong video look at this .i 'm sorry
  9. my friend when you have got multipler 25 you can use bios (super unlock technology)Then lock bclk 155 and multipler 25 .you use untiliti (msi control center)in from windows .be out Specific Rules look at this http://hwbot.org/article/news/rules_competition_59 too you have got wrong video look at this .i 'm sorry
  10. very good overclock ,but i think at Palace will not appeal
  11. hello massman,i can use 2 cpu different, one for sp32 and one for cpuz?(with two video different) help please.
  12. i think said to be better overclock yamahar1 from crimer.ha.ha.ha.
  13. i can use 2 cpu , one for sp32 and one for cpuz?
  14. display :competition limitation: your submission does not comply with red letters. (Only use the Core i5 2500K, Core i7 2600K processor. )
  15. hello massman. i have problem upload ( competition limitation: your submission does not comply Only use the Core i5 2500K, Core i7 2600K processor. )you can help please.
  16. des tis ypovoles me 680,670 se aytes tis sixnotites p.x. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/975361_steponz_superpi_32m_core_i5_670_8min_31sec_157ms
  17. I can participate from my team?
  18. I think i got the key twice. Do i need to return?
  19. when it finally begins HWBOT Rev.4?
  20. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2129475_johnamd_unigine_heaven___basic_preset_dx9_radeon_hd_5850_1111.08_dx9_marks
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