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Everything posted by sumonpathak

  1. Ticket ID: 1171 Priority: High hi......\r\ni am an member of team Erodov\r\nhttp://hwbot.org/community/team/erodov\r\nwe need an custom signature with the API of the HWBOT signature engine included,hence the request.....\r\nplease inform me if its possible...\r\nthanks...\r\nsumonpathak\r\nTeam Erodov
  2. ^^^^+1 exactly my point.......... people who bench on low end hardware or not so popular hardware gets real low points! don't you think that's a bit unfair? i mean the efforts are real....you got to spend the same amount of time and energy to find correct voltage and settings for your processor for that dream superpi run...regardless of the fact whether you are goin to run it on an SEMPRON 140 or an I7 950....maybe the Sempron needs a bit more energy and time:P HWBOINTS are given in recognition for the effort...not the luck or money you have for getting the top end hardware......at-least i hope that was the main intention for the point system just my two cents...flame me if you want
  3. @above link please....
  4. btw.....if i run an 4 core "daneb" as "heka" core...will it be valid?
  5. nice one....good for determining CPU performance...need a little brush up on the cpu detection engine though...the launcher gives weird ratings at times.
  6. cpu speed is not detected correctly...huge diff of 70mh while detecting cpu speed
  7. will this benchmark be eligible for points in the future?
  8. downloading.......
  9. hi...can you guys fix this? http://www.hwbot.org/community/submission/2102278_ its 3dmark03 run...but the bot picked it up as 3dmark SE.......its not an country cup submission
  10. can some one tell me why my 3dmark 03 submission is categorized as 3dmark 2001se submission?
  11. http://hwbot.org/community/user/thebanik and http://hwbot.org/community/user/syedthedevil
  12. hi all..... i just wanted to know though there are multiple programs that gives HWBOINTS....why the programs under the "Memory" and "Motherboard" section are not included in this list? i am curious....please reply...... thanks
  13. hello guys...am a newbie in HWBOT...but not to overclocking...... i have one small question... why dont you guys accept this benchmarking app in HWBOT? http://www.virgilioborges.com.br/hyperpi/ i have tested the program and frankly its more relevant in today's scenario...... so can you guys add this application too? thanks sumonpathak INDIA
  14. there is something wrong with the HWBOT submission engine 2048 MB is getting detected as 2097152MB DDR3 SDRAM ...... mods please look into this... regards sumonpathak
  15. play with the timings bro........
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