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Posts posted by l0ud_sil3nc3

  1. I have no problems with any systems at hwbot I don't see any issues here, sand bagging us a legit tactic why remove something that gives this sport that excitement of not knowing if your best is not good enough I love the thrill of dropping last minute.




    refer to sig:D

  2. Classifieds staff knows more about problems than members.


    Problems on ocf are rare. But I door knocked and repoed two items in the past year in Ohio. Not possible internationally.


    We have around 100 sales open any given day, and have a dozen or so disputes we mediate annually.


    Well of course disputes are going to occur, hence why trading at your own risk is advised.


    IMHO if you as the seller don't do your home work on who your buyer is and what their trade history is than the repercussions of this are all yours to deal with (and vice versa as well)


    I am sure the last thing the hwbot staff wants to do is police classified transactions and I understand this, hence why I stated it should be at the buyers/sellers risk.


    Also a dozen or so transactions over a course of a year is pretty good considering the numbers of transactions (100+ a day) you are dealing with in your forums.

  3. I think an open international market place is hard to handle as good as it sounds.


    An area for "trusted sellers / shops" (however they are choosen but kingpincooling and der8auer's shop would be in for sure if you ask me) would be a good idea.


    Why so?


    We have an international classifieds section in XS, and after numerous trades (both domestic and international) I have yet to have a bad experience. Trade at your own risk sounds fair to me, along with a post count minimum.

  4. Very good points.


    "+rep" as they would've said at OCN:p



    I hate OCN's rep system, I have been a member there for 3 years and still not enough "rep" to post in their FS section, oh well glad there are other sites.

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