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Everything posted by SF3D

  1. I quote myself from the thread I made in to crew section year a go. This is from July 2009. Of course this idea have evolved already and we have some better ideas about the points and name etc. Hopefully this will show you guys that we have though these issues long time before these current threads here.
  2. No worries! I can handle criticism well. But you could write your thoughts and so could everyone else. If we have more opinions, it is more easy to evaluate things.
  3. You are talking only few months back in time.. This evolution have been going on few years now. Slowly in to this direction we are heading now. I feel sorry about most of the stuff which is happening lately. Year 2009 was full of S**t and this will be worse.
  4. I think we all can ask, when did everything go wrong?
  5. http://www.storyofmylife.com/
  6. Here is short video of this bench session http://www.youtube.com/user/SF3DOC
  7. Well..possible hardware sharing and ES vs. Retail discussion are two different topics. No need to be mad. They do what they think is best for them.
  8. There is nothing I can do about it. Life is not fair like I said earlier
  9. I tried with humour, but it did not work. OK. How much money is involved in extreme overclocking? How well do you get paid by submitting WR to HWbot or any forums? I would understand these emotions, if there would be a lot of money involved. Then it would be normal. I don't understand why these hardware things have to be so serious to so many people. It is overclocking, nothing else. If you have strong emotions and feel really unfair, take a deep breath and think again. No ones life will not be ruined if Hicookies chip can reach 7GHz. We should be happy when hardware is pushed to it's limits, but no. Let's all cry together and sing some beatles... "Yesterday, All my troubles seemed so far away, Now it looks as though they're here to stay, Oh, I believe in yesterday.... Take it easy and peace for all!
  10. Damn, I tried to have date with Miss Finland, but she decided to go with NHL hockey player who earns few millions in a year by playing with black rubber thing. Damn..life is so unfair
  11. Hi all! I picked up 20 liters of LN2 last friday. Then modified the card and did some runs tonight. This setup ate the LN2 in 1,5h so I couldn't push it too hard Well here is the setup: ASUS GTX 480 ASUS Rampage III Extreme Kingston HyperX 2133 CL8 Antec 1200W Win 7 64-bit Nvidia 257 beta drivers :shocked: Vantage: http://service.futuremark.com/compare?3dmv=2226859 I was almost finishing GT1 in Vantage at 1300/2600/1200MHz, but it crashed and did not get the end frames. Performance scaling is huge, so 35K is easy, if I can rerun at same clocks. This is looking good for some more A0 madness
  12. That is simply because you got pre production (not retail) sample which have different chill controller. That is the cause of those weird temp issues. Last weekend we did some runs with no cold bug ES and no cold bug retail My retail was able to handle -160C too. So, those judgements are solely based on your personal experience and I think it should be mentioned. Now it looks like it is a common trend to have worse scores with R3E I think R3E is very hard board to beat in any aspect. That is my opinion and thats all
  13. Thanks Guys! Here is the full quality picture:
  14. Thanks a lot guys! ASUS is giving great support for overclockers. I got the Xpander board as well, so I can start to prepare homeruns. 4-way SLI is very powerful indeed, but GTX 480 is pain in the a**
  15. Hi all! ASUS Nordic or to be more exact, Kinc invited me and elmor to bench in their office. Idea of the benching weekend was to get used to GTX 480. We got 8 cards and first they were V modded and then tested separately on LN2. One of the mods were not correct and we lost a lot of valuable time and resources. In the end we did not get any high scores or the scores we wanted and estimated. Typical conversation was like this: "It should work, just trust me" and you can imagine where that took us :rofl: But in general, weekend was perfect and we got huge amount of very important experience and information, so this swedish duo can produce some nice scores in the near future. I have to say few words to GTX 480 - I hate you and I love you at the same time :shrug: Thanks ASUS and Marcus for the weekend. Hopefully we will do this again soon :up: Setup: ASUS Rampage III Extreme ASUS ROG 4-way SLI extension board ASUS GTX 480 x 8 Silverstone + OCZ PSU's Corsair GTX 2 memory SF3D OC Inflection point LN2 cooling Win 7 64-bit Here is some random 2D scores we did between 3D tests: Superpi 1M @ 6682MHz: Superpi 32M 6515MHz with medium efficiency: Pifast (WR) @ 6668MHz: Quite good, if you ask me Quick 3DM05: Vantage with single GTX 480 Vantage with 4- way SLI: We did not get more scores after that because all possible problems appeared like PSU failures etc. We used retail 980X with one memory stick and there was no cold bug. Even there was more than enough bad luck, first score is ok :up: Pictures frome weekend: That's all! New 4-way SLI scores will come soon from the dynamic duo :up:
  16. That is a nice CPU there! Good to see AMD getting better on air as well.
  17. Nice review! Good to see these small enthusiast boards too. This could go to my HTPC, if I could get one from Finland. Thanks for posting!
  18. All PM's will be answered guys. I try to answe as soon as possible to all questions. Thanks!
  19. Nice that someone do these review test with decent CPU speed. It is so stupid to see tests done at some low level basic CPU's. Nice work Tudor!
  20. Hi all! After months of testing and fine tuning, my baby is ready to go out. She is easy to handle, she can take huge loads and she will be cheap to take :rofl: Here are some sample Core i7 980X scores and that is beta 2 in there. Intel Core i7 980X -Round number one! (Pifast, 3DM05 overall and 3DM05 single GPU WR) - XtremeSystems Forums Here are some sample AMD Phenom II X6 scores: http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?t=251049 Specs: Weight - 2.1kg Height - 135mm Diameter - 78mm Here are the pictures of it: These are made in Poland by Ryba and his friend. Reason for using Poland as a product place is very simple. Everything costs at least 3x less in there. Costs of this type of product in Finland would be ridiculous. Now I can produce these with a lot more lower costs :up: Quality is very good, thanks for that Marcin! That's all! Interested? Contact the producer: ryba [at] purepc.pl
  21. Latest bios: http://sf3d.pp.fi/RampageIII-Extreme-ASUS-0534.rar
  22. Yes. Nvidia + XP will give best CPU score in 3DM06. It should be ok in my tests. I got around 13.5K score with ATI + Win7 @ 6300MHz.
  23. Mark- in the shots where is x8 are done with card in second slot or with multi card configuration. I have not seen this x8 bug, which have been present in some other boards. Pieter- That is a bad science In my "previews" I always upload these full pictures. They should load pretty quickly from my own server space.
  24. Some test results on aircooling and on LN2. Systeem specs: ASUS Rampage III Extreme Intel core i7 980X B1 ES Kingston 2133 CL8 Elpida Hyper kit Sapphire ATI Radeon HD 5870 Vapor-X (4kpl) ASUS GTX 285 Antec 1200W OC PSU SF3D OC Inflection point LN2 pot. This particular ES B1 processor is not a very good specimen. Coldbug -165C°, but there is no scaling after -155C°. CBB -104C°. LN2 mode is helping the overclocking with some particular CPU's Aircooled results. Maximum speed on normal room temp (23C°): Vantage Cinebench 64-bit Wprime 32M Superpi 32M (OK efficiency) On Ln2, some scaling can be seen Efficiency in 3D tests is very good. Low clock run, because there was some issues with VGA Cinebench is very heavy for uncore and ram with 64-bit. This is so called safe run Wprime could be runned at 6070MHz 3DM06 CPU at 6GHz clocks Vantage CPU test is a good meter about CPU overclockability 5.9GHz is not a bad result for B1 ES processor. Efficiency was almost there. Sub 6 minutes would have been possible, if system would have been able to run any higher. Uncore and memory were limiting me at that point.
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