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Everything posted by nachtfalke

  1. push PLL voltage a bit prehaps will help with this issue!
  2. ASP0907 is up6208 or uP6225 both use same pin out! yes, add +5vcc to pwm supply!
  3. a friend of mine required my skill to mod his card , for a contest here on hwbot , for anybody intrested about hardmod , tested fully working! i had no datasheet , so blind mode action:D gpu pwm FB default value measured to GND is 2.8 Ohm gDDR pwm FB default value measured to gnd is 1.024kohm
  4. SOLD!
  5. couple interesting GPU for sale , card are in mint condition! 1. Asus GTX 285 Matrix - very rare card , stock cooling never removed , never benched , perfectly working condition , this card don´t need gpu mod , it is software voltage for , only memory should be moded ...at buyer request i can shipped the card fully moded and prepared for subzero action! 2. eVGA 8800 GTX ASC3 - rare card , stock cooling never removed , perfectly working condition , at buyer request card can be shipped fully moded ( gpu/ram /ocp/llc) prepared allready for subzero action! 3.Sapphire HD 4870 /512mb - stock cooling never removed , tested ram and push over 1250mhz , witch means memory controler are very good too , is very important memory overclock in subzero action , because of gpu bottelnek if the mems are not enought pushed!, at buyer request the card can be modded ( gpu , mvddr , mvddq) 4. Asus 9800gtx+ Dark Knight - tested on my phase and able to bench his gpu at 1070mhz /1350 ddr.( hynix N2C- best IC´s for G92 chip) , vgpu is already modded FB and VID mod aswell , ddr not modded , at buyer request can be modded aswell 5. XFX 8800 GTS /640mb - stock cooling never removed , card in perfectly working condition , at buyer request card can be fully modded ( gpu , ram ,ocp/llc) 6. Leadtek WinFast 8800 GTS/320mb - stock cooling never removed , card in perfectly working condition , at buyer request card can be fully modded ( gpu , ram, ocp/llc) 7. Asus HD 3870 TOP - card was tested on chiller and modded ( after mod removed) if i remember corectly i was able to bench his gpu at 1150mhz and ram at 1300mhz-1350 , at buyer request card can be fully modded 8. Asus HD 4770 TOP - card tested on chiller , able to bench his gpu at 1150mhz and 1150mhz ram speed , card is vgpu modded 1.100€ 2. 50€ 3. 55€ 4. 45€ 5. 35€ 6. 35€ 7. 30€ 8. 30€ gpu pack 360€ shipped in Germany is free if you buy hole gpu pack! , other EU region please PM for a shipping quote! shipping worldwide if you cover shipping expenses. payment via Paypal ( buyer cover fees or as gift) , Bank trasfer
  6. GT3 seems to be bugged ...this submision should be removed!
  7. SOLD! please close!
  8. payment pending ..
  9. Pm-ed back!
  10. up , intrested in a trade with 5960x!
  11. if you use x16 pci-e slot ( first one) for gpu will be much better...
  12. thanks! up for a good bench single stage!
  13. my last SS is a beast , 2HP compressor , 1.2kg twin loop evap with dual cap tube.....it hold heavy loads without any problem ...haswell E chip at 1.55v real temps read -5 on all cores !!in heavy loads like wprime, cinebench ...
  14. is not important what temps you ran on the evaporators , the internal chip temp are important , so i mean DELTA T should be lowered as possible if you know how....for what you had -55 on evap and the chip are at + degree? check with real temp .....that mean heat exchanger between chip and evap are out of range!!!! my 6700k at 1.6v in XTU read all 0 degree ...that mean chip are under sub0 temp ....but my evap is at -48 that mean evap made a good heat exchange with the heat sources!!
  15. Dont have 5960x but it's same arhitecture...20 load i dont have even at 1.67 vcore...... Gesendet von meinem SM-G930F mit Tapatalk
  16. Check my Submission with 5930k at 1.5vcore real DMM 1.53V Gesendet von meinem SM-G930F mit Tapatalk
  17. 20 degree load at only 1.344vcore? seems your SS it has problem..
  18. even 1.6v on skylake and conventional cooling can´t 77 degree load without help from a compressor cooling(chillers/tec) or ice in water cicle they are many people here with chillers that can controlate the water tank temps! to stay a bit above to the temps rule!
  19. up! also i accept trade with last gen hardware +/- difference if is need!
  20. back on sale was a misunderstanding regarding shipping , can´t shipped this unit on another continent , shipping ONLY europe!
  21. payment pending!
  22. +1 Gesendet von meinem SM-G930F mit Tapatalk
  23. i´m selling my good unit because in the last months time alocated to overclocking are less , one reason are the actually prices on the newest hardware on the market , witch kill the legacy 3D , old hardware and overclockers too . this unit is responsable with many of my submission here on hwb! can bench universal hardware , because of his universal mounting kit´s, all kind of cpu´s and gpu´s aswell .. tunned for about 300W load at -43*C to -45*C unloaded -54 to -57/-58 depens of what ambiental room is! , for example now in the august month 30 C+ degree room , -55*C i made this unit few moths ago , was done for me only , not for sale purpose.. all parts are NEW with invoice , compressor and condensor , also line set is from BartX , including suction line , evaporator and mounting kit... all CNC quality. specs: compressor: rotary 11000 BTU/h , 19,3ccm , overload protector included by manufacture and suction acummulator that any rotary used( one reason that i love rotaryes) condensor : LU-VE Contardo STVF-16224 Air Cooled Tubeless Steel Condenser , 1385W use Lu-Ve because is one of the best quality condensor of the market , they are small at the same capacity compared with another condensor brand!, material used are steel!! XV: 1mm refco cap tube 20 g Alco filter dryer 4 digit digital thermometer with PT100 sensor probe! base plate: multiplex with 4 gumy legs ( 30x15mm ) for siting on the desk/ vibration less! evaporator : stepper BartX rev2.0 45mm diam 50mm tall , universal mounting kit. suction line steel flex DN12 with protection steel mesh , about 1,3 meter long! R507 refrigerant! also i want to mention that all joints are brazed with cuAg5% rod , and ports of the condensor with CuAG55% and evaporator aswell!! i´m asking about 750 euros , in Germany i cover the shipping , other EU region buyer cover the shipping! bank transfer or paypal (buyer cover fees) unit will be shipped ONLY in EU , because of his weight via DHL!! and because the compressor will work only 220V/50Hz
  24. we use different board , but the issue seems to be the same , code 00 all time don´t need to understand in word what i´m try to say , just use your imagination! the cpu are NOT dead!! he don´t make a good contact in socket with some pin´s now my platform work again some pic for you, and for others with this issue!!
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